• Welcome to 2023 Season !!


12/10/2023LCMB LEAGUE 50 PLAYING RULES - Amended 7, December 2023. 1. Players must be 50 years old to play by the end of the calendar year. 2. All MLB rules apply except as noted below. 3. Players must sign the league waiver which will also be the official team roster. The roster must be submitted to the league before game one of each session. Players cannot be on two rosters in the same age group. 4. A team must have at least 8 players to start a game. Any team may loan a defensive player to the other team. There is an automatic out (at the end of the lineup, should the player not arrive in time to hit last) should a team start with 8 players, unless another team loans a player(s) to bat for the other team, for the duration of the game. 5. A team must bat at least 9 players should they have at least 9 players. 6. After the game starts, teams may skip an injured or a player who must leave for work or family consideration, in the lineup without penalty even if the team no longer has 9 batters. A skipped or injured player may not return to the game, once his spot in the lineup has been skipped. However, no team can play with less than 8 players. 7. Should a team drop below 9 batters due to an ejected player, then there is an automatic out in the ejected player’s spot in the batting order for the remainder of the game. 8. Borrowed players must be placed in the lineup after the normally rostered players. 9. Borrowed players may not pitch. It is the spirit and intent of the borrowed rule that if a team not borrow the most highly competitive player(s) to win a game. Fill in making fair choices to not upset the balance of the game. All rostered players at the game must get an at bat when borrowing another team player(s), unless agreed to between the managers at the start of the game that a rostered player refuses to hit. 10. A starting pitcher that leaves the field must sit out 6 outs before returning to pitch. A relief pitcher may come back to pitch if they stay on the field. If a relief pitcher leaves the field then he may not pitch again in the game. 11. A relief pitcher must pitch to 1 batter. 12. A pitcher must be removed after 4 hit by pitches unless the opposing manager allows the pitcher to stay. 13. Unlimited defensive substitutions 14. No stealing of bases. Use common sense on the definition of a steal. A 3-2-2 count for a forced runner is not considered a stolen base attempt. 15. Any runner may advance one base on a wild pitch/passed ball. A wild pitch/passed ball is defined as leaving the dirt circle in any direction, back, side or toward the mound. A base runner can only advance to the next base IF the ball touches the grass. In the event the ball stays inside the dirt circle and any runner has taken a lead any defensive player can throw to the original base for a force out. If a defensive player makes a throw to a base the runner must return to the base and tag up before proceeding to the next base. However, the throw to the base is a force out. In the event of a bad throw/error for the force out, all other runners not being forced out, may advance one base. 16. No suicide squeeze only a safety squeeze. The runner at third can take a standard lead but cannot be running without pause while the hitter is in the batters box before contact with the ball. 17. No fake bunt and swing. The batter will be called out. 18. Courtesy runners must be the next available last out. A runner may not be a courtesy runner twice in the same inning unless there are extenuating circumstances. The manager can opt to skip the pitcher or catcher and not require them to be the courtesy runner. The spirit and intent of this rule is stop the fastest players to constantly be on the bases and impact the game. 19. Mercy rule: 15 runs after 7 innings, but there is no time limit in games unless the field assigned has a time limit or another game scheduled. 20. Both managers must agree for a player to change teams during a session. Players cannot move to another team if they owe fees to the team they are moving from. 21. Player suspension appeals will be held prior to the team’s next game, or held at a later date if decided by the commissioner. 22. Umpires are paid $50 per team per game, regardless of how many innings are played. IF the league fails to cancel a game 1 hour prior to the start and the umpire arrives at the field, if due to field conditions or forfeit he will be paid one half of the fee by the league. IF a forfeit game the forfeiting team pays the umpire the one half fee. 23. Pick offs are allowed at all bases and are a force play, not tag is needed. Balks are called on pitchers per MLB rules. 24. Leads are limited to 9 ft. from the base with a three step secondary lead. 25. Base runners must slide or veer to prevent contact at all bases. 26. The commissioner will receive $50 per team per year.27.Uniforms, baseball pants (no shorts)number jersey and a baseball hat . Team uniforms or prefered  .

Welcome to the Lee County Men's Baseball League LLC


We play games on Sunday mornings in Lee County  , Cape Coral, North Fort Myers and other places. 

We are a 50 & 60 age  league !!  The level of competition is good, most participants have been playing ball right along and many play in tournaments throughout the area. 

We play all year long  ....

