- Southern Ohio Softball League
- 2025 Board Members
- Sarah Hubbard (President) Rachel Ray (VP)
- Kelley Douglas (Secretary) Brett Hammack (Treasurer)
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SOSLI Opening Day is just around the corner. 6U will throw out the first pitches of the 2025 season on April 7th. The schedules have been approved and loaded onto the website. Please remember that there are no forfeits because of mismatched uniforms. So we suggest teams play all scheduled games, even if their uniforms are not ready.
Scoring will once again be posted by the winning team. Each age division will be given a unique password to login. These passwords will be given to all the District Reps to pass along to their coaches. Please try to post your score within 24 hours so the league offices don't have to field phone calls about missing scores.
The importance of zero tolerance for any verbal abuse to the umpires was again discussed by the District Reps in the off season. The importance of proper parent, player, and coach behavior was stressed to all the coaches in our coaches meeting. SOSLI will continue to educate the umpires and award the best with the opportunity to umpire tournaments. That being said there will be blown calls and we need to act responsibly as spectators. Encouragement, cooperation, and game experience goes a long way in turning these young adults into successful umpires.
1) If you have a rainout or need to reschedule a game, please contact the other team's coach along with the home team's district rep/field manager to reschedule. SOSLI does not need to know the reschedule date. It is impossible to keep up with the rainouts on the website.
2) Any rainouts should be rescheduled ASAP. Many of the schedules are back loaded with multiple game weeks.
3) To enter your scores, please select the "Schedules" from the Schedules tab, then click the "report scores" box, select the proper game information, and enter your password. Please contact your District Rep for your password.
4) Each coach should enter the player(s) of the game for the opposing team in the comment section of the score reporting. This information will be used to help determine the All Star selections. The information should always include player's name and number. It is very difficult to tally votes for the "shortstop" or the "lead-off hitter".
5) We also ask you to grade your umpire by clicking the "umpire evaluation" tab. We will use the evaluations and comments to help better the umpires and decide which umpires to use during tournaments.
1) Practice, practice, practice! Every kid on the team, regardless of skill level, needs work on his or her game at one time or another. Try to set aside a little time--even if it's just a half hour a week--and work with your child between games. A little practice goes a long way. If you're not sure what your child needs to work on, ask any of the Coaches--we're the ones most familiar with your child's strengths and weaknesses and can suggest practice sessions that will improve your child's playing ability. And it's a great way to spend some quality time with your kids.
2) Coaching is for Coaches. Please resist the incredible urge to coach your child from the stands. It interferes and often contradicts the Coaches' instructions during game time. If you'd like to volunteer as a Coach for our team, them come on down and sign up! We can use the extra help.
3) Think Positive! Negative comments towards your child's playing ability on the field during game time has NO PLACE in the league. We all want our kids to be great players, but we must remember that the kids are there to have fun--this is for the kids, not the parents. On the way home, try and compliment your youngster on his/her playing that day. Never go home criticizing every little mistake...that's the quickest way to turn your kid off.
4) Get Involved. Teams are severely understaffed and overworked. Many parents want to become involved, but worry that they don't know enough about the sport to be helpful. There are plenty of ways to get involved without becoming a Coach or Manager. Volunteering for concession duty, paying for team treats, and help getting the field ready for a game are a few suggestions to help out your coach.
The 2024 rule book is also online for viewing. Below are the only changes for the 2025 season.
8U-14U Leaping - Pitchers will be allowed to "leap" during the pitch (no longer need to drag their foot). This rule change will match the OHSSA pitching rule.
9U Steal of Home - The base running rule for 9U will now match 10U. One stolen base per pitch, and stealing home is allowed.
Rainouts (Page 139)
6. All rained out, suspended or postponed games must be re-scheduled within five days and played within 14 days of original scheduled date When two coaches cannot agree on re-scheduling a game, their District Reps may be notified by either coach and the reps will schedule the game on any field, at any time available.
Lightning Safety and Umpire Facebook Page
Please be familiar with "Guidelines for lightning safety" found on page 118 in your rule book. Any postponed game should be rescheduled between the coaches and/or district reps, and scores reported on the original game date.
UMPIRE FACEBOOK PAGE: Are you an umpire looking to get more games? Please checkout the SOSLI UMPIRE ASSIGNMENT FACEBOOK PAGE where District Reps and Coaches post their umpiring needs. You can also post your available days to umpire each week for the District Reps to see.