Welcome to the home of the

Stratford Athletic Organization


Our New Website has launched!!

Please visit www.SAONJ.com for an upgraded look and feel!



S.A.O. Board Meetings


Each Month there is a Board Meeting (members only) and a General Meeting (Open to the public) for discussions, questions, and concerns.

Typically, these meetings are held the first weekend of each month and the date/time is posted on our Calendar.  If you have an issue, please also come with potential solutions and be willing to follow through with them with the other volunteers. 

If you would like to get involved, please join us at a General meeting.


 Thank you,

Stratford Athletic Organization

    Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!!

Please support the business's that support our youth programs!








1. All Bond Refund forms must be filled out and reviewed and signed off by a board member.

2. All Bond refund forms are required to be filed or post marked (if mailed in) by August 31st of each year͘

3. Bonds refunds not filed or filed after August 31st of each year will be considered donations to the kids, Thank You.

4. Forms will be on hand for Field cleanup day, online at BOND FORM all year and available in each snack stand.

5. Bond forms collected for reimbursement will be presented at the monthly meeting and approved for payment just after the meeting.

6. The Bond refund form is the responsibility of the parent to complete and submit to a board