
Welcome to the 2025 Baseball B Season! Here are the By Laws-

Central Jersey Baseball B League

-) Games will consist of 7 innings. A 10-run rule will be in effect after 5 innings (4 1/2 if the home team is ahead)

-) Line-ups will consist of nine field players.
a. Teams may opt to include a DH for one of the nine fielders

b. Teams may additionally bat a tenth Extra Hitter (non-fielder)

-) Re-entry only allowed for a starter who was removed for a substitute. Re-entry may only be in the same spot they occupied in the original line-up.

a. Substitutes removed from a game are not eligible to re-enter.

-) Bats: As per NJSIAA, bats meeting -3 BBCOR are permissible. Bats should contain the BBCOR stamp.  Non-wood and multi-piece wood bats must be BBCOR or USABat certified.  Barrel diameter for any bat may be no larger than 2 5/8".  See the following link for lists of eligible bats from NJSIAA:

-) Time limits/Curfew: Two-hour time limit (No New Inning).

-) Courtesy Runner: May be used to speed up the game in place of pitchers and catchers. Runner must not currently be in game and may not be the same runner for both the pitcher and catcher.

-) Base coaches are strongly encouraged, but not required to wear batting helmets while on the field.

-) Footwear- Metal cleats are allowed.

-) Pitchers: Coaches will adhere to the following guidelines regarding pitchers as per NJSIAA and NHFS rules. 

  • The Head Coach must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the pitching limit below.

  • Pitcher may remain or re-enter the game at another position per substitution rule.

  • Maximum of 110 pitches per game/day; NJSIAA Baseball.

  • If a pitcher reaches a pitch limit while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until one of the following occurs.

    1. The batter reaches base,

    2. That batter is retired, or

    3. The third out is recorded to complete that half-inning or game.

  • If a pitcher pitches 91-110 in a day, four calendar days of rest is required.

  • If a pitcher pitches 71-90 pitches in a day, three calendar days of rest is required.

  • If a pitcher pitches 51-70 pitches in a day, two calendar days of rest is required.

  • If a pitcher pitches 31-50 pitches in a day, one calendar days of rest is required.

  • If a pitcher pitches 1-30 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.

    1. A pitcher cannot pitch on 3 consecutive calendar days.

    2. A pitcher cannot pitch more than 50 pitches in a two consecutive day calendar period.

    3. A pitcher cannot exceed 140 pitches in a five day calendar period.

  • In the Tournament game suspended by darkness, weather or other cause resumed the next day, the pitcher of record may continue to pitch to the extent of his eligibility provided he has pitched less than 50 pitches.

    1. If the pitcher has thrown 50 or less pitches before the game was suspended, that pitcher’s count shall carry over to the next day and pitcher may pitch until the maximum of 110 pitches in a game is reached.

    2. If the pitcher has thrown more than 50 pitches before the game was suspended, that pitcher shall be required to meet the rest period as per pitch count limits above.

-) 70% of games played in order to qualify for playoffs.

-) Schools can change dates of games from the league schedule but must report score within 24 hours to Paul Yunos via email (

-) Forfeits will be inputted 7-0 to encourage teams to play all games, as well as how it effects run differential on tie-breakers. All scores will have a 15 run cap to promote sportsmanship. 3 points for a Win, 1 point for a Tie, 0 points for a Loss.


Playoffs 2025




2-Run Differential

3-Wins Against Higher Seed

4-Coin Flip

Top 8 Teams Make the Playoffs

Quarters 5/15 8@1, 7@2, 6@3, 5@4

Semifinals 5/19

Finals 5/21


League Champions

2025 ???

2024 Long Hill