- BAABA is a member of the Indian Nations Basketball Conference
- Forms Tab for flyers
- fmi Email: bahoops@tulsacoxmail.com
Welcome to Broken Arrow Youth Basketball
Registration for 2024-2025 is Closed
Dates set for the upcoming season as well as some basic information for the season can be found by reviewing our registration flyer. The flyer can be found under forms, registration flyer. Any questions please email us at bahoops@tulsacoxmail.com.
Registration is closed.
COST: Early Bird discount 9/23/2024-10/4/2024 First Child $205, Second Child $190*, Third Child $175*; After 10/4 price changes to $220, $205, and $190 respectively to pay minimum or to receive *family discount note siblings on each registrations and modify the payment amount accordingly during checkout. Minimum payment at time of registration is $90 (registration will not go thru without payment). Balance due Dec 1. A late fee of $20 will be added & must be paid by cash/check only. All credit card pmts done online thru the email link received at time of registration, cash/check drop off/mailed to BAABA NO REFUNDS. NO FUNDRAISER!
Practice: started the week of 10/28
Games : Start first weekend in Dec
We do reserve the right to correct any errors, omissions, or changes to these documents/pages.
Headlines |
24-25 Practice Calendar |