ON-LINE CYO Registration is has moved to https://corpuschristi.org/cyo-basketball-registration
On Sept 15th, CYO basketball registration will be accepted in printed form only, from 9:30 to 11:15am in the Corpus gym.
CYO Basketball Overview for the 2019 – 2020 Season
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) basketball is one component of our Parish’s youth ministry. Goals of the CYO basketball program at Corpus Christi include: (1) creating an opportunity for children to learn the lessons of competition, (2) appreciate the gifts they possess and (3) to encourage each player to become a responsible member of our Corpus Christi community.
The CYO program offers a level of basketball that fits between a town’s Recreation youth basketball program and competitive AAU travel basketball opportunities. The level of play increases as a player progresses through the CYO program.
Important Dates to Remember:
- On-line registration & payment for the upcoming season takes place from September 1-15.
- In-person registration, payment & document drop-off for "First-time" players is scheduled for Sunday, 9/15 between 9:30 and 11:15am.
- First-time CYO basketball players will need to submit a Baptismal Certificate copy (for Catholics) or a Birth Certificate copy (for non-Catholics). This information can be dropped off at the Parish office in the CYO box, or brought to in-person registration on Sunday, Sept 15 between 9:30 and 11:15am.
The CYO season typically begins with practices starting in early October. Coaches will be sought between mid-September and early October. Each team will have 2 practices times per week – a primary practice one weeknight and one occasional practice on Saturday, based on the head coach’s preference and availability. All games are played on Sundays, after 12:00pm, with an occasional Saturday game in early February.
CYO League games begin on Sunday, November 24th and the regular season ends in mid-February. Corpus Christi “home” basketball games are played in the Corpus gym at/after 12:30pm and also at Oratory Prep gym in Summit.
Open to both boys and girls who are registered members of the Corpus Christi parish (as of July 1st) who are in the 5th through 8th grade, and have not reached their 15th birthday by September 1st. Non-parishioners will be allowed to participate, if there are available spots.
Teams and Player Selection:
Ideally, every eligible child who wishes to participate will find a spot on a Corpus Christi team. Unfortunately, there are practical limitations regarding the number of children which can be accommodated, while maintaining the quality and effectiveness of the program.
Corpus Christi plans on forming between 10 and 14 teams this season, based on the current demand to play CYO basketball. The teams will include one team per gender per grade and may also include combined grade teams to allow more players to participate. Every attempt should be made to attend the assessment sessions when/if it is required. This year’s assessment date is: Sunday, September 22nd at a time TBD in the Corpus Christi gym.
Each CYO team is permitted to have up to two non-Catholics participating on each team.
Unfortunately, there are occasions when the number of interested players exceeds our program’s capacity and a player will not make a CYO team.
CCD Program:
Catholic education is fundamental to the success of our CYO program. Players should not miss CCD classes for CYO basketball games or practices. To minimize conflicts, CCD students participating in the CYO program are encouraged to register/attend the Sunday 8:00am or Sunday 7:30pm classes.
Coaches, Assistants and Volunteers:
Head coaches and assistant coaches are always in demand and welcomed. If you are interested in coaching, assisting and/or volunteering, pls contact Jim Le Mon at 917-576-1619 (jlemon1023@gmail.com) to learn about the coaching requirements for CYO basketball. These requirements include “Protecting God’s Children” session, possessing a Rutgers SAFETY Card, Code of Conduct attestation and a mandatory video from the Paterson Diocese. AED and CPR skills are always valuable to have.
CYO Basketball Program Costs:
The Corpus Christi CYO program is intended to be affordable. The player registration costs will continue to be $240 for the 2019/2020 season. Uniform costs are separate.
Refunds for “withdrawing” from the program after Oct 1, 2019 will NOT be honored.

May I respect my teammates and players on the other team,
Whether we win or lose, help us to do so gracefully,
Always remembering that we are all sons and daughters of God.