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  • What a season debut for veteran Mark Pacich, no hits over 5 innings, + 4 inn. save by Paul Sostre
  • Next game is Sunday, March 22 at 1 PM vs Mets at Lakeland Duff.
  • Welcome new Reds Darren Gussick, Scott Mikrut, Billy DeVuyst.
  • Great to see our Irish friend Alan Fox, who made a great grab in left!
  • An inspiring win, more work to be done!

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

Langston Hughes

Time to get it going now, if we are to make any headway for this season. A little inspirational poetry for your edification.


Day’s sweetest moments are at dawn;

Refreshed by his long sleep, the Light

Kisses the languid lips of Night,
Ere she can rise and hasten on.
All glowing from his dreamless rest
He holds her closely to his breast,
Warm lip to lip and limb to limb,
Until she dies for love of him.


Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Reds 2019 Spring Season - by Carl Sandburg

                                                         Reds 2019 Spring Season - by Carl Sandburg

Dreams in the dusk,
Only dreams closing the day
And with the day’s close going back
To the gray things, the dark things,
The far, deep things of dreamland.         5
Dreams, only dreams in the dusk,
Only the old remembered pictures
Of lost days when the day’s loss
Wrote in tears the heart’s loss.
Tears and loss and broken dreams         10
May find your heart at dusk.

Return of hope

With a starting OF of Piotrowski in left, Blevins in Center and Robinson in right, a few others in unfamiliar positions, and the return of a guy who hadn't thrown a pitch in a year and a half, the Red Nine weren't brimming with hope. But fate smiled on this bunch Sunday, and Mark Pacich was simply remarkable. He struck out 13 Mets in a Complete Game effort on the hill, and threw in a 2-2 performance at bat. The Mets hurler Mr. Heath was dominant and struck out 10 Reds, but the home team was one better in the column that counted most, and a faint ember burns in the heart of the Red faithful. Adam Bocken went the distance behind the plate in a game that featured an uncountable number of pitches. The Reds play at the stadium in Clermont on Sunday, against an A's team who seldom put up less than a dog fight, so the Reds will have to be at their very best to compete.

The Fall Season is here! Welcome to all new players and welcome back to vets!

Navel Gazing

April 16, 2018

I had a nice talk with my old friend Dave Bagwell after the game SUnday, and he helped me to gain or regain some perspective on all Reds matters. I owe all of you an apology. I've been managing this team since the spring of 1994, 2 seasons a year. I seem to have slipped into the mindset that this is my team, but it's not, it's your team. I have linked fun and winning too closely. I know all of you want to win, and all give your best, and for a variety of reasons, it doesn't work out that way sometimes. My snarky comments and thinly masked frustration are not helping matters, clearly. We are what we are, and that is a bunch of good guys who enjoy playing ball and each other's company for a few hours each week. 

I will endeavor to do better. I will try and live in the moment and enjoy the fact that I am even able to get out on the field to play this wonderful game, for it is just that, a game to be be PLAYED. I hope you'll indulge my sensibilities for the occasional unsolicited nugget on how things are supposed to be or look, But no more will you hear anything from me about physical errors or errors of commission. Lets have fun and play ball, and again, my apologies.

Reds Snuff Blazers

November 5, 2017

Mark Pacich returned from a long hiatus and proceeded to throw a complete game against the vaunted Blazer offense, scattering 10 hits and a complete game over 8 innings. Craig Feeney was the offensive star of the game, going off, three for three after being Hit By a Pitch the first time up, with 6, count them, six RBI! Felix Soto had a couple of hits, Adam Greschler had three hits including a double, Rich Fuentes had a knock in his return after a long absence processing claims related to Hurricane Maria, and all was right in Reds world for a few hours on Sunday morning. Next week we hope to start another winning streak as we travel to Polk County, McKeel Academy to be exact, 1810 West Parker Street in Lakeland, 33815. It would be great to have people there as close to 9 as possible. Let me know if I can expect you! Go Reds!

Reds Finally Win One!

March 19, 2017

Mike Grenci scattered 5 hits over six innings, while striking out 10 and allowing none, leading the Reds to their first win of the spring 2017 campaign. The expansion team Rays were the opponents, and while they are new, and getting used to playing together as a team, they are younger and stronger, and are certain to improve in the near future. Their shortstop Austin Benz blasted a long home run in the 7th for their only run. But it was the Reds turn on this day, and a 7 run first effectively blew it open. The Reds took advantage of the pitcher's wildness, along with a two run double by Jeff Shebovsky, an RBI single by Dave Bagwell, and a fielding miscue to have a big inning.

On the day, Guy Robinson, Jason Bailey and Shebovsky had multiple hit days. Also, for the first time in what seems like forever, the reds played an entire game without an error. Of course, that is easier when the pitcher records 10 of the 2 outs by strikeout, which makes Mr. Grenci the star of the game! 

A good game, hopefully the first of many going forward.

So Close, But.......

