Parent Information


Where Pride, Excellence and Commitment is our foundation.

Welcome to the Alabama Cardinals Basketball Club. We hope this experience is everything you hope for and more. The leadership has over 20 years of combined knowledge and experience.

Why are we here? The staff and volunteers do this to give those student/athletes that want to play at the next level the opportunity to play against the best in the country and compete for scholarships.

Every player must complete the evaluation phase of the program. Teams will be selected according to age, school grade, and individual abilities. Attending evaluations does not guarantee a spot on a roster. This is a highly competitive sport, therefore rosters are chosen carefully. When a player is chosen, there are things that a player must do to stay on the team. Team fees must be paid by the due dates that will be provided. Payment dates will be given by the head coach of each team. Grades must be satisfactory according to the AHSAA. All practices will be mandatory.

A tentative breakdown of the fees will be provided after evaluations. Please understand that the list has not been set in stone. We try to get as much out of our fees as possible. But sometimes, we must pay for what is best for our teams.

Items to be included in the package will be determined later.

If you have any questions about the fees, please direct them to the Administrative Director , Rosharon Wilson, who can be reached @ 205/747-9077 or email:

Practices will determine the success of your team. We expect our players to be on time and prepared to practice when they walk into the gym. Proper practice clothing will be discussed by the head coach. Practice sites and times will be determined by the coach. Practice locations may vary because of scheduling conflicts. We will do everything in our power for a team to have a home gym, this does not always happen. If you know of a gym that would like to provide a space for your team, please let me know in advance so that they may be added to the insurance. It will be the responsibility of the parents to make arrangement for their child to get to and from practice.

Player and parent conduct will be the cornerstone we build on. Parents, keep in mind that the coaches and staff are volunteers. We are not being paid to help your children. Therefore, we ask that the coaches be treated with respect. Please address any problems or concerns to me. No profanity is allowed to or toward our staff and coaches. Fighting will not be tolerated in any shape or form. Removal from the roster will be immediate if fighting happens between players or parents. We want to present your child as a marketable asset. College coaches look at the family as well as the player.

Once again, welcome to our small family.

LeAllen, Rosharon, Keith, and Torrey
Go Cardinals
