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  • Next TRAVEL BOARD meeting MONDAY 08/23/19 8:00pm at the Hattendorf Center
  • Travel Board Meetings are always the 4th Monday of the Month
  • Travel Board Meetings are always the 4th Monday of the Month



Announcement - The Travelers board has an opening for Treasurer. All interested parties must email There will be a board meeting on 9/23 to interview and approve.

8u- Part-time manager announced, Congrats Jeff


Jeff Majewski -

The goal of any coach is to develop the children they are coaching. That includes teaching them the skills necessary to excel at the sport they are playing and the life skills to deal with the adversity that sports can bring. I want to start with the basics, teach them the fundamentals and bring them along each and every season. Not every child develops at the same pace athletically, that is why it is important to teach all of them the fundamentals. You do not know which one will excel 3 years from now or which ones will truly have a passion for the game. You cant spend most of the time with one child. You need to focus on the team as a whole, give each child individual attention and help them improve in the areas the may be lacking.

Travelers Creed

.Plays fair, plays for fun, and plays for the love of the game.
.Wins without boasting; loses without excuses; never quits.
.Treats coaches, teammates, opponents, and umpires with respect.
.Understands that playing time is earned and not guaranteed.
.Never forgets that he/she is part of a team.

.Inspires in players a love for the game and the desire to excel.
.Leads by example, and is a positive role model on and off the field.
.Displays good sportsmanship by treating players, opponents, umpires, and parents with respect.
.Knows that the game is played by kids and intended to be fun.
.Places the emotional and physical well-being of the players ahead of any personal desire to win.

.Never boos a player, a coach, or an umpire.
.Appreciates a good play, no matter who makes it.
.Remembers the game is for the players and lets them have the spotlight.
.Accepts the judgement and decisions of the manager and the umpire.
.Maintains self-control and helps make Travel baseball fun and enjoyable for everyone.

Monthly Travel Board Meeting

The Elk Grove Travel Baseball board meets the 4th Monday of every month. The board begins the meeting in private at 8pm and is open to the program particpants at 8:30pm at the Hattendorf Center.