- Churchland, Davis-Townsend, Reeds, Southwood/Southmont
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Registration Opens January 1st! We are North Carolina's largest NFL Flag Football league! Our girls divisions had over twenty teams in our first season! Teams will fill up fast, so don't miss out signup today! Games and practices are on Sunday's starting at 1:00pm. Please go to Davidson County Flag Football League to register.
C-Ball Rules
C-Ball Community League Baseball Rules
DT, Reeds, Southwood/Southmont and Churchland Communities
*** REVISED September 7, 2022***
1. [Player Eligibility]: Players must not be 7 years of age before May 1st of the current playing/school year
2. [Playing Field]: Fields must contain the following:
A. The base paths distance is sixtry (60') feet.
B. Pitching cirlce will be placed from the center point of forty (40') feet from the back of home plate and has a twelve (12') foot diameter circle.
C. Batter box needs to be marked.
D. A six (6") foot arch in diameter will be marked from the front of home plate, from foul line to foul line.
E. A six (6') foot hash mark placed in front of first and third base.
F. Hash marks will be placed thirt (30') feet between first and second, second and third and third to home.
3. [Equipment]:
A. [Uniforms]: Uniforms for each respective team will be alike in color and all jerseys must be numbered.
B. [Baseball Type]: A regular sized RIF Level 5 baseball (only) will be used.
C. [Bat Regulation]: A 2 ¼” or 2 5/8" barrel aluminum bats can be used, with a 30" maximum length. USA stamped only.
D. [Helmets (batting)]: All batters and base runners must wear helmets at all times.
E. [Helmets (fielding)]: All pitchers must wear a helmet w/ face mask while playing the pitcher position at all times.
F. [Tee]: Each team will supply their own tee.
4. [Game Length]: A game will consist of 5 innings or one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minutes. If the game is tied and less than five (5) innings have been played, but there is less than ten (10) minutes left after that inning ended, play will continue until time has expired and both teams have batted the same amount of times. During playoffs, extra innings will be played until a winner has been determined. Note: If either a ten (10) run is in effect or a complete game is decided the game is officially over. There will be no extra pitches to a batter until the game is officially over. This will be decided by the umpire not by a coach.
From Article 2 of the Davidson County Babe Ruth Boys Local League Rules for the Rookie Division: If a game is called for whatever reason before the five (5) innings or one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minute time limit, i.e. Rain, in order for a game to be official, the home team must have scored more runs in three and one-half (3 ½) innings than the visiting team has scored in four (4) complete innings. If the game is called before this for whatever reason then the game will be picked up at that point when make-up date is rescheduled. If the required innings have been played, and the game is called during an inning without the home team having an at bat during that inning, then the game will be rescheduled for the next available make-up date and picked up at that point in the game (assuming the home team is behind and by five (5) runs or less). If the home team is behind by more than five (5) runs then the game will become official.
5. [Game Conclusion]: A new inning will commence as long as there is ten (10) minutes or more left in the time limit. However, the bottom of that inning is not required if the home team has the lead after the top of the inning has concluded. If the home team has five (5) or fewer than five (5) runs than the visiting team, the inning will be finished and at that time the game will be concluded.
6. [Inning Length]: A team will continue to bat in an inning until five (5) runs or three (3) outs are recorded, whichever comes first.
7. [Inning Commencement]: The next inning is considered begun once the third out has been made in the prior inning and there is at least ten (10) minutes or more remaining in the time guidelines. The umpire will indicate the commencement of each half of an inning. First violation will result in a warning, and any subsequent violation will result in penalties (as noted below in rule 6).
8. [Delay of Game]: Each team will promptly take their respective positions for each inning, top and bottom. First violation will result in a warning, and any subsequent violation will result in an OUT for their team for every 30 seconds delayed if they are the batting team, or will result in a RUN against their team for every 30 seconds delayed if they are the defensive team.
9. [Minimum Number of Players]: Each team must begin a game with at least eight (8) players or the team with less than eight (8) players will forfeit. An out will be recorded for the 9th spot in the batting order for said team with eight (8) players until/unless a 9th player arrives.
