Subscribe to our NewsletterThe Hudson County CYO Youth Basketball League
Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey
The Hudson County CYO Basketball League is open to Girls and Boys in grades 3 to 12 who either attend a Catholic School or a Catholic CCD - Religious Education Program within the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey.
The league plays a 10 - 12 game regular season schedule plus playoffs from December to March with all games played at the local parish and schools gyms.
3 - 4 Grade:
This is a developmental league for boys and girls in Grades 3 & 4
There are separate divisions for both the girls and the boys with the emphasis on having fun while teaching the players the fundamentals of the game.
The season will conclude with the league Playoffs in March.
JV – Junior Varsity:
A competitive travel league for girls and boys in grades 5 & 6.
There are separate divisions for both the girls and the boys.
The season will conclude with the league Playoffs in March.
A competitive travel league for girls and boys in grades 7 & 8.
There are separate divisions for both the girls and the boys.
The season will conclude with the league Playoffs in March.
High School:
A competitive travel league for boys in grades 9 through 12
These teams will be made up of student-athletes who are not playing on their High School Freshman, JV or Varsity Basketball team.
The season will conclude with the league Playoffs in February & March.
For More Information:
Mr. Tom Conboy
Director CYO Athletics
Archdiocese of Newark
Youth And Young Adult Ministry Office
Telephone Number 201-998-0088
Fax Number 201-299-0801
Email: conboyth@rcan.org