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3Ball Updates, 3Ball Team Practices/Games/Standards
I wanted re-enforce a couple standards we have for 3Ball team players. As referred to in the 3Ball team invite, we have had a longstanding requirement that 3Ball players are encouraged to balance the enjoyment of playing multiple sports, being with friends and playing as much basketball as they desire. However, 3Ball is not accepting team players that utilize 3Ball as their 2nd basketball priority. This applies to missing scheduled 3Ball practices & games. If your player misses practices or scheduled games for another basketball activity (different team, game, workout, practice) and does not notify 3Ball coaches, this breaks the standard & affects their standing within a 3Ball team.
Without fully explaining all the previous instances, a simple reason for this rule is the amount of planning uncertainty for coaches and the uncomfortable feeling that ensues for the player/coach/teammate within our team & training atmosphere.
Our coaches & I feel a responsibility to offer perspective from previous players that have done this & some of the unintended consequences. The best example I can give is a player that once played on 3 different teams locally. He decided to prioritize his 3Ball experience, but decided to "cruise" in order to conserve energy for all the other basketball he was scheduled to play. Long story short, he was quickly passed by other players in regards to playing intensity, camaraderie & trust within teammates and most importantly what it meant to be completely engaged in the moment he was playing/practicing. He quit basketball during his sophomore year. In his defense, I'm not sure his parents realized that his over-committed youth activities absolutely influenced his later years.
Additionally important is the atmosphere and training expectations that kids are exposed. There are infinite styles of teaching/coaching. And while you will never hear me or one of our coaches say that our style is the best, we have efforted and evolved into teaching and expecting many transferable skills that HS & college players boast. We have a plan (right or wrong) and we expect our players to grow within that plan. There is also the challenge of re-teaching & correcting habits. Re-teaching habits and expectations is a significant challenge for 3Ball coaches, thus we encourage parents to evaluate what additional "teachings" they are exposing to their player. In large part, maximizing training habits (& meaningful reps) for youth players eventually decides their "ceiling" as a player.
From a 3Ball perspective, when 3Ball team players compete against 3Ball teams in the same division/age group as their primary 3Ball team, it is more dissenting than you probably realize. It is typically difficult for youth players to have the mature perspective and thick skin to absorb some of the residuals of what inevitably happens. Typically the kids get over it quickly, but trust me that "parent chatter" to other kids is one of the most destructive actions for young players. Unfortunately, it is something our coaches can not control.
3Ball Fan/Parent Decorum
Hey all,
As our coaches and I help in coordinating the Sunday games and getting our teams up to speed, there are a couple reminders that I feel important for continued development/participation within our program. While our coaches and I feel very lucky to have an active and supportive parent group, an occasional update can refresh as we start a new season.
First, it has always been a pillar of our program to try to teach/expect very good practice habits. For many players, this takes time and is the basis of their long term improvement. The first week of practice was a start and each team, coach and player will have much more work to do. At this age, practice habits have big influences on game play results.
Equally important is the perspective needed for game play, game results and parent/fan decorum. While these leagues are competitive with scores/records kept, 3Ball will continue to utilize this league primarily as a teaching/learning opportunity. Primarily garnered from previous experience and the many successful players that have graduated the program, our teams play a certain style that can/will eventually offer a disciplined player the roadmap to become a HS player. As for game results, there will be inequities. As fans/parents we must cope/understand this reality.
As for fan decorum, there is no quicker way for player participation to be reconsidered in our program than to have parents negatively affect players, coaches, refs with their comments or body language. Comments at games should be directed positively towards teams/players/refs.
If you want to coach your player in a game or want to know what to say to them, please contact me and start attending our practices so that you can reinforce what our program teaches/expects. Fan participation in our program does not include coaching your player selfishly from the sidelines or telling him to shoot, pass, score. General comments encouraging effort and good plays are primarily acceptable. For fans that attract referee attention in a negative light, this will not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly.
Our program is far from perfect, but we will continue to expect training standards that in many cases are just above player abilities. This, in part, will eventually raise their level of play even if occasional game frustrations arise. Our program will continue to expect parent decorum that is supportive and reflective of encouragement.
Thank You,
MWozniak & 3Ball Staff