Fall Softball - 2024



Welcome to the NCCGSL Fall Softball web site. This site is a supplemental site, for the main www.NCCGSL.org website, and is used to manage our fall season.

The purpose of the NCCGSL Fall Ball program is to provide an opportunity for girls to play softball in a safe and secure environment under adult supervision.

All players are welcome regardless of their experience or skill level. 

Fall Ball is an instructional league that introduces new players to the game and provides experienced players an arena to improve their skills and knowledge. 
The Fall Ball format provides players the opportunity to try different positions while allowing managers to evaluate and coach new pitchers, give batting and fielding instructions, etc. 
There are no official standings.  There are no trophies or other awards. 
Season runs for 8 weeks:  Sunday, September 8th thru Sunday, October 27th
Almost all games are played on Sundays!
Contact your Softball Commissioner if you want to participate in FALL BALL.
Registration will begin soon.  Many organizations have already begun!
For umpire scheduling efficiency, there is no guarantee of an equal number of home & away games! 
Once the teams arrive at the field, there are no forfeits.
Players from the opposing team may be used on defense.

The goal is to play, learn and have FUN!