Eagles Board Meeting Minutes from 6/4/24

Eagles Board Meeting
June 4, 2024
Board Members Attending: Jeremy Ohlsen, Katie Ohlsen, Brandee Mitchell, Jackie Gable, Erin
Noel, Morgan Jimenez, Teri Levitt
Meeting called to order at Belotti Field
- Meeting minutes from the last 2 meetings were emailed to board members for review.
Erin motioned to approve the minutes as written and sent out. Teri seconded and all
members present voted in favor.
- Jeremy reported that the insurance for the 17u team will be refunded and that it may
take up to 2 weeks for the refund to be sent. A refund will also be sent from the area
commissioner for the fees for the 17u team.
- Discussion on what the updated fee should be to play for the 2024 summer season. It
was decided that the fee for the summer season would go from $2000 to $1000. Katie
made a motion. Erin seconded. All members present voted in favor of the new fee.
- Jeremy will cancel the Eagles' participation in the Alameda tournament.
- Discussion regarding how to reduce costs for the season and it was brought up
potentially cancelling the Belotti Field rental since the cost had increased to $2000 per
month. Jeremy reviewed the contract with Redwood Acres and the organization must
give a 30-day notice to cancel. It was decided to keep the field rented for the remainder
of the summer season.
- Jeremy will talk to Tommy Gale and some of the players about getting a list of players
willing to commit for the summer season to see if there are enough players to have a
season, or if the season needs to be cancelled.
- The roster needs to be entered by June 25th. All money for player’s fees should be
turned in by June 16th.
- Discussion of help for Crabs game beer serving fundraiser. Have enough volunteers who
have completed the alcohol serving certificate. Morgan will make a tip sign and Katie to
bring a tip jar.
- Meeting adjourned. Next Meeting June 24th at the Ohlsen house.