10. [Player Playing Time]: All players will play in the field and bat. A 5-position infield will be used (no catcher). The remaining players should be positioned in the outfield at the grass demarcation, or where the umpire deems necessary if the infield dirt stretches out further on certain fields. One player is placed in the pitching rubber (circle) assuming the defensive position of the catcher.
11. [Injured Player]: If a player is injured during a play, runners will advance to next base only. (Umpire will make the call.) If an injured/sick player cannot continue to play, their spot in the batting order may be skipped without penalty, but that player must remain out for remainder of game. Please alert umpire and opposing team so lineup can be adjusted.
12. [Coaches/Positioning]: All coaches must stay in front of the dugout, or in the dugout, unless they are helping in the outfield, coaching a base or pitching to their batters. Defensive coaches in the outfield must position themselves in the grass where they will remain during play. One (1) defensive coach may stand behind the catcher when the defensive team is in the field. This will speed up the game. One (1) defensive coach may stand behind the home plate when the defensive team is on the field to retrieve the ball and throw back to the coach pitcher. This will speed the game up.
13. [Pitching/Coaches]: Coaches will pitch to their teams at any distance deemed necessary for each individual batter. Once a batter has struck the ball the coach will put themselves in a position to be out of the way of play in close proximity of the circle to recieve the ball from the defense. Umpires judgement if he or she feels like the coach could have or should have caught the ball or made an attempt to catch the ball to stop play. This coach can't coach/yell from the middle of the playing field as this distracts the fielding team trying to make a play. Warning/consequences may be issued.
14. [Umpire Calling “TIME”]: The umpire will call time and stop play once the defensive player with the ball throws the ball to the pitching coach or when the containment of the lead run has stopped. Runners over half way to the next base will be allowed to advance while those less than half-way will return to the previous base (umpire judgement). If a lead runner is forced to go back to the previous base, any player over half-way to the same base must return to their previous base as well, if they are forced.
15. [Infield Positioning]: A hash mark will be placed on the infield side of 1st and 3rd bases. This hash mark will be marked six (6') from each base towards home plate. All infield players must stay completely behind these perpendicular lines on the 1st and 3rd base lines while coaches are pitching to their respective team until the batter strikes the ball. The only exceptions are the pitcher whom must have both feet inside the pitcher's circle, which has a center point of 42’ from home plate and has a 12’ diameter, and the catcher whom must stay behind home plate until the batter strikes the ball.
16. [Fielding a Ball]: Infield players are not allowed to go to the outfield and field the ball (unless they made contact with it while trying to make initial play). Outfielders must throw the ball in from the outfield. If this rule is not obeyed all runners will advance one base. If there was an out made by the illegal procedure described, the out is not counted. The defensive pitcher is not allowed to assume the position of any baseman (not including home plate). Pitchers cannot tag a base for an out (tagging home plate is the ONLY exception). The runner will be called safe at any other base.
17. [Pitcher Throwing to First Base/Bases]: Pitchers must make an attempt to throw overhand to make an out at first base or other bases. Pitchers will not be allowed to intentionally make a throw to where ball hits the ground and rolls or bounces to base(s). In attempting to get the runner out at 1st base the pitcher must throw the ball if he/she fields it in or near the circle (umpires discretion). This will be a judgment call by the umpire. The runner will be called safe if put out at base(s) when rule is violated. Coaches, you need to be teaching your players the proper ways of the game.
18. [Ball Rolling/Throwing]: No rolling, intentionally bouncing the ball or throwing it directly into the ground in order to make a play. (Runner will be ruled safe). Coaches, teach your players to practice throwing the ball correctly.
19. [Throw Away Balls]: All runners may only advance one (1) additional base during a throw-away occurrence at First Base. Runners will not be guaranteed the additional base and can be thrown out/tagged out during the additional base attempt. If the defensive team gets the ball back to the (Coach Pitcher) the umpire will call "TIME" and the runners that are not past the half-way markers, must return to the previous base. If the lead runner is forced to go back to the previous base, any player over half-way to the same base must return to their previous base. If the lead runner is forced to go back to the previous base, any player over half-way to the same base must return to their previous base as well. The defensive team may attempt to throw out an advancing runner and will not be penalized an additional base awarded to the offensive team for additional throw-away balls while doing so. (Umpire will make the call).
