Welcome To

Rockland Little League

August 23, 2024

2024 Wiffle Ball Tourney Info



8U Schedule

9-12 Schedule

13+ Schedule


June 27, 2024


**schedules for all teams have been posted**

**Farm, Minors and Majors closed**

Registration for the Farm, Minors, and Majors divsions (ages 7-12) are now closed.  Those still insterested in signing up should reach out to paul.leoncavallo@yahoo.com and will be put on a wait list with no guarantees a spot will open up.  Majors will be very difficult to find a spot at this time.  Minors is similar, but we have a little more leeway.  Farm, we most likely can work it out but that is not set in stone.

Sandlot (5-6), 50/70 (13s) and Juniors (14-15) remain open at this time.

2024 Spring Registration Open!

Late Rate Schedule Active 

Your player's 'baseball age' is their age as of 8/31/24.  For example, if your player is 8yrs old right now, but will turn 9 in July, then they are considered 9 for the upcoming season and should be signed up for the Minors division (age 9-11) as opposed to Farm (age 7-8).  You can use the Little League Age Chart to help calculate where your player falls.

Note: Families with multiple players will receive a $25 discount for their 2nd player and a $30 discount per player after the 2nd.  This discount will be applied automatically by the system.



All age 10 players should sign-up for Minors and all age 11 players should sign-up for Majors with the understanding that some 10s may end up in Majors and some 11s may end up in Minors.


2024 Registration Late Schedule 3/1/24 - TBA

Sandlot (age 5-6) $50

Farm (age 7-8) $185

Minors (age 9-10) $215

Majors (age 11-12) $230

Intermediate 50/70 (age 13) $250

Junior (age 14-15) $250 (reduced rate still active)

2024 Spring Registration Open!

Regular Rate Schedule Active 

Your player's 'baseball age' is their age as of 8/31/24.  For example, if your player is 8yrs old right now, but will turn 9 in July, then they are considered 9 for the upcoming season and should be signed up for the Minors division (age 9-11) as opposed to Farm (age 7-8).  You can use the Little League Age Chart to help calculate where your player falls.

Note: Families with multiple players will receive a $25 discount for their 2nd player and a $30 discount per player after the 2nd.  This discount will be applied automatically by the system.



All age 10 players should sign-up for Minors and all age 11 players should sign-up for Majors with the understanding that some 10s may end up in Majors and some 11s may end up in Minors.


2024 Registration Regular Schedule 2/1/24 - 2/29/24

Sandlot (age 5-6) $25 (reduced rate still active)

Farm (age 7-8) $160

Minors (age 9-10) $190

Majors (age 11-12) $205

Intermediate 50/70 (age 13) $225

Junior (age 14-15) $250


2024 Registration Late Schedule 3/1/24 - TBA

Sandlot (age 5-6) $50

Farm (age 7-8) $185

Minors (age 9-10) $215

Majors (age 11-12) $230

Intermediate 50/70 (age 13) $250

Junior (age 14-15) $275

T-Mobil Call-Up Grant

The T-Mobil Call-Up Grant is Back! A portion or all of your player(s) registration fee could be covered for those who qualify.  Funds for this program go quickly.  If you plan to apply, please do so as soon as possible.

Registration for the 2024 Spring Season is officially open! 


The days are getting longer and before you know it we'll be out on the diamond again!

Currently we are running our Early Bird rate schedule (see below for the full rate schedule) which will run thru January 31st.  From February 1 thru the 29th the regular rate schedule will be active and finally the late schedule will kick in on March 1st and run until at least a week before Evaluation Day (date/location TBA).

Your player's 'baseball age' is their age as of 8/31/24.  For example, if your player is 8yrs old right now, but will turn 9 in July, then they are considered 9 for the upcoming season and should be signed up for the Minors division (age 9-11) as opposed to Farm (age 7-8).  You can use the Little League Age Chart to help calculate where your player falls.

Note: Families with multiple players will receive a $25 discount for their 2nd player and a $30 discount per player after the 2nd.  This discount will be applied automatically by the system.


2024 Registration Early Bird Schedule 1/6/24 - 1/31/24


All age 10 players should sign-up for Minors and all age 11 players should sign-up for Majors with the understanding that some 10s may end up in Majors and some 11s may end up in Minors.

Sandlot (age 5-6) $25

Farm (age 7-8) $135

Minors (age 9-10) $165

Majors (age 11-12) $180

Intermediate 50/70 (age 13) $200

Junior (age 14-15) $225


2024 Registration Regular Schedule 2/1/24 - 2/29/24

Sandlot (age 5-6) $50

Farm (age 7-8) $160

Minors (age 9-10) $190

Majors (age 11-12) $205

Intermediate 50/70 (age 13) $225

Junior (age 14-15) $250


2024 Registration Late Schedule 3/1/24 - TBA

Sandlot (age 5-6) $50

Farm (age 7-8) $185

Minors (age 9-10) $215

Majors (age 11-12) $230

Intermediate 50/70 (age 13) $250

Junior (age 14-15) $275


Head over to RocklandLittleLeague.com to sign-up now!