December 11, 2016

The Phillies scored a run in the bottom of the 9th to win their 3rd fall championship in 4 years. Barrett Gugliotta was the hero, scoring Hall of Famer Vanessa West with a two-out base hit, after the venerable George Kerst was walked intentionally to load the bases. West reached on a Hit By Pitch with one out, advanced on a walk to Comeback Player of the Year Billy Kiernan, moved to third on a wild pitch and after the Kerst IBB, the stage was set for Gugliotta heroics. The Reds had tied the game with two runs in the top of the 9th on a Jeremiah Jaspon double, a Hall of Famer Felix Soto Toro double, and an infield hit by the newest HOF member Eddie Rubiera. The Reds would have had a first and third to go ahead, but Adam Greschler was cut down at third by center fielder Adam Cadiz after an Anthony Kazmerczyk single. A great game, as were so many this fall playoff season. Warren Hanson and Scott Budds pitched admirably for the Phillies, as did Craig Feeney and Ricardo Rodriguez for the Reds.

That’s the party line for league consumption, for the Reds, I just couldn’t be more proud of you guys. What character this team has! Two guys who missed the majority of the games in Jeremiah Jaspon and Felix Soto came up huge in the 9th, and when the baseball gods momentarily smiled on us on Eddie’s squibber, I thought we just might have this. Then Kaz drills another single, and Adam correctly tries to take the extra base, but gets cut down on a beauty of a throw from the center fielder.


Just a great game, and I hope every one of you comes back. It still hurts a bit, no doubt about it, but it gives us great hope going forward. More than anything else, you’re a great bunch of guys to spend time with each week, and it makes it that much better when we are competitive and winning ballgames. I sincerely hope all of you have a restful and prosperous holiday season, and I look forward to bugging you about the national pastime shortly after the New Year. 

Reds Win Semis, Advance to Championship!!

December 4, 2016

The Reds pulled off an improbable upset win in the semi-finals, beating the regular season champion Blazers 8-7 on a beautiful early December day. The Blazers jumped on top

Reds Top Yankees

October 9, 2016

The Reds topped the Yankees Sunday, a couple of days after Hurricane Matthew narrowly missed Central Florida. Rich Rodriguez, Mark Pacich and Jeff Shebovsky combined to hold the Yanks to 7 hits, and the Reds got 13 of their own to propel an 8-4 win. Eddie Rubiera ran his consecutive hit streak to 5, which is still active by the way.Craig Feeney broke out with a couple of singles and a double, Adam Greschler had a couple of hits and some stellar shortstop play, Tim Albertson returned from injury and had a knock, and Jason Bailey caught a great game and had a base hit.

A great effort all the way around. Next week we have the young Expos, who put away a tough Blazer team Sunday. Game time is 9 AM at EHS. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

The Reds survived a 9 inning gem from Phillie Warren Hanson to tie the Phillies 2-2, and remain undefeated on the young fall 2016 campaign. Hanson carried a no-hitter into the 7th, before Anthony Kazmerczyk broke it up with a solid single to right. He ended up allowing only four hits, but the Reds managed to scratch out a tying run in the 9th, when rookie Rob Walker lined a base hit up the middle with two outs, scoring Rich Rodriguez. The Reds staff was equally effective on the hill, with Mark Pacich, Jeff Shebovsky, Dave Bagwell and Rodriguez combining to allow only 4 hits of their own to the Phils. Pacich had the play of the game with a nice, running snag of a pop while playing shortstop. Next up are the Twins, 12:30 Sunday the 19th at Edgewater HS. Hope to see everyone there!

Reds Sweep to Get Back to .500!

April 4, 2016

The Reds took advantage of a couple of well-pitched games from Mike Grenci and Mark Pacich, and some timely hitting and some wildness on the part of the Yankee staff, to take a pair of games Sunday at Clermont.

The offense was spread evenly among the 15 man lineup. While at bats were rare, most guys were able to capitalize and had good games. 

Next up are the defending champion Phillies, at 12:30 Sunday the 11th at South Orange for the first time this spring. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there!

A's Walk Off to Win, End Old Reds Season

December 13, 2015

I've been playing men's baseball around here for a long time, more than 25 years...I do not remember a game ending on a walk-off home run. Much less an elimination game in the playoffs, much less a game in which the losing side led by as much as 9-2 entering the bottom of the 7th, and one where there was nobody on and 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th, but that's exactly what happened Sunday.

The Old Reds blasted out 18 hits off frustrated Hall of Famer Joe Greene in the cozy confines of Minneola Athletic Complex, making a return as a venue after a five year hiatus. But going into the 9th, only 2 balls had left the yard, by Craig Feeney and Guy Robinson, and the field played fairly fairly, if that's not a gross malaprop. Mark Pacich held the venerable lineup of the A's in check for the better part of 7 innings, allowing only 4 hits, but tired in the 7th, and gave way to Jeff Shebovsky in the 8th, with a 9-6 lead. Uncharacteristically wild, Shebovsky gave up a couple of runs in the 8th, but looked to have things well in hand after retiring the first two hitters in the bottom of the 9th. When alast hope Adam Bransfield dribbled a roller between the mound and 1st, it looked to be a first-time playoff win for the OR's, but the toss was mishandled. Then, as luck, the baseball Gods or providence would have it, MArk Maznicki, who is universally acclaimed as the nicest player in the league, and one helluva hitter I might add, line a two run shot down the right field line, well fair, and it was officially all over but the crying for 2015.

