Want to be a team player? Contact Captain Derek Fowler and help out the Moose this year

October 30, 2009 – 11:00 AM
Are you interested in becoming a team player with the Detroit Moose off the ice? Contact Team Captain Derek Fowler at 734-751-1199 or email him at dfo193731@aol.com. Do you like what you see and read about the Moose team and are thinking about sponsoring or participate in a charity event or even helping out you and your family along with your children come join us giving back to the community. We would love to have you join us.

We love the game of hockey and work regular day jobs;
We pledge to give back 100% of your sponsorship money back to our community or to help out where ever possible.
If you have an idea or suggestion and you would like to share it with us; Lets work together and make this planet a better place for all us showing that "Hockey got Heart"!

"Don't wait until tomorrow to make a difference today"

The Detroit Moose is the defending 2007 regional and national Hockey North America National Champions and our sponsors include Kocur Enterprises, JGM Valve, Double H Manufacturing, www.doublehmfg.com, Harlow Tire, www.harlowracing.com, 203 Custom Car Works, and a group that supports friends and families of never forgetting the victims of 9/11.