



Rescheduling make-up games

March 5, 2024

If a team needs to reschedule a game they must notify the President or Vice-President a week in advance.  If a team forfeits without appropriate notice to the President the team will be responsible for reimbursing the league for the cost of the umpire(s).  Failure to reimburse the league will result in forbiddance of entrance into the league next season.  Games called by an umpire are not considered a regulation game, will be rescheduled as needed and shall resume at the exact point where they were stopped.


If a game is canceled due to weather.  The Vice-President will reach out to the affected team representatives / captains with dates for a make-up game.  The make-up date will be within 2 weeks of the originally scheduled game.  If a decision cannot be agreed upon the officers will meet and come up with alternatives. 


March 3, 2024

The following is a list of modifications to ASA rules

* No shoes with metal spikes shall be worn.

* All players must be 18 prior to the participating in a game. They must not be participating in a Spring sport with their High School.  They will be allowed to sign the roster by the deadline but cannot actively participate until they reach the age of 18. 


League Tournament

Tournament play shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations of the USA Softball Association.  Thee rules and regulations will be found in the current USA rule book.

If necessary, a team may be allowed to add up to 2 players from a non-playing team to make 10 players.  You cannot sit your own players to use those you picked up from the non-participating teams. The chosen player(s) must be in good standing with the league and must have played in the required amount of games for tournament play according to USA code part 5 Article 503 Pick-up-players.  In addition the team shall submit a written request to the league President that includes the pickup-players name and the name of the player they are replacing.  The request must be received at least one week prior to the date the tournament is scheduled to begin.  Upon approval, every team participating in the tournament will receive a listing of which team picked up which player(s).

To be eligible to play in the league tournament all players (including subs) must play in at least one regular season game.


March 3, 2024


A roster may consist of 25 players and must be turned in along with all required fees prior to the teams first game.  The roster will remain open until 6/3/24 to make any needed changes.

Making changes or additions to a roster if a team feels its necessary to make a change(s) or addition(s) to the roster after it has been submitted they must notify the league President in writing, submit a revised roster, and state the reason for the change/addition at least one week prior to their next scheduled game.  The league officers shall review the request and determine if the change/addition is necessary.  If the request is approved, the revised roster will be distributed to all team captains/representatives. 

Duties of the Captain / Representative

To attend meetings and assist in decision-making

To pay the treasurer their teams fees.

To present their team roster to the Vice-President by the specified date.

To give area representatives state tournament information if attending.

To inform team members of by-laws and all other necessary information.

To see that their team keeps a recognized score book.

To see their team has a properly equipped medical kit.

To see their team has an official score book.

Duties of the Officers

OBJECTIVE: The league was established in 1972 and is an affiliation of the Amatuer Softball Association.  It consists of amateur players who engage in the sport solely for the pleasure and physical, mental, and social benefits they derive from the game.

OFFICERS: The officers may consist of an executive board of five; with a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and past President.  Each team shall have only one team captain or representative to vote on league issues.  The league shall conduct all games in accordance with the rules and regulations of the ASA - unless otherwise noted below:



To call and conduct necessary meetings

To obtain a playing field or fields

To see that necessary equipment is provided.

To contact the state commissioner regarding state tournaments and to notify team captains and./or representatives. 



To replace the President in the event he/she is unable to fulfill his/her term for whatever reason.

To attend necessary league and state meetings

To make a playing schedule.

To assist in decision making

To contact state commissioner to find out what the ASA dues are and to notify the league Treasurer.

To collect team rosters.



To notify team captains/representatives from the past season and other interested individuals, of the first League meeting of each season by either mail, e-mail, or phone.

To keep minutes and make a report of all meetings.

To provide for press releases.

To write any necessary correspondence.



To make necessary arrangements for the upires, and to pay umpires

To keep an expense account book, to present a copy of the income and expenses for the previous year and a copy of the proposed budget for the coming year to all officers and team captains/representatives at the first league meeting.

To purchase necessary equipment with the authorization of the President and Vice-President.

To collect all league team fees, and notify the President before the first week of League play if any team which has not paid the required fees.