I guess it was so shocking, that I really didn't get my head around it until today. We had some great individual performances on this day, including Craig Feeney, who had 4 hits, including a double and a home run, the aforementioned Guy Robinson with a homer, and Tim ALbertson who was 3-3 with a walk. With 18 hits, everybody chipped in, and the defense was stellar, with only the fatal bobble which was a tough play, and one other 1st to pitcher muff, which also resulted in 2 unearned run in the 7th. SO a little PFP next spring may be in order, but we have nothing to hang our heads about. The A's are a great team, but I had the sneaking suspicion that we were better, at least on this day, and everything but the score proved me right.

I'll send out and posat another update for the season in general, but great job everyone, walk tall, nothing to be ashamed of. BTW, a truly great game to go down in annals of the MSBL history, without a doubt.

Old Reds Double Up Blazers

October 25, 2015

It has been a while since our heroes beat the Blazers, but it happened Sunday. Anthony Kazmierczyk had a great start, 4 and 2/3 on the bump, allowing only 2 earned runs, but he had to depart after the book rule limit of 4 hit batters was reached. Jeff Shebovsky, Craig Feeney and Mark Pacich came on the hold the hard-hitting Blazers to a reasonable extent, and the Old Reds bats exploded for 17 hits and 18 runs. 

Rookie Jason Bailey continued his uncanny debut season with 2 more hits and a pair of walks, Mark Pacich hit a ball off the wall for a double, Eddie Rubiera had a couple of hits and a HBP, and made a pair of unbelievable catches in clutch situations out in right. Carlos Padilla, laid down a gorgeous bunt for a hit, and made a great play at 3rd, Billy Crannick went the route behind the dish, and had a couple of hits, Craig Feeney had a two run double, and some old fart had three hits.

Great game, looked like we may have turned a bit of a corner, trhe defense was much better, and the pitching kept us in the game, giving the bats time to get cooking.

Have a nice weekend off, looking forward to seeing everyone back out on the ballfield for the stretch run, Sunday, November 8 at 12:30 at South Orange vs the Phillies. Happy Halloween to you and yours!

OK boys, your intrepid reporter has been a little slow getting going this fall, but we're back, stats are updated, and the schedule posted. Hopefully we can continue our one game winning streak this Sunday at 10 AM at Seminole High School vs the Athletics. 

Great game last week, lots of good plate appearances, taking walks when given, then opportune hitting. The defense continues to need an improvement, just making the simple plays will go a long way towards improving our chances. We also need to welcome our rookies, at least to the Old Reds, Bill Crannick, Jason Bailey, and Felix Soto Toro. 

But most of all we are glad to see Dave Bagwell back out there playing well, alive and well, quite frankly. It wasn't six months ago that we got the news that a quadruple bypass had been ordered on him immediately, and I guess we all didn't talk about it much, because there but for the grace of whoever you believe in go us all. But he's back, and looks great!

We're going to need all hands on deck Sunday, as Dave, Felix and Carlos are out, Anthony and Ed are still on the DL, unless they tell me differently. I'm still looking for another player, maybe 2, so let me know if you find someone...

Old Reds Drop Double Dip to Dastardly Phils, but Robinson Goes Off

May 31, 2015

It was an otherwise forgettable Sunday for the Old Reds Sunday, as they dropped two to the Fighting Phillies. There were a couple of developments worthy of mention however. First, with an individual performance of Herculean proportion, Guy Robinson had a day to remember. In the first game, he flied deep to the track, then took an otherwise dominating Warren Hanson into the parking lot for his first Old Reds home run. In Game 2, while wily veteran George Kerst was carving up OR hitters, Robinson ripped two more doubles and a single, driving in 2 more, to cap a fantastic day!

Second, the Old Reds could have mailed in the last inning of a 9-0 deficit Game 2, but fought, scratched and clawed for 5 runs to at least make what seemed like an inevitable result interesting. Hopefully that will bode well for the playoffs!

But on a day that Pacich, Grenci, Bagwell (on the mend by the way, thank Providence), and Feeney couldn't make it, Anthony Kazmierczyk stepped like a champ and threw the ball well, cutting down on the walks that had been the bane of his pitching performances so far in his rookie campaign. 

But as we enter the last weekend of the regular season, it certainly can not be a secret that we collectively will need to play better, or this post-season where everybody makes it will be an extremely brief one.

A's Sweep Old Reds

A hot, muggy Sunday in April was not the environment for an Old Reds win, as the A's grabbed 2 wins 6-2 and 8-1. Mark Pacich, Mike Grenci and Jeff Shebovsky all pitched better than their stat lines might indicate, but the combination of the well placed hits of the A's offense, and the inability to bunch some hits together for the Old Reds hitters was the formula for a disappointing doubleheader loss. 

