This year the Strabane Mushball Tournament has offered that all proceeds raised at this years tournament will go to Freelton Minor Softball. This will assist us in buying new equipment, offering skill developmnet clinics as well as continuing to keep our registration fees as affortable as possible.
In order to fulfill our responsibilities we are asked to provide at least 15-20 volunteers to help this tournament run smoothly. Responsibilities will include lining diamonds, changing garbage, assisting in booze sales and general clean up and other tasks as needed. For the older players this could be an opportunity to get some volunteers if you have entered High School.
The tournament runs September 20th and 21st with a potential rain date on the 22nd. If you or anyone you know is willing to assist it would be greatly appreciated. Shifts are broken up into 4 hour segments, so sign up for 1 or more to help out. Even if you can only help an hour or two, let us know.
Please email if you are interested.