Breaking News

Northland Classic Tournament July 18 - 20, 2025. Registration open now!  




2025 Northland Baseball Classic- July 18-20, 2025

There will be no tournament refunds after June 15th, 2025.

Northland Baseball Camp June 9th - 12th, 2025

Northland Baseball Camp

Cloquet, MN


The 2025 Northland Baseball Camp-Cloquet date has been set for June 9th - 12th, 2025. These 4 days of fun-filled baseball instruction are sure to please your youngster. Talented youth coaches with backgrounds in baseball from all levels. Northland Baseball believes in teaching kids the right way to play baseball through sound fundamental instruction in the areas of hitting, fielding, pitching, catching and much more! Register in the registration tab, choose your location and let the fun begin!



Braun Park



Camp outline (short)


Hitting Fundamentals


Pitch, Catch & Hit




Baseball Pants & Cleats


Baseball Glove and Batting Glove


Tyler Olin- Lumberjack High School Coach, Former HS and College Baseball Player

Justin Harriman - Former HS, College Player and College Coach

Donny Genitilini- Former HS and College Baseball Player

Dwayne Walters- Former College, Pro Player, Twins Draft Pick, and current St.Louis Cardnals Scout 

Nate Knutson- Former HS and College Player


Cloquet Youth Coaches and High School Coaches/Players! 




Online Registration available online at


Player Name:                                                   

Age (at time of camp):                                       


City:                    State:                 Zip:             

Work/Cell #: (    )                                              


School:                                               Grade           


Shirt Size: YS    YM    YL   YXL    S    M     L    XL

Gender: Male ______ Female_______


Please check the age your player will be at the start of camp:


5-6               7-8               9-10             11-12           13-14




Specialty Camps:                  Age                 Cost                Time_____


___ Future All Stars-            5-6               $225             8:30-12:00


___ Cactus League Camp-     7-8               $225             8:30-12:00


___ Grapefruit League Camp 9-10             $225            8:30-12:00


___ Minor Leaguer Camp-    11-12            $225             8:30-12:00


___ Big Leaguer Camp-        13-14            $225             8:30-12:00


* Scholarships are available- contact for more information


*All campers will receive a performance T-shirt.


If your camper has an allergy, please specify: _________________________________

If needed, please mail registration form and payment to: Northland Baseball at 330 Lake Ave. Cloquet, MN 55720                       


If you want your player to learn the right way to play the game
in a fun-filled environment, then this is the positive experience you are looking for!

Campers will learn the Fundamentals of throwing, catching, hitting and base running.

Games will be played each day!

2025 Northland Baseball Classic- Tournament Rules



Thank you for joining us for the Northland Baseball Classic!


Parents and Coaches,

Please remember that we work very hard to organize and host this large event. This work is for lasting memories for the talented players who compete, enthusiastic fans, loving parents, and the supportive communities we serve. Your support to this event is greatly appreciated. 


Want tournament updates?

To keep up on the scores and tournament events throughout the Northland Baseball Classic, visit visit tourney machine and search Northland Baseball CLassic. Don't miss out!


Northland Baseball's Public Service Announcement: Please keep in mind that proceeds collected over the course of the tournament support local youth activities as well as help support this great event. Northland Baseball provides excellent opportunities for youth athletes and provides sound fundamental instruction in our instructional camps. It is our hope, with your continued support, we are able to expand Northland Baseball programs and its 1st class baseball tournament.

Refunds: A great amount of work goes into the organizing and planning this special event. Therefore, there will be no tournament refunds after June 15th, 2025. If you have any questions prior to your registration, please contact Nate Knutson at 218-591-3135 or by email at


Northland Baseball Classic- Tournament Rules


The following rules and regulations will govern play in the Northland Baseball Classic.  Any situations not covered here will be determined by the Tournament Director & Umpire in Chief. It is your responsibility to read, understand, and adhere to the rules.


General: The Northland Baseball Classic does not carry insurance on the tournament, participants, or spectators. It is the responsibility of the individuals and/or teams to provide their own insurance.

No Protests allowed. Home plate umpire will settle all disputes, and may consult with Division and/or Tournament Directors for guidance if requested.

Northland Baseball follows the MYAS rules of compliance during the tournament. Northland Baseball reserves the right to deviate from these rules to further enhance the tournement experience.


Team Check-in:

Coach - If requested, you or an adult representative (team manager) must check in at the designated tournament headquarters prior to playing your first game. 


Dugout Management:

Only the Manager, 2 assistant coaches, 1 Scorekeeper and players may occupy the dugout.



Home team will be official scorekeeper and will be responsible for operating the scoreboard. The home team will be determined by a coin toss for all games for all pool play games. In bracket play, the higher seed will have the option of home or away.


Game Length:

12U and Under - 6 innings

13U & above - 7 innings

Time limits: 1 hour 40 minutes. The "Stop watch" will start when the first pitch is thrown. No new inning will start after 1 hr and 40 minutes of the scheduled game. There is no time limit for championship round games.


