NYSGBOA Uniform Requirements

A. All members of NYSGBOA shall wear the approved uniform of this organization.
Failure to do so shall prohibit said Local Board and its members from officiating in post-
season play, including sectional, regional, and state finals; and shall place said Board and
its members on probation for a period of one (1) year.
B. The official uniform of NYSGBOA is to be:
1. Black state approved jacket with official NYSGBOA patch.
2. Black and white striped V-neck state approved shirt worn inside pants.
3. Black dress slacks (no denim or corduroy).
4. Black socks.
5. Black shoes.
6. Black belt (if necessary).
7. Black lanyard/whistle. (Local Boards may allow the use of pink whistles and lanyards
during special cancer awareness events and/or tournaments, all officials must have
similar color whistles and lanyards)