Vern Ramassar was the performer of the day for the Old Reds, going one for 2 in each game, and for inexplicably trying to steal second! :)

No rest for the weary, next up are the Blazers again, Sunday, May 3 at 9 AM in Clermont. Hope to see everyone there!

Blazers and Old Reds Tie Together a Great a Game

April 12, 2015

What a ballgame! The Blazers and Old Reds fought to a 2-2 tie in 10 innings this muggy Sunday at Clermont's Bishop Field. Starters Mike Grenci of the OR's and Tony Caruso of the Blazers pitched brilliantly, both sides made some outstanding defensive plays and had some timely hits. 

The Blazers drew first blood, when Carlso Ruperto singled home Ishy Cruz in the 2nd, who had doubled. The Old Reds tied it in the 4th, when Anthony Kazmierczyk singled home Rich Fuentes, running for Eddie Rubiera, who had singled. Things stayed knotted until the 7th when the Blazers' Mattie Conrad singled home Lilio Alvarez, who had walked with one out. 

To the top of the 9th we go, trailing by one, and the first two outs left things looking bleak. But the Old Reds craweled off the mat, when Grenci singled, Fuentes was hit by a pitch, then Rubiera hit a hard ball to first that wasn't handled, and we were tied. Grenci and reliever Alvarez each posted scoreless 10th innings and the tie was finalized.

A great game. Players of the games were Grenci, with 10 innings of outstanding pitching, And Kazmierczyk, who in addition to catching 9 of the 10 innings in a steambath, also was the only Old Red with multiple hits; a single and a double and RBI.

Next up are the Young Reds at 4 PM at South Orange next week, our first foray into the world of 25 and older baseball. Hope to see everyone there. Get well soon Dave Bagwell, lots of guys sending good thoughts your way.

Blazers Incinerate Old Reds

Wily veteran Tony Caruso scattered 9 hits, and the Blazer bats overwhelmed our heroes on this day. As Jeff Shebovsky said after the game, better just to let this write up go and move on to the next one. Anthony Kazmierczak had a couple of hits and a couple of bones, and Tim Albertson had an RBI knock, Craig Feeney had a great running catch and throw home to stop an advancing runner, but highlights were few on this particular day. But it's all about how you finish this year, and we're a young team just finding our way. Hopefully we can snap our three game skid next Sunday at 9 AM vs the Fighting Phillies, South Orange. Hoping to see everyone there!

A's Blast Old Reds

March 15, 2015

Not much to say about this game other than we got our heads handed to us. A couple of individual highlights, rookie Ed Brady had a couple of RBI's, Mark Pacich had a couple of hits and Tim Albertson got Player of the Game with a 2-run double. But an otherwise forgettable outing. Next up are the league leading Blazers, can the OR's get it back together? Hope to see everyone shortly after 8 on Sunday at South Orange.

March 10, 2015

Mike Grenci went six beautiful, scoreless innings on Sunday, and Craig Feeney launched a two run bomb deep over the center field fence, and all looked right with the Old Reds world. But they play nine, and that would be all the OR's would scratch across on wily veteran George Kerst, until we scratched out a teasing add on in the 9th, but by then the Phillies had scored 7 in the 7th and 8th and the fate of this one was effectively over.

The Old Reds had their chances against Mr.Kerst, but couldn't get the timely hit to make a the lead more substantial, and the Phils eventually made them pay. So the win streak is stopped at 2, but we hope to start a new one next Sunday at 10 AM at Seminole High School against the A's, who got their first win of the spring last week.

Good games by Mr. Grenci, who pitched six shutout innings before tiring, Dave Bagwell had a pair of hits, and stopped the bleeding on the mound in the 7th, Rich Fuentes had another double and Mark Kromer had a hit and scored a run.

Player of the game goes to Craigie, who redirected one of the few mistakes George made into the parking lot, and added a walk for good measure.

Old Reds Hang On to Go 2 an 0!

February 22, 2015 – 10:00 AM

On a glorious February day, the new Old Reds went to a whopping 2 and 0 for the first time in team history with a 12-10 victory over the A;s at Seminole High School! It was a balanced attack, 14 hits spread out over 10 players, and the pitching troika of Mike Grenci, Mark Pacich and Jeff Shebovsky were very effective. But things got interesting in the bottom of the 9th. The OR's went into the final frame with a comfy 12-6 lead, but watched that dwindle to 12-10 with the tying runs on, before the last out was safely tucked away in shortstop Anthony Kazmierczyk's glove. 

Great win, lots of fun hanging with you guys. Individual props go to Rich Fuentes, who had three more hits to continue his torrid start, Vern Ramassar on with an RBI single, a walk and a HBP. Ed Ribiera added to his all-time record by getting hit twice again(!) Jeff Shebovsky had a single and a double. Ed Brady and Eric Echevarria had a pair of knocks and an RBI each. 

Eric also got defensive play of the day honors, grabbing a tough pop behind the plate. But Player of the Game has to go to Hall of Famer Mike Grenci, who returned after sitting out the fall to twirl 3 perfect innings to start the game, ending up with 4 IP, 0 ER and 5 K's. Welcome back Mike! 