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or issues with registration.  Stay warm!



Registration for the 2023 Wiffle Ball Tournament is now closed.

3rd Annual Wiffle Ball Fundraiser

Registration is Open!

**click here to register**

August 19/20th

registration will close on 8/16, at that time we will determine if two days are needed or just one

$40 per team

minimum 3 players/maximum of 4

Divisions:  8 and under, 9-12, 13-15 and 16+

Everyone is welcome to play  

You do not have to have played in RLL (or even live in Rockland) to participate.  

trophies for each divison winner

awards for home run champs

award for best team name/jersey

*note: having a team shirt made is not a requirement to participate in the tourney

Please help spread the word!

**click here to see rules pages**

*note: rules are considerd to be in draft status and are subject to changes/updates

Summer Ball Pre-Registration is now closed to all levels.



Sandlot parents can stop reading after this entry.  There are plans for FREE Summer baseball for all interested Sandlot players (as long as we have the volunteers to run it), more information to come as the season winds down in June.

Pre-registration for summer ball tryouts is required

All age 8-13 players who are interested in trying out for a team, must pre-register.  THERE IS NO REGISTRATION FEE AT THIS TIME.  Registration fees will be collected after teams are selected (please see the rate schedule at the end of this message).  Pre-registration is mandatory to be eligible to tryout. 

Age 7 players may tryout for the 8yr old team.  That said, preference is given to 8yr old players if it comes down to deciding between players of similar skill sets.

Registering for tryouts does not guarantee a spot on a team. RLL will do everything we can to provide summer ball for all interested.  With that in mind, summer ball is made up of all star teams that have limited roster spots.  Coaches will evaluate all players and select teams based on those evaluations.

If numbers are high enough, it is possible to have more than one team per age level.  Numbers and coaches will dictate everything.

A link will be provided below to take you to the pre-registration form.  There is also a link on the front page of the website labeled 2023 Summer Ball Pre-Registration on the right sidebar.

Tryout Dates

Tryouts for all age 7-11 players will be the weekend of May 20th.  Exact day/times TBA.  It is also possible individual divisions will add an additional day if necessary. Every effort should be made to be at tryouts.

Williamsport Team (age 12 players): There is no tryout for the Williamsport team (more info to come), this team is selected via Majors Coaches vote.  All age 12 players interested in Summer Ball must still pre-register.  Registration will be used to assess if there is enough interest for a 2nd 12yr old team (along with collecting other vital information).

Age 11 players are eligible to be selected for the Williamsport team, though preference is given to age 12 players when it comes to players of similar skill level.  Age 11 players should attend tryouts regardless if you feel you will be selected for Williamsport.

Tryouts for age 13 players are TBA.  Interest at this age level will dictate tryouts.

Age 13 players will play in an age 13 only 60/90 Division

Part of the pre-registration form asks for your player's shirt size (and pants for those eligible for Williamsport), this is so we can get uniforms ordered as quickly as possible once teams are selected (the ordering window is very small).  Please keep in mind this is all for informational purposes as pre-registerting does NOT guarantee a spot on a team.


Useful information

Birth certificates may be requested at some point depending on the division you are participating.  Please be prepared to produce a copy with an official 'raised' stamp if/when requested.

Typically Summer teams will play an 8-10 game (usually weekdays, but not always) schedule, against surrounding towns, that will run the month of July (after the 4th) and then playoffs (if they qualify) that run the first week of August.  

At each individual coaches discretion, your player's team could be entered into additional weekend tournaments.  These addition tournaments are NOT part of the Summer Registration fee, there would be additional cost.  Usually $50-60 per player per additional tournament.

Everything above hinges on numbers.  We would like to offer everything, but it will only be possible if there are enough players (and Coaches!).

**Please don't let Summer Vacations deter you from trying out, we can work around it!**


Summer Rate Schedule

Summer ball fees will be collected after teams are assembled.

8s - $150

9s - $165

10s - $175

11s - $175 (non-Williamsport)

12s - $175 (non-Williamsport)

13s - $175



Use the link below to register for Summer Ball 2023


you may need to copy and paste the link into your browser

After filling out the registration form and clicking 'submit' you must click the checkout button on the next page to complete your registration


Please don't hesitate if you have any questions regarding summer ball.





2023 Registration for FARM, MINORS and MAJORS (ages 7-12) is now closed. 

If you have a player interested in registering in this age group, please contact paul.leoncavallo@yahoo.com and we will place you on the pending list (there is no guarantee we will be able to add any players at this level at this time).

