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  • Thank you for registering for Clackamas JBO! Follow us on Facebook!
  • 2020 Registration will open January 1st!
  • Email us at with questions
  • 2020 Will Be Our Best Season Yet!
  • All Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grade teams play in our community!
  • CAVS Give Back by volunteering at the food bank!
  • Cement Poured for Dug Outs at Happy Valley Park
    2016 Happy Valley Park Ball Fields Get Upgrades
  • .

2020 County Dates (locations TBD)

July 10th - 12th 2020 Minor National, Minor American, Junior National, Junior American, Senior National
July 17th - 19th Minor Federal, Junior Federal, Senior American, Senior Federal

State Dates (locations TBD)

July 16th - 19th Minor National, Minor American, Junior National, Junior American, Senior National
July 23th - 26th Minor Federal, Junior Federal, Senior American, Senior Federal

Kindergarten and first grade tball season will begin around early April and go through the end of the school year.  Our facebook page is regularly updated, it's a great source of information.

Level and Age Group of Play

Level and Age Group

The following are general age groups for Clackamas Junior Baseball. The goal with Junior Baseball is to match the player to the appropriate skill level. The following are general age groups associated with each level.

T-Ball: Kindergarten and 1st Grade

(date of birth must be BEFORE September 1, 2014 to play)-Jerseys Supplied but Grey Baseball Pants are at additional purchase

Transitional: 2nd Grade-Jerseys Supplied but Grey Baseball Pants are at additional purchase

Minor Level: 3rd and 4th Grade Practice jersey is supplied, but baseball pants, jerseys, and tournaments all will incur an extra fee

Junior Level: 5th and 6th Grade practice jersey is supplied, but baseball pants, jerseys, and tournaments all will incur an extra fee

Senior Level: 7th and 8th Grade practice jersey is supplied but baseball pants, jerseys, and tournaments all will incur an extra fee

Within the Midget, Junior and Senior Age Groups, there are three levels of play which are outlined as follows:

Federal – The most advanced players skill wise generally play at this level.

American – Advanced

National – Developing Skills

Player Development


Player Development

Junior baseball provides the opportunity for any child to play with youth of comparable skill and age levels.  This differs from other organizations that have wide ranges of age and skill levels playing together on the same teams, limiting player development and the playing time of some players.  Our most skilled players team with like skilled players.  Our moderate to lesser skilled levels compete with similar players from other areas.

Playing Field

Our field size is adjusted for each of three age levels.  This allows players to play on a field that matches their strength.  Less often does a single player dominate a game.  At the same time the quality of play is better at the lesser skill levels.

Real Baseball Rules

Players learn skills and tactics consistent with high school rules. Base runners lead off, pitchers throw from the stretch, and at most levels a "dropped third strike" is live.  This helps players develop more quickly and gain a more advanced understanding of the game.  At the same time, our lesser skill and age levels play with a per inning run limit to keep the score and game in perspective.


Our season is more focused on summer play than other organizations.  We generally begin in mid to late April and continue through July.  Teams that wish to play more enter tournaments, available at all levels, on weekends.


Minors through Seniors, at all skill levels, compete for births in County and State competition against other teams in their skill and age levels.

Clackamas Junior Baseball has won many County and State Championships! The majority of players on the 2008, 2010 and 2017 Clackamas High School 6A Baseball State Championship Teams played youth baseball for Clackamas Junior Baseball!

Clackamas Junior Baseball works closely with Clackamas High School Varsity Coach, 2008 6A High School Baseball Coach of the Year, John Arntson, in developing a baseball program that teaches proper baseball fundamentals for any level of play.