Alpha Phi Delta Brooklyn Alumni Club


2022 Father's Day Pictures

Team Photo on a beautiful brisk summer day.  APD won the first game 9 - 3 versus perennial powerhouse Tom's Vikings, and dropped a 9 inning game 7 - 6.    In addition to have 5 members in the 500 Hit Club (Caldarella, Gadiotti, Narciso, Mike I, and Lenore), there are three families with quite the number of hits:

    Iacovellis (Mike, Adam, Marc):  1017

    Caldarellas (Joe, Greg):  866

    Parmegianis (Zeke, Leo, Ralphie, David):  858


2019 Father's Day Team Photo

2018 Father's Day Team and Family Photos

APD had a great turnout for the annual Father's Day game, as we had a fan turnout of over 20 people, and 17 players.  Fans went home happy as APD played well and split the doubleheader.

2016 Father's Day Game Photos

June 19, 2016

2016 Father's Day Team Photo


The 2016 Father's Day doubleheader had our largest turnout this year (17 players) plus 15 family members cheering us on.  The team did not disappoint the fans on this day as APD came back twice to take two games from Marie's 12 - 7 and a dramatic 7th inning come-from-behind rally in the 7th inning to finalize the sweep 3 - 2.    The game winning rally was started by Marc Iacovelli and Greg Caldarella (appropriate on father's day) with back to back singles to put the tying run on base.   RBI singles by Joe Merlino and Len Plantemoli knotted the game at 2.   Late inning defensive replacement Billy Simmons came to the plate and with APD's 5th consecutive single plated Merlino with the go-ahead run! 


The children and wives that came out on this beautiful day!                        

Children in attendance

2015 Softball Team Photo

2015 BAC Softball Team









The 21 brothers pictured at the final game of the 2015 Season for the BAC Softball team. In this, the 39th year of the team, we have seen 113 players representing 19 different chapters play, including 10 current players under 30 years of age!   This year saw 3 pairs of biological brothers who are APD brothers playing:  Marc and Adam Iacovelli, who joined their father Mike; Joe and David Mattioli; and Nick and Matt Marter.






Standing: Ralphie Parmegiani, Ralph "Zeke" Parmegiani, Dan DiIorio, Chris Gerdau, Adam Iacovelli, Dave Mattioli, Rick Trieste, Joe Mattioli, Mike "Scooter" Iacovelli, Marc Iacovelli, Mike Manniello, Nick Marter, Greg Caldarella
Front Row: Billy Simmons, Rob "Plumber" DeMartini, Jay Rattigan, Coach Joe Caldarella, Pete Gaudiuso, Luis Castillo, John "Trip" Tripodi, Lenny Plantemoli, M.D.
Not Pictured: Scott Giammarino, Leo Parmegiani, Matt Marter, Seth Damergy, Tony Amato

2014 Father's Day Photos

 Team Photo      

The 2014 Softball Team celebrated Father's Day with children and wives in attendance cheering us on!




And here are the happy husbands with their beautiful and ever-so-supportive wives!








And the fruits of our labor, the next generation!   Some active (Marc & Adam Iacovelli, Greg Caldarella, Ralphie and David Parmegiani, and Will Fiore), and some are in AAA.  Nice seeing three generations under Team Patriarch and eternal third base coach, Zeke Parmegiani!

2013 Father's Day Team Photos

2010 Summer Convention a huge success with over 240 in attendance!

August 7, 2010
Some of the over 240 attendees gather prior to the Saturday night awards dinner. The BAC was well represented at this year's convention. The Anasatasio, Fiore, Parmegiani, Iacovelli, Narciso, Gemelli, Palamarik and Preite families along with Mike Manniello and Pete Gaudiuso were all there. Check out the 2010 Convention album for plenty of photos.

BAC leads Legends to victory over Undergrads at Summer Convention

August 7, 2010
The BAC contingent poses after leading the APD Legends to a 9-8 victory over the undergrads at this year's Summer Convention. Over 240 attended the Convention at Split Rock Resort in the Pocono's. Pictured are Ralph Preite and son, Thomas, Mike Manniello, Mike Iacovelli and sons, Marc and Adam, Pete Gaudiuso, Charlie Fiore and sons, Michael and William, Rick Trieste, John Palamarik and son Ryan and Gene Gemelli.

