- League ID 02200112
- http://tshq.bluesombrero.com/scountyll
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2. Payment, if you decide not to pay on-line or mail payment for Registration Fees and Pre-Paid Raffle Fundraiser Tickets.
3. Receiving the Raffle Tickets.
4. Concession Deposit processing and form signatures.
5. Turning in the Little League School Enrollment Form. Note: As in previous years, SCLL highly recommends that you use this form since it is good for as long as your player is enrolled in that school and takes the place of the more onerous three proofs of residency requirement. For your convenience, the form is attached.
There will be a number of opportunities for everyone to take care of the above in-person items including: 1) Walk-In Registration Sessions, Tryouts, and first practice. So we will be tracking completion of everyone's 2018 Registration Packages to ensure they are complete.
Finally, two intems:
Again, Happy New Year!
Please support South Mountain Little League through the Amazon Smile program. To participate in this program, you just have to open Amazon using the link provided below or the Amazon Smile logo and designate South Mountain Little League as your charity of choice.
Be sure to search for South Mountain Little League
Once completed, South Mountain Little League will receive a donation from Amazon in the amount of .5% of any purchases you make using the Amazon Smile URL. The Amazon Smile program is completely free to you and the league, so this is a great way to support the league by doing something that you are already doing!