20. [Excessive Running by Defense]: Players are not allowed to run the offensive runner around the bases to make the out. The umpire will warn the team(s) if he/she feels like it is excessive running. If it continues the offensive runner will be called safe if tagged out. In attempting to get the runner out at 1st base the pitcher must throw the ball if he/she fields it in or near the circle (umpires discretion). The pitcher can tag a runner going to first base ONLY if the play draws them towards the 1st base line and the batter/runner hasn't passed the pitcher fielding the ball. If the runner has passed the pitcher, the pitcher MUST throw the ball. They cannot chase the batter turned base runner down the baseline towards first base (excessive running). Plays at home: Pitchers will be allowed to make plays at the plate. If the runner turns around and heads back towards third base, then the pitcher can chase the runner heading back to the base. (Rule is in place to get the player(s) to throw the ball to make the out.)
UPDATE 10/9/24: Infielders (NOT Pitcher, view pitcher rule) are allowed to make a baseball/softball play as long as the infielder does not run across (Excessive Running) the infield to do so. Rule 20: Players are not allowed to run the offensive runner around the bases to make an out. Note: Infielder running to tag a runner/base going from first to second, second to third or third to home is NOT considered "running around the bases". Pitcher covers home plate. Infielders 1st, 2nd, SS will need to throw the ball to home plate to make an out. Infielders 1st, 2nd or SS cannot run (excessive) home to tag the runner or home plate to make the out. The umpire will warn the team(s) if he/she feels like it is excessive running. If it continues the offensive runner will be called safe if tagged out. Rules are modified in Cball/Softball 6U to get the players to throw the ball.
21. [Batting]: Each batter can have up to five (5) pitching/hitting attempts. There will be no "no pitch" calls from the coach pitcher. The first four (4) attempts must be pitches by the coach. The remaining attempt at hitting may be from a tee, but using the tee is not mandatory. If the batter strikes the fifth ball foul or foul tips the fifth ball the batter shall receive another attempt until the batter either misses the ball or hits the ball in play. All rostered players present for the game shall bat in order. If a batter becomes ill or injured during the game, the spot in the batting order will be skipped without penalty (taking an out) and player will not be allowed to reenter the game.
22. [Batting off Tee]: If the batter hits the ball off the tee and the ball does not go past the six (6') foot arch it is a foul ball and the batter will recieve another attempt. On the second attempt from the tee and the ball still does not cross the arch the batter will be called out. If the batter hits part of the ball and part of the rubber tee, it is a fair ball if it goes past the arch. If the batter hits all the rubber (the tee) on the fifth pitch the batter will be called out.
23. [Throwing Bat]: Each team will receive one (1) warning for throwing the bat. After the warning is issued, every subsequent batter who throws the bat will be out. (Umpire will make the call.)
24. [Dead Ball]: Any batted ball that directly hits a pitching coach as its first initial contact in the field of play is ruled dead. The batter will bat again with no penalty of pitch.
25. [Playable Ball]: No bunting. The ball must travel 6’ into fair territory, or past the arc that is lined off in front of home plate, however far that is on each particular field.
26. [Base Running]: No base stealing. Runners must remain on base until ball is hit. Runners off bases when pitch is made will be called out. (Umpire will make the call.)
27. [Assisting Runners]: Coaches are not allowed to touch the base runners. Each team will receive one warning and any subsequent occurrence will result in the runner being called out.
28. [Sportsmanship]: Coaches, please remember these are 4, 5 & 6 year olds. If you have a question with a call, the head coach (only) may approach the umpire. Coaches are responsible for their dugout and parents. Any coach, parent, or spectator that is asked to leave a game will automatically be suspended for the next game. If they do not leave in a timely manner more game could be added. The second offense will be a suspension for the remaining of the season and possibly more. ZERO TOLERANCE
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