Team celebrates Father's Day with 1st win!

June 20, 2010
After dropping our first 15 games, the team picked up our first win of the year 4-3 over the Outlaws on Father's Day. In honor of the day, the Dad's on the team posed with their kids. Zeke Parmegiani with sons Ralph and David and David's sons Joe and David. Joe Narciso with daughters Samantha, Sophia and Grace. Mike Iacovelli with son Adam. Joe Caldarella with daughter Jenna and son Greg. Jay Rattigan with daughter Hadley.

Some APD History

Final softball practice

April 3, 2010
The softball team held its last practice recently. 11 of us got together @South Beach field in SI on a pleasant Spring morning. A few more practice photos can be found in the BAC/Team Photos section on the left.

2010 Fantasy Baseball Draft

April 1, 2010
BAC brothers, family and friends gathered at the home of Joe & Janet Caldarella to hold the draft for our 21st season of Fantasy Baseball. It is consistently one of our most entertaining gatherings. Pictured are seated L-R: Mike Iacovelli, Bobby Cucco, Joe Caldarella, the defending champion team of Greg Caldarella and Chris LaBarbera, Tony Amato, Tony's brother-in-law Tony, William Fiore and Charlie Fiore. Standing: Ed Urena, Mike Manniello, John Loddo, John Bruno, Len Plantemoli, Pete Gaudiuso and Joe Narciso.

Fraternity Publications

The latest issues of the Kleos, Chapter Letter and the New York, Long Island, Pittsburgh and North Jersey alumni club newsletters are available for download in the Newsletters section.

Theta Beta/Softball Team Reunion 2010

March 5, 2010
With Doug Awn back in town visiting from North Carolina, Theta Beta brothers had another reunion at our usual gathering spot Connolly's in midtown. 12 brothers enjoyed an evening of stories old and new. In the photo from left to right Emil Coscarelli, Mike Ceciliani, John Palamarik, Doug Awn, Keith Love, Mike Iacovelli, Tony Pizzino, Pete Gaudiuso, Andrew Taddei, Charlie Fiore and Matt Cioffi. In attendance earlier but not pictured were Bryan Grimaldi and Leo Parmegiani. Check back for info on the next reunion scheduled for late Summer/Early Fall!

Our 34th season comes to an end

August 15, 2010

Team gathers for a post-game breakfast following the end of another season of family, fraternity and fun.

Inauguaral Fantasy Football Draft

September 8, 2010

Joining the Club's longstanding Fantasy Baseball League, 9 BAC brothers and 1 son met at Joe Caldarella's house for the Inagural APD BAC Legends Fantasy Football Draft. 12 teams in 3 divisions (Zeke, Charlie, Neil) will compete for the championship. Seated from L: Commissioner John Palamarik, Joe Caldarella, Rick Trieste and Mike Failla Standing from L: Todd Cusato, John Bruno, Pete Gaudiuso, Mike Iacovelli, Joe Narciso and Greg Caldarella. Tom Modica and Ed Urena took part remotely.

2010 BAC/NYAC Golf Outing!

September 18, 2010

Over 30 brothers and friends gathered on a beautiful late summer day to take part in the 2nd Annual BAC/NYAC Golf Outing at Silver Lake Golf Course in Staten Island. The outing raised money for the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation. There are many more photos from the day available in the BAC Team/Photos section.

Columbus Day Parade 2010!

October 11, 2010

Well over 100 brothers, pledges family and friends marched in this year's Columbus Day Parade celebrating our Italian heritage! The BAC contingent of Victor Popolano, Emil Coscarelli, Ralph Preite, Mike Iacovelli, Rick Trieste and Pete Gaudiuso joined brothers from NYAC, NJAC, LHVAC and undergraduate entities as far away as Colorado! It was a truly great day for APD and we even got on TV for about 25 seconds! Please check out the photo album for more pictures.