Rain - If rain prevents a game from re- starting (field must be recovered and deemed an acceptable level by the umpires) within 20 minutes of next scheduled game and 4 innings have completed, then the game is a complete game. If less than 4 innings, game will be declared incomplete. At any time the tournament director may deviate as due to inclement weather.


In-Field Practice: No infield warm-ups will be taken on game fields prior to each tournament game.


Number of Players:

9U division and up will have 9 players on the field for each game


Metal Cleats are prohibited for the 9U,10U,11U, and 12U age divisions. 



Any player, coach, or spectator ejected from a game will be suspended for the following game. Any player, coach, or spectator ejected from a contest for a "flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct" shall be ejected for the remainder of the tournament and will not be permitted to remain within the tournament facility. Some examples of :Flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct" include, but not limited to, cheating (use of a declared ineligible player), fighting, repeated use of profane language.

Tournament Game Baseballs:

Each team will provide a new game ball per game for the duration of the tournament.

Tournament Bat Rules:

Northland Baseball follows the MYAS rules of compliance for bat use during the tournament.

Big Barrel Bats (2 5/8" or 2 3/4"- 14u and below) - Only those big barrel bats made by approved USSSA or USA licensed manufacturers that are either....

1. Made with the USSA or USA mark/seal; or

2. is a qualified BBCOR bat; or

3. is Wood

Small Barrel Bats (2 1/4" in diameter or less) - Only those small barrel bats made by approved USSSA or USA licensed manufacturers that are either.....

1. Made with the USSSA or USA Mark; or

2. Is wood

Small Barrel bat comment: The above includes Tee Ball bats that are longer than 23 inches in length. Tee Ball bats 23 inches and shorter in length from approved USSSA licensed manufacturers will continue to be allowed without the NEW or old USSSA marks.

For more information, please review the MYAS website:

Continuous Batting/Free Substitution:

9u -15u will have the option to use continuous batting and free substitution. This must be declared to  the
umpire and  the  opposing head coach  prior  to  the start of the game and will continue for the remainder of
that game.


Tournament Pitching rules:

Pitching / Base Distances:

9U/10U/11U: 46 Feet / 60-65 Feet

12U/13U: 52 Feet / 75-80 Feet

14U/15U: 60 Feet, 6 inches, / 90 Feet

Pitching Restrictions:

To preserve the longevity of our portable pitching mounds, Metal Cleats are not allowed. However, they can be worn in the field at the appropriate levels.

Pitching Rules: Innings allowed per tournament through first 4 games played:

-9's   = 6 innings
-10's = 6 innings
-11's = 6 innings
-12's = 6 innings
-13's = 7 innings
-14's = 7 innings
-15's = 8 innings
*Each player on the roster gets (1) additional inning per game played starting in a team's 5th game played, 6th=1 more inning, 7th=1 more inning, etc...

*A players mound appearance resulting in any single pitch (warm-up pitch or game pitch) being thrown or a play will be considered an inning pitched. (One pitch constitutes an inning.)

*Eight warm-up pitches to start, five thereafter.  Umpires reserve the right to limit the warm-up time to a minimum of 1 minute regardless of the number of pitches thrown.

*If pitching rules are violated and the infraction is detected, the situation will be reviewed and a MINIMUM of the head coach ejection will be enforced. Additional consequences may include but not limited to; player ejection from game, player and head coach removal from the tournament, forfeiture of game and elimination of team from the event.

*Scorecards must be signed by both team managers to eliminate inning validation problems. (Managers, please help with this process.)


*Curveballs are not allowed at the 9U level. First offense: Warning. Second offense: Ejection from the pitching position and recorded as 60 pitches thrown.

Starting pitcher: For all ages - The starting pitcher may be withdrawn from pitching and allowed to re-enter once per game. This applies only to the starting pitcher. Relief pitchers may not re-enter as a pitcher.


Balk Rule:

9U/10U/11U only: NO balks will be called. Coaches are encouraged to discuss balk rules with game officials prior to each game. Learning the game is important to Northland Baseball. 



12U & under: The game will end at the conclusion of 4 innings (3 1/2 if the home team is ahead by 10 or more runs)

13U & above: The game will end at the conclusion of 5 innings (4 1/2 if the home team is ahead by 10 or more runs)


The 15 run-rule will apply after 3 innings (2 1/2 innings if the home team is ahead). This rule applies to all ages and divisions.


Base running:

9U & 10U: Stealing is permitted. A runner may leave the base after the ball has crossed home plate. The runner will be ruled out if it is determined that he/she left early. On a dropped 3rd strike, the batter is ruled out and the base runners may advance at their own risk and the ball is live.

**9U: A runner occupying 3rd base at the start of a play may only advance to home on a batted ball or an attempted play at 3rd base. Thus, the runner on 3rd may only advance on a batted ball, a bases loaded walk, or hit by pitch.

11U: A runner may leave the base after the ball leaves the pitchers hand. The runner will be ruled out if it is determined that he/she left early. On a dropped 3rd strike, the batter is ruled out and the base runners may advance at their own risk.

