• Bradley Gardens Little Loop, Inc. - Bridgewater Township, NJ
  • "Join the Excitement" Let's Play Ball !
  • Bridgewater, NJ's Original Youth Baseball Program, Since 1959
  • Your Neighborhood Baseball League!
  • 2025 Spring Registration https://registration.teamsnap.com/form/14847

Welcome to the home of Bradley Gardens Baseball

Bradley Gardens Little Loop, Inc.


2025 Spring Registration is now open

We are thrilled to announce that registration for our spring season is now open for all players ages 4-1/2 to 10, covering our Tee Ball, Rookies (coach pitch), and Minors (kid pitch) divisions.

 This season, we’ve transitioned our registration and team communications to TeamSnap. While we’ve worked hard to smooth out any issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you encounter any problems during the registration process. We are also in the final stages of launching our new website, so stay tuned for more updates!

 To access the registration program, please use this link: 2025 BGLL Spring Registration

 Early Bird Discount: An automatic $25 discount per player will be applied to all registrations completed before February 17th, 2025. Please note that open registration will close on March 10th, 2025. To ensure your child’s placement on a team, please register and submit payment as soon as possible. Registrations received after March 10th, 2025, may incur a $20 late fee and could result in your child being placed on a waiting list, subject to available space.

 Volunteer Request: The Executive Board is pleased to announce that we will not require families to post a "work bond" to participate in our program. Instead, we ask each family to volunteer for one shift at the snack shack during the spring season. You may sign up for any shift, whether it’s during a game your player is participating in or a different game. Further details about our snack shack plans will be shared once we establish our 2025 snack shack committee. If you’re interested in joining this important committee, please let us know!

 Join Our League as a Coach: We are always eager to welcome new Managers, Assistant Coaches, and Team Parents to our all-volunteer league. We ask all coaches, assistant coaches, and team parents to complete the Coaches registration on TeamSnap. You can find the link 2025 Spring Coaches.

 Feel free to share this email and the registration program link with friends, classmates, neighbors, or anyone who might be interested in joining our league. Let them know they can also take advantage of the early bird discount. As always, we will do our best to accommodate all teammate and practice night requests.

 We look forward to another fun and safe season of baseball and hope you and your family will join us.

 For any questions, please feel free to email us.

BGLL will pay for Background Checks for SPRING Managers and Coaches

BGLL has decided to pay for Background Checks of parents that have scheduled to attend the Rutgers Coaching\Safety Course.  Please visit their site to find out when courses are being offered.

Email us once you have confirmed attendance at a scheduled course or if you have received your certification. The Background Check Form can be found on our Home Page under the Forms link.  Please fill it out, and send via email as a PDF.  (You may have to scan the document in order to convert it to a PDF. A copy of your Certification card must be submitted at the time or after completion of the course. If you do not complete the course you will be charged $40 for the Background Check. 

https://youthsports.rutgers.edu . Select Courses\Schedules to check their calendar.

2025 Coaches Wanted!

We are looking to add certified coaches to our staff for the 2025 spring season.

Only certified coches are allowed to be on the field or in the bench area and in contact with the players during practices and games.

In order to be certified, candidates need to complete the 3-hr online Rutgers Safety course and pass a criminal background check.

If you are interested in coaching in our all volunteeer league, please email us at bgllbaseball@gmail.com and we will send you additional information on the certification process. 

You may also go to this LINK and complete the coaches registration process. 

We will reimburse you for the Rutgers course fee and pay for your background check. All you need to do is volunteer your time.


Mission Statement

Philosophy of Bradley Gardens Little Loop Baseball Program

BGLL is committed to providing a quality baseball experience for the youth of Bradley Gardens section, and for all of the Bridgewater-Raritan School District. We strive to provide an environment of healthy competition which will assist our youth in the development of athletic abilities, self-confidence, and positive self-esteem. It is the goal of the organization to provide a program that emphasizes fun, development of sound baseball skills, and healthy competition.

In order to accomplish the goal, it is understood that every player will not necessarily have equal playing time, nor will every player get to play in the position of his/her own choosing. However, every player will be allowed to try different positions in practice, will have hands-on instruction, and every player will be given opportunities to play in game situations. At the younger levels, the emphasis will be on development of sound baseball skills, moving toward a more competitive program at the older ages.

BGLL strives to make our baseball experience as safe as possible for participants and spectators. Baseball, as with any sport, brings with it some risk of injury. BGLL will do everything possible to prevent injury to any player by providing adequate safety equipment; playing only on safe fields; and by not putting players into situations where they may be overpowered by other competitors. Safety of our participants and spectators is the highest priority for our organization.

BGLL welcomes input and ideas from our players, families and others. We are open to hearing concerns, ideas and comments from anyone who can help improve the organization. We welcome volunteers to assist with running this program.

COACHES AND MANAGERS MUST attain a Rutgers Safety\Coaching Cert. and submit a Background Check

All Bradley Gardens Baseball Coaches and Managers are required to obtain a criminal history background check. This is in addition to the required Rutgers Coaching Certification. The "Criminal History Background Check Application" form is available in the "Forms/Registration/Handouts" section of this website.


The Rutgers Certification calendar can be found here  https://youthsports.rutgers.edu/courses/

Select Courses\Schedule link.

Please e-mail us if you need more information - bgllbaseball@gmail.com

BGLL Code of Conduct

All League participants must read, understand, and agree to abide by thisCODE OF CONDUCT:


I.               Parents:


1.     I understand that it is a privilege not a right for my child to participate in BGLL programs;

2.     I understand that my presence and my attitude have a profound impact on my child and the program in which he/she participates;

3.     I will be present and encourage my child to participate and to be positive;

4.     I will allow the manager/coach/official to do their job;

5.     I understand I am subject to the authority of all League Officials.

6.     I will encourage my child in each accomplishment – big or small.

7.     I will relax and have fun and encourage my child to do the same.

8.     I understand that my relatives and significant others represent me and it is my responsibility to make sure they respect the BGLL Code of Conduct.

9.     I understand that failure to abide by the BGLL Code of Conduct by me or anyone that represents my family can result in my family’s dismissal from the BGLL program.


II.              Managers/Coaches:


1.     I understand that each youth has the right to be treated with respect and to be viewed as a person capable of responsible, respectful behavior.

2.     I understand the tremendous responsibility of instructing and the profound impact I have on the youth in my care.

3.     I will treat each child, parent, and other manager/coach/official, with respect and dignity.

4.     I will do my best to increase my knowledge of the program and all rules and to pass these on to the youth in the program.

5.     I will learn the strengths and weaknesses of each child and do my best to give them the maximum opportunity for success.

6.     I will listen and communicate with the parents, and other manager/coach/official.


III.            Player:


            1.   I understand that it is a privilege not a right for me to participate in BGLL programs;

2.   I will treat my manager/coach/official, parents, and fellow youth with respect;

3.    I will cooperate with my manager/coach/official and follow any rules established;

4.    I understand if I am disruptive, disobedient or disrespectful to my manager/coach/official, parents, and other youth that I will be removed from the program.