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[The following is intended for informational purposes only, please check our website and or email us for additional information]
- All Baseball divisions are co-ed.
- All Softball divisions are girls only.
- All programs/divisions offered are subject to final registration numbers and availability of sufficient managers and coaches for each team.
- A player's assigned division is determined by their "Little League Age" NOT their "school grade."
- See info and links below about how "Little League Age" is determined by Little League International.
- Tee-Ball (LL Age 4 & 5)
- Mustangs/Coach Pitch (LL Age 6 & 7)
- AA/Kid Pitch (LL Age 8)
- AAA (LL Age 9 & 10)
- Majors (LL Age 11 & 12)
- Juniors (LL Age 13 & 14) [60/90 field]
- Seniors (LL Age 15 & 16) [60/90 field]
- Note: The cut-off date for Little League Age determination for Baseball is 8/31 of the year of the seaon being registered for.
- EXAMPLE: Say you are registering your child for the 2025 Spring baseball season, if your player is currently 9 years old and turns 10 years old between 1/1/2025 - 8/31/2025 they are considered to be "Little League Age 10" for all of 2025; But, if they turn 10 years old between 9/1/25 - 12/31/2025 they are considered to be "Little League Age 9" for all of 2025.
- AA (LL Age 7 & 8)
- AAA (LL Age 9 & 10)
- Majors (LL Age 11 & 12)
- Juniors (LL Age 13 & 14)
- Seniors (LL Age 15 & 16)
- Note: The cut-off date for Little League Age determination for Softball is 12/31 of the preceding year of the season being registered for. As such, if you are registering your child for the 2025 Spring Softball season, her "Little League Age" for all of 2025 will be whatever age she is as of 12/31/2024.
- EXAMPLE: If you daughter turns 10 years old on 1/1/2025, she is still considered "Little Leage Age 9" for all of 2025 as she was 9 years old on 12/31/2024.
- Any LL5 age Tee Ball player who has one prior season of Tee Ball experience is encouraged to request to "Play Up" in Mustangs (Please make such request in the "Special Notes" section during the registration process).
- Any LL7 age Mustangs player, who is in 2nd grade (Spring), and has one season of Mustangs experience, is encouraged to request to "Play Up" in AA. (Please make such request in the "Special Notes" section during the registration process).
- Note: While KLL will generally grant the requests noted above, all such requests are at the discretion of the KLL Player Agent and Division VP, and must be approved by the KLL Board, and are made in the best interests of KLL considering factors including, but not limited to, the registration numbers in each division.
- Spring season runs from April through June; Spring registration usually runs from December - March.
- Summer season runs from July through mid-August; Summer registration usually runs in June.
- Fall season runs from September through October; Fall registration usually runs in August.
- Tee Ball/Baseball --- Games are SUNDAY mornings, start times are either 9:00 am, 10:30 am or 12:00 pm and will vary each week; Practices are usually one time per week on a weekday as determined by the team Manager. (Despite best efforts to mitigate, there will be inevitable occasional conflicts with any player also playing AYSO)
- Mustangs/Baseball --- Games are SATURDAY mornings, start times are either 9:00 am, 10:30 am or 12:00 pm and will vary each week; Practices are usually one time per week on a weekday as determined by the team Manager. (Despite best efforts to mitigate, there will be inevitable occasional conflicts with any player also playing AYSO).
- All other older Baseball and Softball divisions will have a highly varied game and practice schedule. They will typically play at least 2 games per week and have at least 1 practice per week, often more as the age increases.
- KLL will provide each player with a jersey, cap and socks.
- KLL provides each team with bats, batting helmets and catchers gear (as applicable), however many players at all levels bring their own bat and batting helmet.
- Players must provide their own glove, baseball pants (white) or softball pants (black), protective cup (as applicable) and baseball/softball cleats (soccer cleats OK)... NO metal cleats, ever.
- Sliding shorts and chest protector/heart guards are strongly recommended.
- Softball specific:
- Softball players must provide their own fielding mask.
- Any player pitching must utilize a chest protector/heart guard, the same is strongly reccomended for all other positions as well.
- For "Non-Competitive" divisions (Tee Ball, Mustangs and Baseball AA and Softball AA), the respective division VP will devise the rosters.
- For these "Non-Competitive" divisions only, KLL will accept and make every effort to grant teammate/manager requests. Priority will be given based upon the date of registration.
- For "Competitive" divisions (AAA and above), there is a "Player Draft" by the team Managers which determines the rosters.
- In "Competitive" divisions no teammate/coach requests will be considered except in extreme or highly unusual circumstances. For example, carpooling convenience, desire to play with a “best friend” and or other similar situations are not considered to be extreme or unusual circumstances.
- For "Competitive" divisions, there is a "Player Evaluation" day to assist Managers in making Draft decisions. The player evaluation is NOT a tryout - there is no tryout for KLL - all skill levels are welcome and encouraged to play.
- All KLL rosters must be approved by the KLL Board.
- KLL typically enters Baseball/Softball AAA (10U) and Baseball/Softball Majors (12U) teams in the Little League Tournament (commencing at the end of June each year).
- Tournament Team rosters are collectively selected by the Managers of the teams in each relevant division, in consultation with the Division VP and Player Agent. This is typically done towards the end of the Spring season.
- Tournament Team rosters have a max of 12 players on each.
- The express goal of TT roster selection is to pick the group of 12 players who give KLL the best chance to compete in the Little League Tournament.
- Please note, there is a "minimum" number of KLL games that a KLL player must particpate in to be eligible for TT selection (please inquire with the KLL Player Agent as needed before the year starts as the required number may vary depending upon the anticpated schedule).
- Depending on the year, registration numbers, circumstance and available staff, KLL may seek to have an internal "All-Star" game in particular divisions.
- All Tournament Team and or All-Star rosters must be approved by the KLL Board.
- We need volunteers of all kinds (especially Managers and Assistant Coaches! Please volunteer during registration and or contact us!
- If interested in sponsoring a team or signage at one of our fields, please contact us!
- Please check our website (www.KensicoLittleLeague.net) and social media (Facebook, Instagram) for updates on Registration, Parent Info Night, Coahces Training, Winter Clinics, Opening Day Parade Party & Showcase Game, Picture Day, Trophy Day/BBQ and a host of other important dates and information!
- For any KLL family who may require it, financial assistance with registration fees can be requested from KLL. The applcation is available under "Forms" on the top of the Home page. Please email the form to: Nick DeCicco, KLL Vice-President, at KLLplayerReg@gmail.com.
- There are also various other resources, such as the T-Mobile Little League Call Up Grant, which can assist.
- Please email: Nick DeCicco, KLL Vice-President, at KLLplayerReg@gmail.com