Pool Players-General Participation Rules

August 5, 2024

Pool Players are sometimes necessary, not only to get games in, but to help teams meet the weekly financial obligations.  That being said.

Effective immediately.

Teams may accept Pool Players during the regular season only.  

All Rostered players must bat before any Pool Players!  This is protestable.  If the infraction is caught before the Pool Player bats, no penalty if corrected immediately.  If the Pool Player actually bats before the Rostered Player, then an out shall be declared.

If there are any issues, original scorebooks must be made available to League Administration.  The umpire must note any protests and details.  

Ideally, most teams bat 12.  There is no limit to the number of Pool Players that can be utilized.  

Rostered players MUST be given priority to bat!

Rostered players SHOULD be offered defensive positions before Pool Players, but this is not mandatory.

Please remember that good will and sportsmanship are priority!