Many New Photos Added

October 11, 2010

The following Photo Albums have been added or updated:

Columbus Day Parade 2010
Golf Outing 2010
Convention 2010

BAC Meeting Held on February 4

The first BAC meeting of 2011 was held in New Providence NJ and attended by Emil Coscarelli, Peter "Prez for Life" Gaudiuso, Mike Iacovelli, Joe Narciso, Ralph and Ralphie Parmegiani, Jeff Breen, Charlie Fiore, and Victor Popolano. We have our standard calendar of events for the year, we will be raising $5000 more for the BAC Scholarship to get it to $40K to make it a 4 unit scholarship and the second largest award we offer (feel free to send a check for $5K to make the fundraising easy for us), discussed numerous centennial activities that are underway and how we can participate in a formal fashion, but talked too much and the card game never happened.











BAC at District Christmas Dance

December 4, 2009
Some of the BAC brothers in attendance at the NYC District Christmas Dance. From left Charlie Fiore, Mike Manniello, Tony Pizzino, Ralph Priete, Mike Iacovelli, Don Ferone, Pete Gaudiuso and Gene Gemelli.

Golf Outing 2009 is a Success!

September 19, 2009
Over 30 brothers, family and friends took part in the annual golf outing that was co-sponsored this year with the New York Alumni Club at Silver Lake Golf Club in Staten Island. We were blessed with a spectacular end of summer day and raised over $2,600 for the Alpha Phi Delta Foundation!

Large Turnout at Convention 2009

August 2, 2009

BAC at Convention 09 in Lancaster

August 2, 2009

BAC at Xmas Dance

December 5, 2008
BAC brothers and wives enjoying themselves at the 2008 NYC District Christmas Dance

2007 Theta Beta Chapter Reunion

A group of Theta Beta alumni ranging from induction year 1973-1990 reunited at Connolly's Pub for a wonderful evening of food, drink and nostalgia! This has been an anuual tradition since 2001 and we hope to have the next one in the Spring of 2008 be bigger and better. Pictured from left to right: John Palamarik '84, Pete Gaudiuso '82, Mike Manniello '83, Carl Gargiulo '75, Neil Anastasio '73, Jeff Uliano '76, Tony Zumbo '90, Ozzie Gonzales '77, Frank Polverino '86, Gene Gemelli '80, Mike Iacovelli '81, Tom Modica '75, Charlie Fiore '73, Fred DeCicco '78.

For more pictures, click on BAC/Team Photos and open the Theta Beta Reunion 2007! Photo Album!

Third Annual BAC Broadway Brunch

November 18, 2007
For the 3rd consecutive year, a group of BAC brothers, wives and family met in the Theatre District for a Sunday Brunch followed by a matinee performance of a top Broadway show. This year we met at the South Side Cafe right across the street from the theatre for an "Italian Style" brunch. We then took in the next-to-last performance of Mauritius, a captivating drama with an outstanding cast at the top of their game. Our group posed outside the theatre following the performance. Ronnie Manniello, .. Passinisi, Pete Gaudiuso, Nancy Parmegiani, Mike Manniello, Jr., Sal Passinisi, Mike Manniello, Leo Parmegiani, Joe and Janet Caldarella, Zeke and Terri Parmegiani

Softball Team Stays Alive in Playoffs

July 29, 2007
After a dreadful 2-9-1 regular season, the team dropped its playoff opener 7-6 in the bottom of the 7th inning. The team rebounded the following week to stave off elimination by beating the Black Dogs 13-8. This Sunday, the team continues its do or die quest to reach the finals with an 8:30 game vs. long time rival Haugen's Heroes. If successful, there will be a second game at 11:00 vs a TBD opponent. Why not come to Willowbrook park to cheer the team on this Sunday. Directions can be found on the website.
POSTSCRIPT: The season ended for the team with an extremely tough loss to Haugen's. We couldn't hold on to a 7-run lead going into the bottom of the 7th (last) inning. The game was tied and we eventually lost in extra innings. First practice in March 2008!