The full schedule should be out in a day or so, but we can count on the next game at 9 AM at South Orange, Sunday, March 1. Hope to see everyone there shortly after 8 AM for our game with the Blazers

ECHEVARRIA!!!!!! Old Reds Win Spring Opener in Dramatic Fashion!!

What a ball game. In the Spring opener, the Old Reds faced off with the Phillies in Clermont. Both sides played very well, but after a 4 run 7th, the Phillies took a comfortable 8-4 lead into the bottom of the last inning. Mark Pacich drew a walk to lead off the inning and Eddie Rubiera had a base hit. But hope dimmed after a couple of pop ups, leaving the Phils with only one out to get and the big lead. But Vern Ramassar kept it going with an RBI knock, Tim Albertson drove in another with an infield hit, Rich Fuentes capped a perfect day at the plate with another base hit, and Dave Bagwell brought the OR's to within one with his second hit of the game. This set the stage for the game's MVP, Eric Echevarria, who came through in the clutch and ripped a walk off 2-run double to center to plate the tying and winning runs, and pandemonium reigned, as players and fans stormed the field, tearing up chunks of turf for souvenirs, ripping clothes from the backs of players, mass hysteria....Ok that last part is a stretch, but it was a great win, and bodes well for this revamped club going into their third year of existence,

Kudos to Dave Bagwell, who picked up a win in relief, and had 2 hits,Jose Arroyo threw three scoreless, rookie Ed Brady made some fine plays at the hot corner, the team defense was particularly strong, making a lone error on the day, and a balanced offense, led by Craig Feeney's 2-run double kept veteran Warren Hanson on the mound long enough to finally come back. Just a great win, and a fun day.

Next game is this Sunday, February 22, at Seminole High School at 10 AM, try and arrive as close to 9 as possible. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Old Reds Finally Victorious

November 16, 2014

It has been a long time between wins, but our heroes finally got theirs on Sunday, winning in convincing fashion against the Brokklyn Dodgers 11-1 at South Orange. The mercurial Steve Haugh graced us with his presence, and promptly twirled a gem, 7 innings of 4 hit, 1 run mound craft. Jose Taveras also showed unexpectedly, and the results were fun to be a part of! Even with a stretched 14-man lineup, everybody had great at-bats, and the defense made all of the plays, with a lone meaningless error late. 

Other great performances of note included Eddie Rubiera, who provided the walk-off run-rule by getting hit by a pitch, adding to his long-standing league record in that department, yet perhaps his first of the "limp" off variety, in a ddition to a single and a double. Craig Feeney crawled out of a sick bed to collect 2 hits, Guy Robinson singled, walked twice and scored a couple of runs, one in interesting fashion, tumbling between 3rd and home, getting caught in a rundown, then scoring when the Dodger catcher reported little interest in a play at the plate. Juan Figueroa made some great plays at short, and had a pair of hits, and Vern Ramassar had one of the longer singles in recent memory.

It was fun to win a game, and to be competitive, and to play well. We may have been a little over-exuberant about our brush with success, (apologies to the Dodgers, a great bunch of guys caught on an off-day, we know all about that), but who can blame us, it had been a while since we won a game. (almost 9 months, but who is counting...)

In any event, we're back at it next weekend, a doubleheader at Trotters Park against the DC's and 25+ Pirates. It would sure be nice to see the same effort and luck go our way! Hope to see you then!

Old Reds Open Fall 2014 With a Tie

September 14, 2014

The Old Reds kicked off the fall 2014 campaign at Colonial High School for the first league game ever, against the host Mets. The result was a 10-10 tie after 9 inning, which was better than a loss to be sure, but so much less than the victory they should have had. Steve Haugh pitched valiantly, allowing only 1 earned run over 8 innings, but the defense kicked the ball around 8 times, leading to 8 unearned runs. But the offense tallied 13 hits, including multi-hit games by Jose Taveras, Haugh and newcomer Jose Arroyo. The OR's were down 5 going into the 7th, but scored 6 times in the next 2 innings, capped by Jim Stearns clutch two out game tying double. We even took the lead going to the bottom of the 9th, but the scrappy Mets clawed out the tying run, and Jose Taveras stranded the winning run to end the game.

Hopefully the defense will improve, aided by an infield practice round before the game, and the continued tweaking of the defense. The sticks were in fine form, and the pitching couldn't have been better. The Padres are next, and they have been a powerhouse for some years now. Game time is at 9 AM at South Orange, I would love to see everyone there warmed up and ready to go for IF at 8:30.

Old Reds Finally Get Big Win Against a Great Team!

