- We are having a second Playday at Just Left on September 16th, 1 PM
Subscribe to our NewsletterWelcome to the Mustang Horseshoe League!
Please note that we have a new website: https://MHL.TODAY
All future updates, schedules and information can be found on the new site.
The 2024 Season starts on April 9th and end on August 20th.
If you would like to participate and are looking to join a team, feel free to contact us (below)!
If you've just moved to the area, this is a great way to meet new people!
A little about us:
We currently have 6 teams, located in three different areas and venues: Lynnwood (Just Left Pub and Grill), Redmond (Redmond Eagles), and Bothell (Bert's Tavern). Each team has at least 8-10 players, and we are looking for those that are interested in either full-time play, or available as substitute players.
Our goal is to have fun, and enjoy the game! It's also a great way to meet new people.
If you have interest in joining, or have any questions, feel free drop by any of our venues on a Tuesday night, or call Scott Pierce at 425.442.8000.
Thanks to all for a great 2023 Season!
The League Needs You!!!!!
- The league would like to put together a sub pool list for the 2023 year. If you are just coming back or new to the league and do not have a team to throw for, or you are only wanting to throw occassionally, then this is a perfect solution!!!
- Please contact Bobbie Wood at billbobbie@aol.com and give her your name, phone number and email address so that she may add you to the sub pool list.
- When a team needs a sub they can go to this list to call you up to see if you are wanting to throw that night.
- This is a good way to get your arm back in shape to start next year with a bang!
President: Sterling Rhodes
Vice-President: Scottie McNinch
Secretary/Treasurer: Katrina Moyer
Statistician: Bobbie Wood
Web-Guru: Scott Pierce
Weekly stats are due by Thursday following league play. They are due to Bobbie and can be sent to billbobbie@aol.com, or you can simply snap a picture and send to 425-205-9548
Before signing off on the sheets, Captains must make sure everything adds up correctly, it is much easier to find an error on Tuesday night, then Thursday