• League to begin 4/1/2024
  • Silver is the 2023 spring league champions !!
  • League to begin 4/1/2024



?Fall Playoffs

#1 seed- Light Blue, #2, Maroon, #3 Green, #4 Gray, #5 Navy Blue & #6 Orange



Maroon wins game #1- over Orange 




#6 Orange vs #1 Light Blue

#4 Gray vs #2 Maroon


Orange Sweeps  & advances  over Light blue


Maroon advances 2 games to 1 over gray


1st round- Gray advances 2 games to none over Navy Blue

Orange advances 2 games to none over Green






The White team (Grant Street Cafe ) wins the Spring league. Congrats to captain Rob F & All the players from the White team!!!






? ?


The Strike Zone mat vote passed again in 2024 (60 - 30) . Strike zone will be Home plate & the larger? mat- forming a large? rectangle. Any pitch hitting the mat or the plate will be called a strike.? Pitching height remains 6 to 10 feet.

When scoring a run or recording an out, you must touch home plate, touching the mat does not count as touching the plate.

Playoffs will remain a double elimination bracket format. 2 losses and your team is eliminated. No reseeding, just follow the bracket.












The facebook page named?Dumont Men's 35+ Softball?

is NOT affiliated with our league. DO NOT USE THAT SITE for offical information.








The 2022 rule reminders

*Pitching is Arc/lob 6-10'

*Playoffs will use a Double Elimination format.

*League provided bats only. You CAN NOT use your personal bat!!!

 *You can not have more than 6 protected players in your game day lineup.

* line-ups must be set before the 1st pitch. Any players that arrive after the game has started must be added to the bottom of the line-up!

  • All runners used will be the LAST player who made an OUT!!

    * Runners cannot leave the base until the batter makes contact with the ball or the ball crosses home plate.

    * You can hit an Illegal pitch BUT you accept the outcome (hit or out).

*Official game losing team must bat 4 times or 3.5 innings

No more league elections

No future elections for the league management team

Moving forward the league election process has been halted per the revision  of the REC dept. bylaws

The program coordinator is assigned by the recreation department annually. The proram coordination then decides who and how their management team is assembled for that year. This applies to all programs not just mens softball. Any questions on this process please contact the program coordinator or the recreaction department


2022 League management team

Program coordinator - Tom Mertz

 Vice coordinator-  Ed Giesemann

Recording officer- Ralph Williams

Finance- Jerry LoRusso

Sargent at Arms- Mike Loguidice.