March 23, 2014

The Od Reds jumped out to a 5-0 lead, and held on for a 5-4 win against the previously undefeated Blazers Sunday morning at Ocoee. Jose Arroyo returned to action on the mound and proceeded to toss a gem, holding the formidable Blazer offense to three hits over 6 innings. Mike Grenci came on to hold it for the save, despite some hack kicking a tailor-made double play ball, allowing a couple of unearned runs to score. Craig Feeney hit  a 2-run bomb into the parking lot, and Luis Vega, Jeff Albertson and rookie Angel Perez had a couple of hits apiece to lead the offense. The OR's always try and make it interesting, and ended up winning the game in the bottom of the 9th wdespite the Blazers putting the tying run on third and the winning run on second. But a win is a win, and this one was a great one in the short history of the Old Reds, a win against a playoff team, and one that had run through 5 undefeated games before this one. Next up are the Dodgers, and the hope is that we can keep up a little momentum and make this season an interesting one. This Sunday the 30th is a bye week for the OR's, so we look forward to seeing everyone out there at the field in Ocoee in a couple of weeks, 12:30 start time. 

Despite not getting off to the start we would have liked (a 14-2 anointment by the Padres), the season holds fresh promise for a better season for Old Redsies. New faces..

We made it to the end, battered, bruised, but somehow our souls intact. We had fun, but must improve to make that fun sustainable. That's putting it mildly. More soon in a personal note to you guys. Thanks for hanging tough, I truly appreciate you guys never losing faith and always making a day at the park an enjoyable one, despite the adversity.

Blazers Torch OR's

The good news: Craig Feeney hit a long home run, a 3 run shot deep into the Ocoee sub-division. The bad news: everything else, as our guys fell to the Blazers 13-3. The good guys only managed 4 hits off venerable Toby Caruso, and the Blazers piled on the hits for the win. As bleak as things seem sometimes, glimmers of hope are everywhere. Jeff Albertson pitched better than the outcome would have indicated, a few too many walks spelling trouble. Additionally, Jeff had a couple of hits, including a double. A number of guys had good at bats, and the baseball IQ seemed to be rising just a bit, with situational counts worked and cut off men hit. This observer feels that we're not that far away from playing competitive baseball. Perhaps that day will be this Sunday at Seminole High School in Sanford, another team struggling to find that winning formula consistently, although they are coming off a victory against the Rays. Game time is 10 AM, I look forward to seeing everyone out there! 

Expansion Team Brooklyn Dodgers Clean Old Reds Clocks

September 15, 2013

Congratulations to the Brooklyn Dodgers and manager Jeff Shebovsky on a solid performance in only their 3rd game in existence. We were solidly beat in every facet of the game, getting only six hits off Mark Pacich and Dave Bagwell, while giving up 14. In good news however, the OR's kept up their torrid pace of getting hit by pitches with another 4 guys trotting to 1st nursing bruises.. Player of the game was John Kovalick who had 2 of the 6 hits, and almost had a third on a shot to the gap that was caught. He also caught the whole game on another hot day. Great job John. The other good news was the return of Lino Rivera from injury and guarding the hoi polloi at the US Open for tennis. Good to have him back out there. No time to sulk, the Padres are up next Sunday at South Orange, game time is 9 AM. Hoping to see everyone there!

Old Reds Waylay Rays

September 8, 2013

OR's won a wild one in Clermont, on a scorching September morning 12-11 on a walk-off Hit By Pitch to HBP legend Eddie Rubiera. It was one of an improbable 7 HBP for the OR's on the day. Forced by circumstance to play with only 9, Craig Feeney was great on the bump, pitching around 5 errors to keep us in the game for 6 and 2/3 innings. Wil Woods came in and picked off a man to end a threat in the 7th, but when a couple of runners scored in the top of the last inning, things looked bleak for the Mudville 9, with tough righty Lilio Alvarez set to close it out for the Rays. But fate stepped in, Tim "Wheels" Albertson beat out an infield hit, his second one of those on the day. then Johnny Kovalick got hit by a pitch to bring the tying run to the plate. After a fielder's choice, Wil Woods unloaded a double to bring in a run, the tying run scored on a wild pitch, and after Rob Davis walked and Don Payan was hit by yet another pitch, Eddie Rubiera took one in the back pocket for the win. Just an every day, run-of-the-mill win for our guys!

Offensive stars included Eddie who had a pair of hits, as did mound star Craigie Feeney, Wil Woods had 2 long doubles on the day, but the man was Jeff Albertson who had three doubles, one down each line and I can't remember where the other one went,but the Rays defense had no idea of where to play the veteran.

Great job by Johnny Kovalick behind the dish on a sweltering day, Jeff finished up. Don Payan went the whole game at first, which we only ask him to do under extreme circumstances, and held his own nicely, in addition to going home with a couple of welts from being hit. Eddie R brought back memories patrolling the OF grass in right without a flaw.

But Wil Woods, our Pal-a from Ocala, was the star of the game, with a win on the mound, and two big doubles, just edging out Joltin' Jeff, and his three two-baggers.

Next up are the Brooklyn Dodgers, 12:30 PM on Sunday, September 15 at Ocoee Bob Sorenson. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. My pitching prospect failed to materialize, so please keep your ears open to possible hurlers who might want to play.

