Lower Dauphin Baseball Fields

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Lower Dauphin High School Baseball & Softball Fields Scheduling Site


Welcome to the Lower Dauphin Baseball and Softball Fields Scheduling Website

This site is used for practice and game scheduling of the Baseball and Softball diamonds located at Lower Dauphin Middle School 60/90 baseball field, the Lower Dauphin Varsity baseball field located at Nye Elementary School and the Softball/Intermediate baseball field at Quarry Road, aka Vulture Field.

The baseball and softball fields are primarily used for Recreational League baseball and softball games, Legion baseball, Twilight baseball  and for Travel baseball tournaments. To reserve a field for use a Field Reservation Form (link located on this page) must be completed. Once that form is submitted you will receive a response within 24 hours or 1 business day of the request.

Use of the fields is authorized by the Lower Dauphin School District however,  a field usage agreement must be completed and by signed by a league representative or a team's head coach prior to requesting use of a field and these also require the completion of the Field Reservation Form.