12U & above: National Federation rules apply

Note: Runners area allowed to advance/steal home on a pass ball. Runners are never required to slide, but if a runner elects to slide, the slide must be legal. Jumping, hurdling, and leaping are all legal attempts to avoid a fielder as long as the fielder is lying on the ground. Diving over a fielder is illegal. In the 11U and under divisions, a player sliding head first into home plate will be ruled out.

Courtesy Runner:

9U-15U: A courtesy runner (the last runner to be put out) will be allowed only for the catcher and only when there is 2 outs. If a player is injured and requires a courteous runner, the manager can request and will be granted a runner. Managers should work together for a successful outcome.


2024 Tie Breaker: Rules

Tie Breaker within Pools:

1. Record

2. Runs Allowed

3. Run Differential

4. Runs scored

5. Coin Flip

Tie Breaker within Divisions:

1. Pool Place

2. Winning Percentage (some teams may play more/less games than others)

3. Record

4. Runs Allowed

5. Run Differential

General Northland Baseball Camp Information

Camp will run Monday – Thursday from 8:30a – 12:00p. 

Check in (first day only) Monday from 8-8:30a at the front entrance of the wheel fields for your players t-shirt and field assignment.  

All ages will be held at Braun Park.


In the event of inclement weather please visit or our Facebook page Northland Baseball Camp.

That is where we will post camp updates and cancellations..


Please have your players bring a water bottle, baseball glove and baseball hat. Also apply sunscreen before camp.

Northland Baseball Jr Legion/VFW Tournament- June 27th-29th, 2025


 Northland Baseball "VFW/Jr Legion" Classic 


The Cloquet Northland Baseball "VFW/Jr Legion" Classic date has been set. On June 27rd-June 29th, 2025 teams from around the area will converge and complete to be the last team standing. If you are looking for a fun, competitive tournament, come join the fun. For more information on registration, visit our main page or inquiries can be directed to the information shown below.

A great amount of work goes into the organizing and planning this special event. Therefore, there will be no tournament refunds after May 25th, 2025. If you have any questions prior to your registration, please contact Nate Knutson at 218-591-3135 or by email at

Tournament Overview:

Cloquet, Minnesota- Athletic park

8 team bracketed Tournament

Cost: $650

Two game balls each game


Further questions, please call or email;

Nate Knutson

(ph) 218-591-3135

How to "Dominate" the Bases! 5 Steps that are a must!

   Baserunning     Baserunning BaserunningBaseball Lor state that baseball games are won and lost on the bases. Many coaches grieve deep pain while watching their  team run the bases, and other share the pure joy of putting in the time and executing these 5 very important points. These 5 simple tips are a must when you reach the bases after that hard knock!  Good luck, Work Hard, and Have fun!  Click here:   

How to throw a "Wicked" Fastball!

fastball                               Fastball         

The fastball is the most important pitch in the game of baseball. You will need to master it before moving onto other types of pitches that we have presented in other videos. No matter your age, you should be constantly trying to improve your body’s physical capabilities (strengths, balance, agility) and technique to maximize your pitch speed, movement, and command/control of your pitch. With these techniques, proper physical training, and a lot of practice, you will be able to throw a lot harder, more strikes, and mow batters down! Check out this clip and these 3 tips to throw faster and harder! 

How to throw a "Filthy" CHANGE-UP!

Change-up     Change up    Change-up

Have you ever wondered how to throw a filthy change-up that gets the hitter swinging early, or perhaps out on their front foot. Take a look at this great video that shows the proper way to grip, throw, and execute this formidable pitch called the change-up. These simple tips are sure to increase your effectiveness and productivity on the mound. 

How to throw a "Nasty" knee buckling CURVEBALL!


We all understand that the fastball may be the most important pitch in your bag of tricks, but nothing can buckle a batter's knees like a well executed curveball. Follow these steps and master the curveball and increase your strikeouts. Check out this video for simple steps in your quest to conquer the curveball. blob:


Northland Baseball Donates!!!!!

Money Picture

Did you know that Northland Baseball has donated over $20,000.00 to our local youth baseball program? We have collaborated with Cloquet Youth Baseball on their needs. We are proud to say we have helped and are very thankful we have been able to give the following:

Travel Jerseys for all levels

Team Sweatshirts for all levels 

Travel Warm-ups

Pitching Mounds

Batting Cage Netting

Youth Seasonal/Portable Baseball Fence for small fields

Pizza Parties

Subway Parties

CYBSA Golf Tournament

Cloquet Hockey Blueline Club Golf Tournament

Cloquet Youth Hockey

and more!!!!!!!

These funds are generated from the Northland Baseball Camp(s), Northland Baseball Classic, and from our generous sponsors. 

Top 10 Infield Drills for Baseball Players of ALL Ages & Skill Level

Youth Baseball Fielding Picture

Ball players! This short video will help you learn how to use your glove in many different ways.  From fielding the ball square, to your backhand, and on the run. Plus more! Click 


Youth Baseball Hitting Fundamentals

Youth players and coaches, view this short video for 7 great hitting drills to improve technique, balance, and power. 

Coach, What do I do when I get to my position?


Baseball Picture-Positions

Coach, Where do I go?

Have you ever been ask this??  Here is a simple picture indicating baseball spots and identifying numbers.

Baseball Positions-Picture