Old Reds Open Fall Season with a Narrow Loss to the Phillies

August 18, 2013

Our heroes opened the season with a tough loss to the Phillies, who used to be the Nationals, 8-7 at Bob Sorenson Field in Ocoee. The Old Reds battled back from a couple of deficits, and cam within an eyelash of tying the game in the 9th, but some old bastard got tagged out at the plate with what would have been the tying run, after the Phils dropped what should have been a game-ending pop. 

Steve Haugh and Craig Feeney were nails on the mound, giving up only 3 earned runs on the day, and Feeney came within an eyelash of making a highlight reel catch of the three run double that scored the earned runs, or the outcome surely would have been different.

Offensively, Don Payan and Craig Feeney each launched bombs, both shots into the teeth of a strong cross wind. Payan said he crossed off one of the items on his bucket list with his blast, and added two solid singles to grab Player of the Game honors. Feeney had 2 hits of his own, Haugh launched a long double, Johnny Kovalick had an RBI single and caught a great game, and rookie Pat Compton had a knock and a pair of stolen bases and scored twice.

But the game-ending play was a microcosm of all that is frustratingly interesting about this game of baseball. With the tying runs on 2nd and 3rd and 2 outs, Kovalick popped up in the infield with what should have been the third out. With the old adage of being on 2nd ringing in the old timer ears, he took off for the plate at what he conveniently recalled as full speed. Was it? He's not even any event, the ball was dropped, but retrieved in plenty of time to throw him out at the plate, thwart the chance to elongate the game, and depriving wily vet Ken Davis of earning the talent. Was he hustling all the way? Could he have got back to 3rd? Would Davis have delivered? Did a 55 year old bastard with a bum wheel have any business even attempting such a play? We'll never know, and the game is in the books. More baseball angst to chew on, at least for another week.

We'll know that schedule in the next little while, I will be in touch!


Old Reds Win Season Ender, Eliminate Tigers

June 12, 2013

This game wasn't even supposed to be played, but when the Padres and A's passed on a last minute opening at Eastmonte Park in Altamonte, the game was on. The Tigers faced elimination from the playoff race with a loss, and were a little tight. The OR's on the other hand, long out of the championship hunt, were loose and relaxed, and this night, that made all the difference.

Mike Grenci went the distance on the mound, scattering 7 hits, and a couple of walks. This park is cozy, probably cozier than Blue Jacket, and the outside part of the plate was where Mike lived all night, with the occasional fastball in to keep them honest.

Craig Feeney was the offensive star, hitting the only home run of the night in his first AB, then singles in each of his next two, while scoring 3 runs. Tim Nowe continued his remarkable pace in a shortened campaign, with 2 more hits in 2 AB's with a couple of walks. Rob Davis added a 2 run double and 2 hits, Rick "Wheels" Piotrowski tripled and had 2 hits, and Johnny Kovalick drove all the way down from Port Orange and collected 3 hits, making the drive worthwhile.

It actually was a fun game, not just because we won, but enjoying a good ballgame with great guys on a hot summer night is about as All-American as it gets, Throw in the fact that we played well, didn't gripe, and everybody contributed in ways big and small, and it was a reminder to me particularly, why this game can be so fun.

Congratulations to the Tigers, who are having a great season, on their steady improvment. While our joy may have come at their short-term expense, I'm confident in saying this will be a team to reckon with in the near future and for years to come.

To the Old Reds, thank you for an interesting, confounding season. There can be no doubt that we are going to have to make a few additions and changes to be competitive, but all of you are invited back, please let me know if you have another plan in mind, the sooner the better. I've enjoyed the time getting to know the new guys, and spending time with old friends. I still maintain that with a few tweeks, we can play with the better teams in the league on any given Sunday.

Have a great off season, I will be in touch soon!

Old Reds Sweep Double Dip!!

April 21, 2013

The Old Reds came storming out of the league basement to sweep a doubleheader Sunday at Blue Jacket Park. Mike Grenci went the rout in the opening game victory over the Nationals 8-4, and Jose Taveras survived some shaky defense to hold for the complete game victory in the 2nd game, 10-9 over the South Lake Rays.

The cozy confines of Blue Jacket gave up 3 Old Red dingers on the day. Rob Davis, with what he described as his first ever home run, and Jose Taveras hit home runs in the opener, and Craig Feeney added a bomb that would have been out of anywhere in the nightcap.

Ed Rubiera continued his remarkable year, leading the team in OBP by 100 points, yet still only having 2 hits...(12 walks and 5 more HBP to add to his league record total)Rick Piotrowski was 2-3 in the opener, Jeff Albertson had 4 hits on the day, Tim Albertson drove in what proved to be the game winning runs in game 1, Lino Rivera had a beautiful, running catch and a couple of hits on the day, John Kovalick caught the whole 2nd game, for the 2nd time in 3 games, was the catcher of record during an Old Reds win. Fidel Garcia survived a late night, and despite showing up late, made some fine plays and had a couple of big hits, before the Yovani Gallardo syndrome kicked in...