Pittsburgh Alumni Club visits New York

June 7, 2007
7 brothers from the Pittsburgh Alumni Club made a road trip to our area. First stop Yankee Stadium where they joined some New York Area brothers for a Yankees-Pirates game. On Day 2 some of the group joined Charlie Fiore, Mike Iacovelli and Pete Gaudiuso for a day of golf at the Royce Brook GC in NJ. The rest bravely ventured back to the Stadium to sit with the Bleacher Creatures for game 2 of the series. Though the Yankees won both games, the PAC guys had a great time and we are planning to go on the road with them next year to catch a ball game somewhere else in the US. A pdf file of the trip with photos and commentary can be found in the Newsletters/Documents section on the left.

Bishop Ford High School Honors Dr. Charles Garbarino

March 21, 2007
Bishop Ford High School in Brooklyn honored Dr. Charles Garbarino with a Humanitarian award at its annual Charter Dinner. Charlie has served multiple tours in the Middle East as a physician with the New Jersey National Guard. Congratulating Charlie are brothers Tony Siconolfi and Gary Vitta. We all congratulate Charlie as well for this honor.

BAC on Broadway II

November 12, 2006
For the second year in a row a group of us took part in a Brunch and Broadway event. The afternoon started with brunch at the Playwright Tavern and was followed by a matinee performance of the Tony nominated musical "The Wedding Singer". Here's our group outside the theater following the performance.

Narciso's Pilot Wins 2 Awards

September 18, 2006
Our very own Joe Narciso's comedy pilot "Split the Difference" won 2 awards at the New York Television Festival. Here is the Hollywood Reporter headline:

NEW YORK -- The New York Television Festival wrapped up here with an awards ceremony on Sunday with animated pilot "Squid Dragon Legend" and comedy pilot "Split the Difference" taking home two awards each. "Squid Dragon Legend," a comedic anime-inspired pilot produced, written and animated by Nick Cogan, won the award for Best Animation Pilot and the MSN Artistic Achievement Award, which went to the show with the best potential for application on the Internet. The latter includes a $10,000 cash prize and a development meeting with executives from MSN Originals. "Split the Difference," took home the award for Best Comedy Pilot and the viewer's choice TV Guide Audience Award. The show is a mockumentary about a television advertising agency and was directed by Bruce Hurwit, written by Joe Narciso and executive produced by Hurwit, Narciso and Mary Egan Callahan.

The show is currently "in Development" at NBC. The pilot can be seen at MSN videos by searching "Split the Difference". Please note there is adult language and content.

Annual Golf Outing

September 10, 2006
17 brother, friends and family took part in our annual golf outing at La Tourette Golf Club in Staten Island. We posed for this group shot at the 1st tee.

Softball Team Still Alive in Playoffs!

August 13, 2006
After a 3-3-1 start, the BAC softball team lost its last 6 games of the regular season and then lost its opening playoff game. Facing elimination without manager Joe Caldarella and the Villanova trio of John Anastasio, Seth Damergy and Jay Rattigan, the team won consecutive "come from behind", "win or go home" games. Under the capable?? leadership of interim manager Joe Narciso, APD came from 4 runs behind to beat Haugen's Heroes and 8 runs behind to beat Black Dogs. Can the team continue its improbable playoff run? Why not come down to Willowbrook field this Sunday morning @ 11:00 AM to cheer them on.
POSTSCRIPT: Once again our season came to an end at the hands of our nemesis and eventual league champions, Tom's Vikings

2006 Convention Draws over 160!!!!!!!

August 7, 2006
Over 160 attended this year's Summer Convention in Hershey, PA including 72 brothers. The largest attendance in 20 years! I can't overstate how great a time it was for everyone, young and old. More details will be in the next newsletter. For the time being you can look at the 2006 Convention photo album. Next year's convention is booked for The Chateau in Tannersville, PA in the Poconos. Check out and start making plans for next year now. We haven't had 200 at a convention since 1979 and that's the goal for next year. The BAC softball team will be celebrating its 30th anniversary and we plan to have some festivities at next year's convention.

