• 2023 SPRING Registration Open
  • Call or Text Karen 917-842-6627



East Shore Little League

Accepts Registrations from the below Schools in Our Zone!


St. Joseph Hill Academy

Petrides School

Academy of St. Dorothy

 Holy Rosary

St. Teresa

Our Lady Good Council

PS 13, PS 39, PS 48, PS 9, PS 46, PS 57, IS 49. PS 65

East Shore Little League Boundary Map


Click to Calculate League Age

Age Charts and League-Age Calculator

Before players can put on their Little League uniform, they need to determine their league age. Little League International publishes official age charts that are the best way to determine a player’s League Age.

The Little League Softball age chart and the Little League Baseball age chart can be found on LittleLeague.org. This is a great, easy-to-use resource, but all League Ages should also be confirmed using the appropriate age chart. Another way to find a child’s age for the upcoming season is to use the League-Age Calculator
Players in the Little League Challenger Division® and Senior Challenger Division also are placed according to their League Age using the Little League Challenger Division age chart. The Senior Challenger Division offers any physically or developmentally challenged child over the age of 15 the opportunity to enjoy the Little League experience. 

We are proud to welcome T-MOBILE as a 2023 sponsor of East Shore Little League. Thank you for the partnership!



  Little League New USA Baseball Bat Standard Starting with 2018 Season