Subscribe to our NewsletterEagles Emergency Board Meeting Minutes from 5/28/24
Eagles Emergency Board Meeting
May 28, 2024
Board Members Attending: Jeremy Ohlsen, Katie Ohlsen, Brandee Mitchell, Jackie Gable,
Jason Gable, Erin Noel, Jessica Collins, Morgan Jimenez, Rick Jimenez, Teri Levitt
Meeting called to order at Belotti Field
- Discussion regarding what to do for the summer since the number of players committed
to the Eagles may not be enough to field a team to play in tournaments, etc.
- It was decided that we would pull out of all of the out of town tournaments and not travel
this summer, except for maybe some same day down and back to Ukiah given that 12
players are willing to commit for the summer. We would play in our tournament and play
the Crabs as well as the local teams. We would reduce the price to play. Erin will put
numbers together to see what it would cost to break even without the travel. Erin made a
motion to approve this plan. Teri seconded the motion. All voted in favor, except Rick
abstained from voting.
- Would like to honor commitment to play the Crabs. Would like to see if any Eagles
alumni would be willing to come and play for just the Crabs game on June 5th. We would
not charge them to play in just this single game. Katie made a motion to approve this
plan. Jessica seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
- Meeting adjourned. Next Meeting June 4th.