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  • "There can be no victory without integrity."
  • Our greatest contribution is in teaching young people the values of competition:
  • To make a commitment, to work hard, to strive for excellence,
  • To sacrifice to make the team better, & to be the best you can be as a person & as an athlete.
  • We believe that our job is to develop the total person & not just the athlete!

Mission Statement:

The Flora Softball League is established for the purpose of, & is wholly dedicated to, providing area youth with supervised, fundamental learning experiences in the game of softball.  Also, we organize, manage, & develop amateur youth softball programs specifically designed for school-aged youth girls. The Flora Softball League is to conduct its activities so that the physical & moral welfare of the young people, for whose benefit it is organized, shall remain paramount.  All matters of policy shall be determined on that basis.



“There can be no victory without integrity” is the guiding philosophy of the Flora Softball League. We believe that our greatest contribution is in teaching young people the values of competition: to make a commitment, to work hard, to strive for excellence, to sacrifice to make the team better, & to be the best you can be as a person & as an athlete. We believe that our job is to develop the total person & not just the athlete. Our players learn to respect the game of softball & all who are involved in it.


Our idea of a perfect game is one in which only the players & the game are noticed. Softball is fun because of the relationships that are formed on the field, the team unity, & the ability to accomplish a common goal together as a team. While a member of the Flora Softball League, our players will learn about commitment, success, trust, respect, thankfulness, tradition, attitude, motivation, responsibility, discipline, mental toughness, & integrity.


The Flora Softball League pledges to its players & parents to:

  • Provide a healthy, productive, & structured environment for its players to learn & compete in the game of softball;
  • Promote team chemistry, & teach the importance of achieving success through teamwork;
  • Provide a unique, positive atmosphere for accomplished athletes to develop their skills while building confidence, self-esteem, & mental toughness;
  • Stress the importance of academic excellence as it relates to competitive sports & to a successful future;
  • Develop highly competitive softball teams with players that exemplify the meaning of selflessness & teamwork