2023 Registration for SANDLOT (age 5-6) is OPEN and will close end of April.

2023 Registration for 50/70 (age 13) is now CLOSED

2023 Registration for JUNIORS (age 14-15) is now CLOSED

2023 Spring Registration Now  Open!

Use code HOLIDAY25 at checkout for our Black Friday Weekend Discount!

code expires 11/27/22

2023 Registration Fee Schedules


Black Friday/Earlybird Schedule 11/25/22 - 12/31/22


All age 10 players should sign-up for Minors and all age 11 players should sign-up for Majors with the understanding that some 10s may end up in Majors and some 11s may end up in Minors with the respective refund/balance to be determined.

Sandlot (age 5-6) $50 - Black Friday $25

Farm (age 7-8) $100 - Black Friday $75

Minors (age 9-10) $165 - Black Friday $140

Majors (age 11-12) $180 - Black Friday $155

Intermediate 50/70 (age 13) $225 - Black Friday $200

Junior (age 14-15) $250 - Back Friday $225


Regular Schedule 1/1/23 - 2/14/23

Sandlot (age 5-6) $50

Farm (age 7-8) $125

Minors (age 9-10) $190

Majors (age 11-12) $205

Intermediate 50/70 (age 13) $250

Junior (age 14-15) $275


Last Call Schedule 2/15/23 - 2/28/23

Registration for the 2023 season will close on February 28th, 2023.

Sandlot (age 5-6) $50

Farm (age 7-8) $150

Minors (age 9-10) $215

Majors (age 11-12) $230

Intermediate 50/70 (age 13) $275

Junior (age 14-15) $300


Family Cap Schedule

If you qualify for the family cap please email paul.leoncavallo@yahoo.com for a special code to use at checkout.

If all players in family are baseball age 12 and under, $300

If at least one Intermediate player and under, $325

If at least one Junior player and under, $350

Note: the family cap schedule will adjust with the above schedules starting 1/1/23


T-Mobil Call Up Grant

For those who qualify the T-Mobil Call Up Grant Program is back for 2023.  Last year T-Mobil refunded those who qualified directly, sign up now to take advantage of multiple savings!  We will let everyone know when T-Mobil starts accepting applications for the 2023 season.

August 26, 2022

2022 Wiffle Ball Tourney Info

Final Rules

8U Schedule

9-12 Schedule

13-15 Schedule



August 25, 2022

registration for the 2022 RLL Wiffle Ball Fundraiser is closed

if you are interested in entering a team please contact paul.leoncavallo@yahoo.com

there is no day of registration

August 18, 2022

2022 Wiffle Ball Fundraiser

Rules updated for 2022 tournamnet: Click Here

Yellow highlights note change from 2021

Rules are considered to be in Draft Status until finalized

Note: We anticipate this being a 1 day event (Saturday 8/27) but the final team count will dictate if playoffs/championships will be held on Sunday 8/28.

Please contact paul.leoncavallo@yahoo.com with any questions

July 28, 2022

Rockland Little League

Wiffle Ball Fundraiser



Saturday & Sunday, August 27-28

Spring Street Fields


$40/team entry fee

3-4 player roster





Age 8 and under

Age 9-12

Age 13-15 

Age 16+ (this includes adults)

**Must register team online ahead of event** 

**Entry Deadline: Wednesday, August 24**

**There will be no day of registration**


**Come out for a weekend of Wiffle Ball to support Rockland Little League!**

Recruit your team and head over to RocklandLittleLeague.com to sign up!

All are welcome!


2021 Rules can be found here in the FORMS sections of the website (will be finalized fo 2022 soon)


Space is limited, sign up ASAP!


Please help us spread the word and forward this to anyone you think would be interested


<< click here to sign-up! >>


+Divisions may be realigned depending on number of sign-ups

Younger players may play in older divisions if desired



July 27, 2022

** 2nd Annual RLL Wiffle Ball Fundraiser **

August 27-28th

Registration Now Open!

July 8, 2022

** 2nd Annual RLL Wiffle Ball Fundraiser **

August 27-28th

Registration will open soon!

August 24, 2021

What a day!

It started with some concern that it may rain the day before but ended up being a blazer! In what we hope will now be an annual event for Rockland Little League, 19 teams (nearly 80 players) competed over our three divisions.  Bombs were hit, champions crowned, fun was had!


It was an early start with 3 rounds of pool play beginning at 9am.





As the afternoon heat settled in, the battles continued.





After pool play the standings were set for bracket play…

...and when the dust settled, Champs were crowned.

Wiffle Beasts - 9U Champs


The Brew Crew - 10-13 Champs


WBL AL All Stars - 14+ Champs

We hope everyone had fun and we plan to bring it back bigger and better next year!



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