


2024 Fall Ball Interleague Rules for Minor and Major Divisions

 1. We will be using the 2025 age calendar. Age Brackets shall consist of:

      a. Minor League - Players league age 8-9 years old (Those moving up to or returning to 8/9/10 division in 2025.) Skill level appropriate 10-year-olds may play in the minors division if approved by the league board of directors

       b. Major League – Players league age 10-11 years old (Those moving up to or returning to 11-12 division in 2025.) Skill level appropriate 12-year-olds may play in the majors division if approved by the league Board of Directors.

2. Division games shall be played on the following days:

      a. Minor League - Tuesdays and Fridays @ 6:00 PM, 5:30 if no lights

      b. Major League – Mondays and Thursdays @ 6:00 PM, 5:30 PM if no lights.                         

3. Season will begin 09/03/2024 and scheduled through mid-October (weather permitting). 

4. Pitchers may not exceed 2 innings per game must be consecutive. Little League pitch count rules to be followed. 

5. 4-run rule applies in all divisions, except the last inning. The 6th inning will be an open inning, unless the 2-hour time limit of the game is reached. We will not begin an inning any later than an hour and 45 minutes after start time. Whatever inning you are in at the hour and 45 minute mark will be considered the last inning, and will be played as an open inning.

 6. Home Team pays umpire fee. NOTE:  Since there are a few teams that are unable to host games and were given home games on the schedule in order to be fair to the players so they do not have to be the away team every time they play I propose the following for games when a none host team is the home team.  Host team will schedule the umpire.  Home team will pay half of the umpire fee due to the fact they had to travel and do not have the income from a concession stand. If any league objects to this please call me to discuss.

7. Umpire must be behind home plate (not behind pitcher’s mound). 

8. Minor AND Major WILL have a continuous batting order (since the focus of Fall Ball is development). 

9. Batter may advance on a dropped 3rd strike in MAJOR LEAGUE ONLY. Batter may NOT advance in Minor League. 

10. If necessary, in order to enhance numbers, players from the Minor League may be promoted to Major League. Players may also double roster in the Major League

11. If necessary, players from the lower age bracket in the Major League may play down to ensure numbers are available to field a team AND players from the upper age bracket in the Minor League divisions may play up to ensure numbers are available to field a team. Major division players playing down in the minors division will not be allowed to pitch. These players must be inserted at the bottom of the batting order. PLAY DOWN MUST NOT BE ATTEMPTED TO ENHANCE A TEAM. 

12. Minor and Major divisions will play with three (3) outfielders. In the Minor Division ONLY, if BOTH coaches agree, four (4) outfielders may be played to get players more field time. If BOTH coaches do not agree (i.e. one wants it and the other does not), three (3) outfielders will be played.

13. Baserunners are limited to one additional base on an overthrow from the catcher on a stolen base. (example: Baserunner steals second and throw to 2nd from catcher is overthrown, the runner can advance to 3rd only) This rule applies to all baserunners and double steals. This is a Minors rule only.



2024 Fall Ball Coach Pitch Division Rules

1. We will be using the 2025 age calendar. Age Brackets shall consist of: Coach Pitch/Farm League – Players league age 6-7 years old (Those moving up to or returning to coach pitch division in 2024. League age 5 years old can play fall ball coach pitch IF they have played at least 1 year of T-ball and current league age 8 (9 in 2024) may play in the coach pitch division if skill appropriate. Any player league age 8 must be approved by the league’s board of directors.

2. Division games shall be played on the following days:

Coach Pitch/Farm League- Wednesdays @ 6 PM and Saturdays @ 1pm. In case of a double header at a particular venue, games will start at 1pm & 3pm. (2 hr. time limit on Wed. games). 

4-run rule applies in all divisions, except the last inning. The 6th inning will be an open inning, unless the 2-hour time limit of the game is reached. We will not begin an inning any later than an hour and 45 minutes after start time. Whatever inning you are in at the hour and 45 minute mark will be considered the last inning, and will be played as an open inning.

3. Season will begin 09/03/2024 and scheduled through mid-October (weather permitting).

4. All games will be played with a coach pitching to his own team.

5. If the runner is past the mid baseline, there will be a continuation of play for all balls being thrown into the infield. Base runners can try to advance if past the mid base line at risk of being tagged out. However, if the runner HAS NOT passed the mid base line prior to the ball entering into the infield, it is a dead ball and the runner must then return to previous base and CANNOT be tagged out.

6. An overthrown ball at 1st base is a dead ball. The runner cannot advance.

7. Infielders CANNOT play closer than one step in on infield grass.

8. Outfielders MUST be at least 10 feet back from the infield (top of diamond). Coach Pitch will play with four (4) outfielders. In the Coach Pitch division, if BOTH coaches agree, five (5) outfielders may be played to get players more field time. If BOTH coaches do not agree (i.e. one wants it and the other does not), four (4) outfielders will be played.

9. Defensive pitcher MUST be no closer than the pitching rubber & have one foot on pitcher mound dirt.

10. Two defensive coaches will be allowed in the outfield grass area for guidance and direction (Fall Ball is for development).

11. The pitching coach will umpire game (Fall Ball is for development).

12. Regular baseballs to be used for all games.


13. There will be NO Tagging-up by any baserunners allowed at this level