To pay ASA dues:



The president shall call a meeting of the officers, team captains / representatives, and all other interested players approximately two months prior to the start date of the season:

To determine the number of participating teams.

To discuss the proposed budget, league fees, etc.

To discuss new business.



The league shall provide ASA umpires, balls, and bases.

Teams are required to pay all necessary fees due to the league prior to the team's first game  A team shall not be permitted to play a regular season game unless all fees are paid in full.


Courtesy Runner ASA rule

Courtesy Runner ASA rule

2016 ASA Rule Changes with Comments as of November 8, 2015

NOTE: All changes below are EFFECTIVE January 1, 2016 unless otherwise noted


Rule 8 Section 9B2 (All Adult Slow Pitch except Seniors) Any eligible player on the official line-up including available substitutes may be used as a courtesy runner.  a courtesy runner may be used once per inning.


NOTE: Any Courtesy Runner used in Coed must be gender specific.


Comment: Allows for Adult Slow Pitch Divisions of Play to use a Courtesy Runner once per inning. 

By-Law for 9 player rule

March 3, 2024

By-Law for 9 player rule

Here is the modification to ASA Rule 4, Section 1.0


* We will allow teams to start and/or play with nine (9) players without taking an automatic out for the 10th player.

* If while playing with nine (9) players, a player needs to leave the game for whatever reason; a forfeit occurs if no subs are available.  You cannot play with eight (8) players. 

* If while playig with nine (9) players, one or more players show up at any point in the game; you may enter one player into ANY field position for a 10 player defense.  This player will also be added to the end of the batting order.

* If you choose to use a EP/EH, that player may also enter into the end of the batting order.  (ASA Rule-once you use the EH, you must utilize this position for the remainder of the game.)

(This by-law was voted on and passed at the league meeting March 13, 2013)

Practice Schedule

March 5, 2024

Practice Schedule

Farwell Field

Monday - Gusto's & Holli’s Dog Day Care

Tuesday - Tatro's & Balls & Dolls

Wednesday - Diamond Hands & BBB

Thursday - Mulligan's & Alyward's

Friday - The Meltdown & A&L

Weekends: O'Knotty, SMW, & Bats Hit Crazy

Waterbury Field

Tuesday & Thursday - LLC



Central Vermont's League Banquet

March 3, 2024

League Banquet will be held at Farwell on 8/16

Feel free to bring lawn games, chairs, and whatever you would like to drink

Food will be provided

Feel free to bring a dish to share

Central Vermont's Women's League Tourney

March 3, 2024

Central Vermont's Women's League tourney will be held in Waterbury on 8/17.  And, finish in Barre on 8/18

Women's States

March 3, 2024

Women's States will be in Newport on July 13-14.


See the website for registration and information:

Opening Day 5/13/24

May 13, 2024 – 06:00 PM

Welcome to the Barre Women's Softball League 2024 season

Our season will open 5/13/2024 at Farwell at 6pm.

Opening day for Waterbury will be 5/14/2024 in Waterbury at 6pm

Upcoming Games
Monday, July 29, 2024
Central Vermont Women's Softball League 2024
O'Knotty @ Mulligan's
Mulligan's @ O'Knotty
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Central Vermont Women's Softball League 2024
Holi Dog Day Care @ Tatro's
Tatro's @ Holi Dog Day Care
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Central Vermont Women's Softball League 2024
Alyward's @ Bats Hit Crazy
SMW @ A & L Machining
Bats Hit Crazy @ Alyward's
A & L Machining @ SMW
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Central Vermont Women's Softball League 2024
The Meltdown @ Dolls & Balls
Dolls & Balls @ The Meltdown
Friday, August 2, 2024
Central Vermont Women's Softball League 2024
Gusto's @ LCC
LCC @ Gusto's
Monday, August 5, 2024
Central Vermont Women's Softball League 2024
Diamond Hands @ SMW
Bats Hit Crazy @ Gusto's
SMW @ Diamond Hands
Gusto's @ Bats Hit Crazy
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Central Vermont Women's Softball League 2024
O'Knotty @ Dolls & Balls
Dolls & Balls @ O'Knotty
View Full Schedule