CVC Spring March 2025 Meeting

CVC Spring March 2025 Meeting 3/9/25 1pm @ Bridgeville Fire Hall  

CVC Spring March Declaration Meeting 3/9/25 1pm @ Bridgeville Fire Hall

The CVC March Declaration meeting is scheduled for Sunday 3/9/25 at 1pm at the Bridgeville Fire Hall at 370 Commercial Street, Bridgeville, PA 15017.  The meeting agenda is as follows:

1) Role call 

2) Pay registration fees / provide rosters with players(if available now), must provide coaches info, home game info and no play dates .  Link to Roster Form

  • If you cannot attend the meeting you can email your completed roster forms to CVCLEAGUE@HOTMAIL.COM and send check for fees payable to CVC to the address of the Treasurer: Shane Franchick 1414 Critchfield Dr  Bridgeville, PA 15017
  • League Fees:
    • 6U - Free
    • 8U - $85 per team
    • All other ages slow and fast - $85 per team if you provide proof of USA Softball Insurance, otherwise $110 if you do not have USA Softball Insurance as fee ($30) is being passed along to teams

3) Important dates for meetings and season start/end/playoffs

  • April Managers Meeting 3/30/25 @ Bridgeville Fire Hall (370 Commercial Street, Bridgeville, PA 15017) starting at 12pm @ Bridgeville Borough Building - Managers Meetings by age group to discuss rules and handout schedules.  8U identified volunteer umpires invited to 8U timeslot to understand rules.  All CVC Umpires are also invited to attend.
    • 12:00 pm - 6U T-Ball
    • 12:30 pm - 8u
    • 1:30 pm - 10U Slow
    • 2:00 pm - 12U Slow
    • 2:30 pm - 15u Slow
    • 3:00 PM - 18u Slow
    • 3:30 PM - 10U Fast
    • 4:00 PM - 12U Fast
    • 4:30 PM - 15u Fast
  • Season Starts for all ages except 15u Fast 4/21/25
  • Season Starts for 15u Fast 5/7/25 but have option to play earlier if not impacted by high school ball
  • Season End for all ages except 15u Fast 6/15/25
  • Playoffs Start for all ages except 15u Fast 6/16/25
  • Season Ends for 15u Fast 6/22/25
  • Playoffs start for 15U Fast 6/23/25

4) Roster / Draft Rules:

  • Fast Pitch - You cannot have more than 2 out of school district players per team
  • 8u - You must have 75% of players rostered in your school district
  • Slow Pitch - You cannot have more than 4 out of school district players per team
  • You must evenly split the number of players between mutiple teams for the oldest age of an age group. For example, if you have 3 teams in 10u age group you must divide the teams equally at the oldest age
  • Use the players age per chart below to calculate age  as of August 31st of the prior year (8/31/24) for Spring season



5) Vote in new organizations to join CVC - Elliott and Etna for 18u Slow Pitch

6) Organizations that want to host playoffs.  CVC has access to Washington Wild Things Park to play 4 championship games 6/19 and 6/23.  Will decide which 4 divisions to choose.  Thanks to Moon Twp contacts with Robert Morris Softball Coach Jexx Varner, we are playing the rest of playoffs at Robert Morris University softball field 6/22 for 12u slow, 15u slow and 18u slow, 12u fast 6/24 and 15u fast 6/26.  Potential hosts for earlier rounds to be voted on in March Meeting:


  • West Mifflin/Munhall - 10U or 12U Fast
  • Findlay Twp - 12u Fast
  • North Fayette - 8u, 10u Slow, 10u Fast, 12u Fast
  • Munhall - 8u
  • Chartiers Houston 8u or 10u fast
  • Twist - 15U Fast
  • TJ - 10U or 12U Fast
  • Brentwood - 15U Fast
  • Canon Mac - 8u
  • Oakdale - 15U Slow
  • Moon Twp - 10U Slow
  • Kennedy Twp - 18U Slow and/or 12U Slow

7) Final plans by Organization: