May 4, 2007
Play for 2007 can commence anytime. Valid current handicaps are necessary. Handicaps as they are determined on the computer at Garrison. For those of you who went south and golf those scores are NOT PERMITTED for your Waterfield Cup handicap. I repeat, no scores from out of the country permitted.

White tees until July 1st

Blue tees July 1st. That also means blue tee handicaps.

The final is to be played on or before Saturday, September 22 so schedule your games accordingly.

Check out the team info for player restrictions and playability.

The following will be in effect for all Waterfield Cup matches:

The rules of golf are to be followed in spirit with the penalties as predetermined. No member of either team is to call a penalty on the other if the opportunity was there to advise the opponent ahead of or during the potential rules breach. eg "Hey guys, do we all have 14 clubs?" or "Careful not to alter the lie in the long grass or break off some branches on that tree before you take your swing."


In the case of a potential lost ball/ball in a hazard, a provisional can be played without declaring it such. If the original ball is found, the entire group is free to offer reasonable comment as to whether the original ball is playable as it lies or offers reasonable relief with a two club length unplayable. If the group agrees that the original ball would not be played in any way except by returning to the previous position, the second ball is deemed to be the replacement ball with no need to return to the original spot and hit a third legally dropped ball. No one is going back to re hit if the provisional/non provisional offers a solution.

14 clubs.

etc etc.