New players are welcome.  If you are interested in playing in our league, please email  Bob Willoughby  at ray221gun@yahoo.com or text/phone at 239-406-3626 





LCMB Over 60 Baseball League

0ver 60 additional rule amendments along with Sunday league amendments Pitching 1. All Pitchers are capped at 5 innings per game. 2. If a pitcher hits three batters he is removed from the mound. He can play other positions. 3. NO attempted pickoffs by pitchers allowed. Running 1. No baserunner can be thrown out at 1st if the batted ball lands in the outfield grass. The same for a runner going to 2nd if the batted ball hits the outfield grass. Same for 3rd base. Home plate has to be earned. 2. If a runner attempts to advance two bases there can be an attempted throw to get the runner out. This includes the batter. This includes all runners as follows: runner is attempting to go 1st to third, 2nd to home. 3. Throwing to home plate to get a runner out has no restrictions. 4. The Catcher is allowed to attempt to pick off runners at 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. 5. Leads are limited to 9 feet. Runners may take a 3 step secondary lead once the ball is released by the pitcher. 6. Substitute Runners- use especially for pitchers and catchers. Since we are older and able-bodied runners are not many, whoever can run will suffice instead of the last batted out. Pinch run for anybody that needs it but do not use pinch runners to gain a competitive advantage. 7. Slide to avoid. If you are going to be out on a play at a base, especially double plays, slide or run out of the base path to avoid being hit by a throw. Batting 1. Must use wooden bat, helmet with at least one flap. 2. Bunting is allowed. At no time can a runner from 3rd base score on a bunt. Scoring Teams can score up to 5 runs once in an inning. Then they can score up to 3 runs. If any team is still trailing after scoring 5 runs in an inning, the inning will be allowed to continue until the trailing team takes a one run lead. The 9th inning is unlimited runs for each team. If tied after 9 we will check the time. Game time length is 3 hours. If enough time remains, we will play one extra inning. If not, the game will end in a tie. Amendment- if both teams score 5 runs at any time, a team again can score up to 5 runs in an inning again. For example, the visitors score 5 in the 1st, home team gets 5 in 3rd. This gets reset so that each team can score up to 5 again. Page 1 1-20-23 Other…. 1. No player will be allowed on the field before signing the waiver and release. 2. All players must be 60 years old. No exceptions. No turning 60 that year, you MUST be 60 to get on the field and play. 3. This is recreation ball. Yes, we want you to be competitive on the field…..no swearing or unsportsmanlike conduct will be tolerated. We are for the most part senior citizens….act responsible and act your age athletically! Sunday league amendments to be used Pitching - Can throw from full windup or stretch Batting - If a batted ball reaches the outfield grass the batter cannot be thrown out at first. This is long time rule enhanced by above additional amendment. No fake bunts and then swinging away. Batter will be called out. Running - Runners can advance one base only when the pitched ball goes outside of the home plate dirt. Cannot advance from third to home. Slide to avoid. If you don’t slide on a close play at the plate you will be called out automatically. Avoid any and all collisions. Fielding - No hidden ball trick, No faking a catch and Avoid runners at all costs. General Rules 1. The purpose of this league is to provide a baseball environment for the older player. Have fun, with a premium on safety. Every step will be taken to ensure that games are run properly and without harm to its participants. 2. Games are 9 innings long, 9:30am to 12:30pm. If a team wants to shorten the game for any reason it must be agreed to by each team. No mercy rule. We come to play, many driving over an hour. If you’re getting blown out, who cares, just play the game, finish it up. 3. Advancing on passed balls/wild pitchers. Once a ball has left the home plate area dirt a player can advance a base without re-touching that base. No advance to home from 3rd base. 4. Game lineups: if your opponent would like a copy, please provide. 5. Batting order – Everybody bats. Shared lineups and line sharing are not allowed in this league. Everybody bats! 6. Minimum players - you need 7 players to play, with your opponent agreeing to help in the field. Less than 7 is a forfeit. 7. Additional rule: runners at third base cannot advance on wild pitch/passed ball. 8. Player ejections – anybody thrown out of a game will be subject to a review of his actions. Anybody intentionally attempting to injure a player, verbally abusing an umpire, etc. We’re too old for these shenanigans. 9. Keep game moving….warm up pitcher if catcher needs time; 5 or 6 warmup pitches per inning; have courtesy runners ready with helmets on; in and out quickly 10. Game cancellations – you will be notified by me as soon as possible.
