Once again Shooter Bob will be taking pictures for BMSA. Dates will be Wed June 4th & Thurs June 5th. Times will be posted once teams are made, and posted on our Facebook page. All photos will be at the ODD Fellows Hall 14004 Belmont Rd (beside Belmont Farm Supply) If you are not able to make your team's time you are welcome to come at another time on the 4th or 5th. Every player and coach will need an envelope (provided to coaches the week before, envelopes will also be available the night of pictures. Each player will receive a team photo with purchase) Payment can be made with cash, etransfer (please note the child's name and team) or credit/debit.

Special requests available (eg. players in the same family,  or coach/player)  

Anything further please contact Dione at info@belmontminorsoccer.ca