Great wins boys, next game is this Sunday the 28th at 9 AM at Bear Creek against the Nationals. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Old Reds Flamed by Blazers

April 14, 2013

Our heroes fought valiantly, but came up short against arch-nemisis Blazers. It was a blazing hot day, the first this year, but the after a three-run first, the bats went into the cooler. Bert Solomon was too tough on this day, keeping OR hitters off stride and off the bases. That said, for the second consecutive week, I was proud of the effort, and hopeful signs for this squad are popping up everywhere, like grass in sidewalk cracks...Young Craig Feeney continued to impress by cranking a long home run in his first AB, later adding a base knock. Rob Davis continued to lay off the high stuff, and pounded out 3 hits. Eddie Rubiera continued his torrid on-base march, and his frightful league mark for getting hit by pitches, Steve Haugh played his second game of the day, pitched his 2nd game of the day, and was impressive for 3 innings. Fidel Garcia had a knock and three of 4 nice plays at short, cementing his role there. Mike Grenci struck out 6 in 5 innings, and showed great command and composure working with the 4th string catcher. 

Next Sunday should be interesting, 2 games we could win on paper, but a doubleheader nonetheless. Blue Jacket Park, where we opened the season. Bring the family for all or part, a lovely place to spend part of a Sunday. Haugh is out, as is Ken D., so we will need all hands on deck, 18 innings to glory! 9 AM start, arrive in time to stretch and warm up, bring a snack or lunch, and let's take 2!

It was a long time coming this spring, but the Old Reds finally won for the first time in 2013. Things looked bleak until a 10-run explosion in the 8th propelled our heroes to a 14-7 win over the Tigers. The Player of the Game had to be veteran Steve Haugh, making his long-awaited return from Hardknox purgatory. Not only did he throw a complete game, he drove in six runs, highlighted by the first Grand Slam in team history. Most importantly, the defense went errorless, and although the Tigers are a strong hitting club, the lack of extra chances was the difference in this one.

Other highlights included a strong debut by rookie Craig Feeney, who looks like a great candidate to fill that gaping hole in Center left by Fidel Garcia's moving to short to fill that chasm. Craig had a couple of hits, including a hustle double that was impressive. He also made a couple of good grabs in the OF. Fidel played a great game at short and drove in a run. Tim Albertson drove in a couple of runs with 3 hits, Lino Rivera played through a strained groin, but had a hit and a pair of walks, and managed to peg out a runner at third from deep left, at least as deep as Bear Creek can manage. Rob Davis had a couple of hits, and coupld have had four with a little luck. He also made a nice tumbling catch in right. I thought Ken Davis set the big inning up with an unselfish sacrifice bunt attempt that turned into gold when the ball was thrown away. He also had a double and a walk, and made a couple of good plays at third. Of course, he also pinch ran for Eddie in the first and inexplicably tried to make something happen by stealing second, but I love this guy's attitude! Finally John Kovalick caught the whole game, drove in what proved to be the winning run, and kept playing after taking a Tiger backswing off the elbow. Now that's a ballplayer!

Next game is Sunday, April 14 at Clermont Bishop at 12:30 PM. We get the Blazers on the 2nd game of their DH, so it would be great to think about a couple of wins in a row! In two weeks we have the first doubleheader of the year, so try and make arrangements to be there, we will need all hands! Great win boys!

Who Were the Imposters?

October 14, 2012
The Old Reds looked dare we say, good Sunday afternoon! Are these the real Old Reds, or the team who had lost four in a row giving up double-digit runs. But an impressive debut by a 51-year old "rookie" put the boys back on the right track. Sean O'Connor moved in from Boston, and proceeded to scatter 5 hits, while striking out 9 in a complete game effort. So excited were we by his pitching, we proceeded to bang out 13 hits to commemorate the effort. Alex Moncada belted a three-run home run, Tim Nowe was 3 for 3 with a double, Rick Piotrowski was 2-2 with a Sac Fly, as the bottom of the lineup did most of the damage.
Beleagured Jose Taveras, who could have cheerfully defected from the team last week after the fielding meltdown in Clermont, went behind the dish and caught a beautiful game. But Player of the Game honors have to go to Sean, who was outstanding against a strong hitting Nats lineup, and he even chipped in with a base hit late. Next up are the Blazers, Sunday at 8:30 AM, again at Grand Ave. Hope to see everyone there!

Blazers Edge Old Reds

October 21, 2012

For the 2nd week in a row, "rookie" Sean O'Connor pitched exceptionally well against a hard-hitting team, but this week the Old Reds came up short. Too many errors and too few Old Reds spelled doom on this day, but the boys have to be encouraged to be in the game until the end against one of the elite teams in the division. Jose Taveras showed up late, but in time to rip a single and a double. Tim Albertson did the same, and Eddie Rubiera had a RBI single in his last game before hernia surgery Tuesday. We're all thinking of you Ed, hope to see you back out and playing before too long. Next week, he'll be acting manager as the old Reds try to cling to thin playoff aspirations with a victory over the A's at Seminole High School in Sanford. Game time is 10 AM.O'Conner deserved a much better fate, but inopportune errors, and a 8 LOB was more than the good guys could overcome. This one hurt, because it felt winnable. But we shall soldier on, hoping to see a better turnout next Sunday.