
2023-24 MMBL Season -- gyms are booked

Our gym time for 2023-24 has been booked thru the Town of Milton.  Any gym time that was refunded last season, will be applied to 2023-24 and everyone will pay a little less than normal for their annual fees.

I will post and circulate the 2023-24 schedule for both Monday and Wednesday nights once I receive the gym permits from the Town of Milton.  At that time I will begin to crunch the number and figure out what the annual dues will be.

Please check back for details.  If you have any questions about the MMBL, please call or text Dave at 416.898.7059.

-- The Commish

2017-18 MMBL season starts in September!

The first basketball nights of the season will be as follows:

Monday Night Group -- September 18th @ Milton Sports Centre (8pm - 10pm)

Wednesday Night Group -- TBC @ Milton District High School (8pm - 10pm)

Details on league annual fees will be posted in the near future.  Please check back for details.  Either Dave Stockton or Jeff Wells will be in contact with you on league fees for the upcoming season.

If you have any questions, please call or text Dave at 416.898.7059.

-- The Commish

August 10, 2016 – 08:00 PM

2016-17 MMBL season starts in September!

The first basketball nights of the season will be as follows:

Monday Night Group -- September 12th @ Milton Sports Centre (8pm - 10pm)

Wednesday Night Group -- September 14th @ Milton District High School (8pm - 10pm)

Details on league annual fees will be posted in the near future.  Please check back for details.  Either Dave Stockton or Jeff Wells will be in contact with you on league fees for the upcoming season.

If you have any questions, please call or text Dave at 416.898.7059.

-- The Commish

Wednesday Night Annual Fees

(01-09-2015) --- Players who have committed to the 2015-16 MMBL Wednesday Night League at Milton District High School, please get your $175 into Dave Stockton as soon as possible.  You can send your money to Dave via email money transfer at  Please get your money into Dave as soon as possible because he must pay the town on by October 1st for the gym time.   Please call Dave at 416.898.7059 if you have any questions or concerns.

-- The Commish

Monday Night Annual Fees

(25-08-2015) --- Players who have committed to the 2015-16 MMBL Monday Night League at the Milton Sports Centre, please get your $300 into Dave Stockton as soon as possible.  You can send your money to Dave via email money transfer at  Please get your money into Dave as soon as possible because he must pay the town on Sept 1st for the gym time.   Please call Dave at 416.898.7059 if you have any questions or concerns.

-- The Commish

2015-16 MMBL season starts in September!

(07-03-2015) --- The first basketball nights of the season will be as follows:

Monday Night Group -- September 14th @ Milton Sports Centre (8pm - 10pm)

Wednesday Night Group -- September 23rd @ Milton District High School (8pm - 10pm)

Details on league annual fees will be posted in the near future.  Please check back for details.  Either Dave Stockton or Jeff Wells will be in contact with you on league fees for the upcoming season.

If you have any questions, please call or text Dave at 416.898.7059.

-- The Commish

Thank you Gary Wellstead!  From your friends at the MMBL...

(07-02-2015) --- As many of you know Gary Wellstead founded the MMBL in 1985 and has been the league Commissioner for over 30 years.  Gary has done all the "behind the scenes" work over the years to make the MMBL run smoothly for all of us by taking care of all the league logistics with the Town of Milton such as gym rentals.

As of July 2nd 2015, Gary has decided to step down as MMBL Commissioner and pass on the day-to-day management of the league to the next generation of MMBL players.  Gary will continue to suit up and play in the MMBL with our Wednesday night group. 

11-year MMBL veteran, Dave Stockton, will be taking over as the new MMBL Commissioner and will be the main point of contact between the MMBL and the Town of Milton moving forward.  Dave will be primarily looking after the Wednesday night group.  Jeff Wells has been named Deputy Commissioner and will be looking after management of the Monday night group.  

Details on the upcoming 2015-16 MMBL season will be released in the near future...

Thanks again Gary for all the work you have done over the years!!

-- The Commish