Subscribe to our NewsletterGeneral Info on Rec and Travel Basketball
Travel Tryouts - Dates Set
Those interested playing Travel Basketball for the 2017/2018 season must attend both tryout dates.
Tuesday, October 10 Tuesday, October 17
6:00 - 7:30 pm Fernbrook Gym Grade 4 6:00 - 7:30 pm Fernbrook Gym
6:00 - 7:30 pm RMS Aux. Gym Grade 5 6:00 -7:30 pm RMS Aux. Gym
6:00 - 7:30 pm RMS Main Gym Grade 6 6:00 - 7:30 pm RMS Main Gym
7:30 - 9:00 pm RMS Aux. Gym Grade 7 7:30 - 9:00 pm RMS Aux. Gym
7:30 - 9:00 pm RMS Main Gym Grade 8 7:30 - 9:00 pm RMS Main Gym
Rec League Ratings - Dates set
ALL BOYS in grades 5th – 8th MUST ATTEND a league rating session as assigned below. The schedule below will be strictly adhered to. The ratings ensure quality, fairness and balance to all teams. Please attend only one rating session for your grade; whichever date is most convenient to your schedule.
5th/6th Grade League 6:00 – 7:20 pm Wednesday Nov. 1st OR Tuesday Nov. 7 RMS Main Gym
7th/8th Grade League 7:40 – 9:00 pm Wednesday Nov. 1st OR Tuesday Nov. 7 RMS Main Gym
2017 Pre-Season
Randolph Turkey Shootout
Open to boys travel teams in grades 4-8 (no AAU teams)
When: Fri/Sat/Sun Nov 24-26, 2017
Where: Randolph Middle School and Fernbrook School– Randolph, NJ
3 full size hardwood courts with wall mounted scoreboards. Plenty of bleacher seating for guests. Concession stands serving drinks and packaged snacks.
Format: Min 3 games plus championship game for top teams. Tourney t-shirts provided to each Championship team. Two carded officials per game. Use SI Play’s Tourney Machine mobile app to stay updated on tourney schedule/results and to find a complete set of rules for each grade level (under documents tab). 16 minute stop clock per half.
Cost: $325/team. $25 discount/team if registering 3+ teams. To reserve your team’s spot, register at http://www.tourneymachine.com/R33935. Upon checking out of the cart, remit the payment as directed.
Note: Certificate of insurance will be required to participate.
Registration Deadline: Nov 3, 2017. This is a 40 team tournament and will sell out quickly!
All event related questions should be directed to:
Eric Polesuk
Save the Date!