Yankees Welcome BAC

July 29, 2006
Yankees welcome message to the club captured on film!

Theta Beta Reunion 2006

June 1, 2006
A small group of Theta Beta alumni gathered at the Beer Bar in Grand Central Terminal for a reunion. Pictured from R to L: Sam Khoury, Bryan Grimaldi, Pete Gaudiuso, Tony Zumbo, Joe Logozzo and Anthony Buffalano

Good Luck Doug!!!!

May 18, 2006
On Thursday, May 18, the BAC got together at Connolly's in Manhattan to give a send-off to Doug Awn, who is relocating to North Carolina for his new job. We will definitely miss Doug and Suzanne a great deal and wish them much luck with their move! Pictured are: Joe Narciso, Mike Manniello, Pete Gaudiuso, Len Plantemoli, John Palamarik, Guest of Honor Doug, Mike Iacovelli, Matt Cioffi and Ralph Preite

Softball Team Begins 30th Season with a W!

April 30, 2006
The Softball team began its 30th season with a victory over traditional rival Haugen's Heroes. You may notice one of us in the team photo wearing a golf shirt. Sadly, long time 1st basemen and clean-up hitter Doug Awn is hanging up the cleats for the golf clubs as he relocates to North Carolina. You'll find other pics in the 2006 Season Photo Album.

Plumber aka Hondo aka Rob DeMartini ... Tying the Knot!

March 1, 2006
Yes, the rumor is true, our own Rob DeMartini, also known as The Plumber, has made a commitment to tie the knot! No, this is not the knot on his cleats that enable him to frequently grace the front pages of T.W.I.D notes, but the permanent kind of knot, a lifelong bond that begins with a ... bachelor party! Congratulations to the happy couple, Rob and Theresa!

Xaverian Honors Narciso!

December 1, 2005
Xaverian High School in Brooklyn (the alma mater of many BAC brothers) honored Joe Narciso as a Distinguished Alumnus. The honor was given to Joe at the President's Gala held at the Waldorf Astoria. In the photo are BAC members joining Joe to celebrate the honor. Seated from L-R Ralph Parmegiani, Steve Palermo and Tony Pizzino. Standing from L-R John Palamarik, Len Plantemoli, Mike Iacovelli, Guest of Honor Joe, Pete Gaudiuso, Ron Lumachi and Charlie Fiore.

BAC on Broadway

November 13, 2005
15 BAC brothers and families went to see a matinee performance of the Tony Award winning Best Musical Spamalot! On an unusally mild November day, the group first met for brunch at the nearby Chelsea Grill and then made their way to the the theatre where, someone who shall remain nameless losing their tickets aside, they were thouroughly entertained! The BAC theatergoers pictured are from left at various heights The Nameless One, Sofia Narciso, Mike Manniello and Mike Jr., Pete Gaudiuso, Len Plantemoli, Suzanne Awn, Joe and Janet Caldarella, Doug Awn, Terri and Zeke Parmegiani, Dominique Iacovelli, Mike Iacovelli and Samantha Narciso. You will find a few more photos from the day in the Photo Album Section.

APD Brothers @ Pegasus

Brothers in attendance at Pegasus: Charlie Fiore, Garry Kosteck (joining us from the North Jersey Alumni Club), John Palamarik, Frank Marino, Pete Gaudiuso, Gene Gemelli, Zeke Parmegiani, Joe Caldarella, Joe Narciso, Mike Iacovelli, Leo Parmegiani, Doug Awn, Mike Manniello and kneeling in front, Ralph Parmegiani, the event organizer.

Another Great Evening at Pegasus for the BAC!

