• Here's to a Great Season Fairport Softball!
  • Sign up for Summer Camp Today!!
  • Congratulations to our 2022 Seniors!
  • Ongoing Can Drive - Return Your Cans and Bottles All Year Long to Can Kings!

Fairport Softball

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Welcome to the 2023 Spring Softball Season!  

Tryouts for our Varsity and JV ladies begin on March 13, 2023 and tryouts will begin on March 27th for our Modified Teams! 

For more detailed schedule information/times and locations of tryouts, please go to the Fairport Athletic page.

For additional information, please follow us on Facebook- Fairport Softball, on Instagram - Fairportsoftball_bc and on Twitter

Please consider joining our Booster Club who meets monthly at the FHS. This organization continues to support our ladies and program to fund equipment, team pizza parties, senior night, scholarships and more:) We hope to see you at the next meeting on April 11th at 7pm!

Fairport Softball Board for 2022-2023

Fairport Softball Booster Club Board for 2022-2023

Kyle Strack - President

Sue Gardner - Vice President

Kristin Roessel - Secretary

Gabby Allen - Treasurer

Jenny and Mike Crespo - Public Relations and Socail Media