• 2019 season set to begin May 6...


2024 Baseball Season Kicks off May 6th !!!


We are looking forward to hitting the field and seeing all the Monday night leaguers again this year!

This year, we had a great managers meeting. We had a few requests and minor changes, all changes are made to be in “The Spirit of the League” (Thanks Craiger) 


Here are some notes going into 2024…


1 - SPO insurance by May 6 <<<  - EACH PLAYER MUST be signed up as “ALL-ACCESS ANNUAL PASS ($15.00+HST)” 

Each player must be registered through SPO website to their Monday night Team Roster. Since this league is an Adult Rec league, Players must be no higher than a C ranking, current league players are Grandfathered in, and there is exception to the rule. Managers must help conclude and make sure decisions are in “Best interest of the league” 

Link : https://playslopitch.com/pages/players


2. Age Restriction - with more local youth and some guys sons looking to play, we had this as a topic of discussion and came to an agreement:  A PLAYER MUST be 18 years of age by May 1st of that season. Exception: If a team is short 1 night, and needs a younger sub to avoid a forfeit, then that can be granted. Again “Best interest of the league”


3. NEW -  1 Ball 1 Strike - Due to sundown being earlier - Last Monday game of August and the September league games (3 scheduled games likley) all batters will start with a 1-1 count when up to bat.


4. Reminders  - May 20 and Sept 2 the only Long Weekends off

  • 8:00pm Games - Please be aware of time, NO inning should start after 7:50pm to allow the late games to commence on time.


5 Playoffs - We WILL have Umpires for ALL playoff games this year.

  • We will be going back to Diamond #1 and Diamond #2 for Playoff Weekend.


6 Website:

  • News Page https://www.leaguelineup.com/welcome.asp?url=dorchesterrec

  • Schedule https://www.leaguelineup.com/schedules.asp?url=dorchesterrec

  • Standings  https://www.leaguelineup.com/standings_baseball.asp?url=dorchesterrec



  • Lions Club to set up BBQ and Beer tent Wednesday & Friday night for Playoffs.

  • NEW PLAYERS - If you are a Team Manager looking for a guy, OR a resident looking to play this year connect with a Team Manager and or Michael Mullis.

  • New Balls and scorebooks will be available soon.


That's all for this year, looking forward to a great season !!!