2024 First Team selections
Pitcher -Ryan Whitehead (Spike Island Pirates)
-Isaiah Kearns {Foxpro Predators}
Catcher - Asher Corl (Blanchard Bees)
First Base - Dan Cole (Howard Hawks)
Second Base - Bryce Greene (Howard Hawks)
Shortstop - Toner Corl (Blanchard Bees)
Third Base - Isaiah Kearns (Foxpro Predators)
Outfield - Darien Herncane (Lemont Ducks)
- Aaron Miller (Blanchard Bees)
- Connor Foltz (Blanchard Bees)
Designated Hitter - Toner Corl (Blanchard Bees)
Come out July 4th and watch our team of All Stars battle the All Stars of the North Branch Baseball League at Medlar Field 5 PM as part of the 4th Fest activities preceeding the fireworks