October 7, 2005
For the 3rd consecutive year, a large group (27) of BAC brothers and families got together at the Pegasus Restaurant in the Meadowlands racetrack for an evening of dining & wagering. Though the rain forced many horses to be scratched and the Yankees were in the process of losing game 3 of the ALDS, we all had a great time. Plus, we got to see the Red Sox eliminated! The 3rd race of the evening was named after our group and Mike and Ronnie Manniello and Leo and Nancy Parmegiani were in the winners circle to present the winning jockey with the BAC cup! Above is a picture of the better halves in attendance. Standing from left: Ronnie Manniello, Rosaria Iacovelli, Suzanne Awn, Lisa Marino, Terri Parmegiani, Janet Caldarella, Jenna Caldarella and Gail Fiore. Kneeling are Caroline Fiore, Gina Gemelli and Nancy Parmegiani.

Summer 2005 Photos Added

Photos have been added to the following Albums from our events over the summer:

Team Photos (2 new)
Pool Parties Over The Years (3 new)
2005 Convention - New album

Here's a sample:

Theta Beta Reunion

March 15, 2005
A group of BAC alumni from Theta Beta Chapter (NYU) in the 80's got together for their annual mid-town Manhattan reunion. The evening started at the very hip Whiskey Blue bar in the W hotel on Lexington and concluded at our regular table at China Moon restaurant. Pictured above are (l-r) Pete Gaudiuso, Joe Narciso, Tony Pizzino, John Palamarik, John Bruno, Dino Vitale and Frank Polverino

Scholarship Fundaraiser A Success!

January 21, 2005
Braving frigid temperatures, 12 brothers got together at The Gamut for a fundraising social benefitting the newly created BAC Scholarship Fund. Leo Parmegiani got behind the bar to serve drinks and all his tips for the evening were donated to the fund. Making sure Leo was kept busy were Doug Awn, John Bruno, Rob DeMartini and his girlfriend Teresa, Charlie Fiore, Pete Gaudiuso, Bryan Grimaldi, Joe Logozzo, Joe Narciso, Ed Urena, Dino Vitale and Beta Omega brother Marco ?????. The usual complement of stories were shared, gift certificates were given out and we also found time to sit down for dinner. Hopefully this will be the first of many similar events.

Seeking to put rumors to rest and to fly in the face of his Manager Joe "You don't have a girlfriend" Caldarella, Rob De Martini hired a lovely young lady to accompany him to the evening's festivities. Making sure to eliminate even the smallest hint of impropriety, The Plumber prepped his "date" with various factoids, allowing her to give an air of familiarity with his life. He even went so far as to devise an elaborate scenario surrounding how they "met" and began dating. The brothers assembled were suspicous from the beginning, as not only was "Teresa" if that's her real name, lovely, well spoken, charming and clearly intellectually superior to Rob, though that's not difficult, but she also laughed at our lame jokes and stories. The jig was up however when "Teresa" was heard asking Rob himself, "Who the hell is Hondo?" Nice try, Plumber!

Alpha Phi Delta Scholarship

Alpha Phi Delta Scholarship was founded by the brothers of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity, the National Italian-American Heritage Fraternity. Scholarships are awarded based upon academic achievement, extra curricular activities, letters of recommendation and financial need. All fraternity brothers and their family members are eligible. Applications are available each spring.

Visit the Scholarship Web Site for more information.

Pay Dues On-Line

June 2, 2003
You can now pay your Alumni Club Dues on-line by credit card. Just click on "Pay Dues On-Line" in the menu bar to the left and then click on the Paypal button.

Game Statistics Now Available!

In Game Results and Teams/Roster sections. Click on the game or player to see individual stats.

Alpha Phi Delta Brooklyn Alumni Club - Founded in 1930

This web site is dedicated to all past and present members of the Brooklyn Alumni Club of Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity. The club has grown well beyond its roots in Brooklyn and is currently comprised of members from New Jersey, Westchester, Connecticut, Long Island, Staten Island, and yes, even a few still in Brooklyn!

Do you have a news item you would like us to post or any comments on this site?
Would you like information on the BAC or to be added to our mailing list?
Do you need more information on Cooperstown?

Browse the site, sign our guestbook, enjoy! See APD BAC Links for related web sites, check out BAC News for on line club and team happenings, see Team Photos for more and more photos over the years! And don't forget the BAC Calendar for upcoming events ... remember that you can actually see people in person, in addition to reading about them!