Verona Girls Wildcat Basketball Club

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Verona Girls Basketball Club is OPEN for the 2024-25 season registration! 


Evaluations will be held: 

6th, 7th, 8th grades: Monday and Tuesday September 16th and 17th at Sugar Creek Elementary School. 

  • 6th graders will have evaluations from 5pm-6pm both nights
  • 7th graders will have evaluations from 6pm-7pm both nights
  • 8th graders will have evaluations from  7pm-8pm both nights

4th and 5th grades: Wednesday and Thursday September 18th and 19th at Sugar Creek Elementary School. 

  • 4th graders will have evaluations from 5pm-6pm both nights
  • 5th graders will have evaluations from 6pm-7pm both nights


  1. Please arrive 30 minutes early to get your uniform sized. 
  2. Please have the registration form filled out prior to coming for evaluations to ensure the player is on the list. 
  3. Registration Fees (check preferred) can be mailed or handed in on 9/16 for 6th-8th grade or on 9/18 for 4th-5th grade. 
  4. Players, please wear a shirt or jersey with a number on it, if available, so evaluators can easily identify players.
  5. Do not bring a ball, balls will be provided by the program.
  6. Note - Only players will be allowed in the gym during evaluations. 

Registration Form:

The registration link (a google form) will be available August 1st-September 11th. 

If you register after 9/11, we cannot guarantee a spot.  Please ensure you are signing up within the open registration window!! 

Registration Fee:

For ALL GRADES, the registration fee will be $300. Checks are preferred. 

Checks can be sent to the below address ahead of evaluations or can be brought on the first night of your players evaluations. 

A few items the registration fee covers:

  • First Jersey - if you join the program as a 4th grader you will receive your free jersey. Any subsequent jersey's being bought will be an additional fee. Please note, if you join in a later grade (i.e. 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grade), you will still receive your first jersey for free. 
    • Shorts are an additional fee for all grades. These are NOT required at any grade level and it is up to the player (and guardian/parent) to decide if they want shorts.
  • Gyms for practice during the Badger Development League (BDL) season - Please note, any practices that occur after the BDL's final weekend will require additional costs. Gym time will not be booked until the additional fee is collected. 
  • Badger Development League - Every team will play 15 regular-season games. Teams will play in 3 games per day (usually Saturday or Sunday) on 5 different dates to comprise their 15 games. There is an end-of-season tournament that will include a two-game guarantee. 
  • Equipment supplied by the program

If financial assistance is needed, please reach out to us at the email provided below! We want to ensure anyone who wants to play is able to! 

Please reach out to our email address with any questions:




New Facebook Page

Hi Wildcats - As we get closer to evaluations and tryouts we wanted to make sure our new Facebook page was shared! Please follow the Facebook page for updates!


New Club Personnel


We are excited to announce that Arianna Perez and Grace Schraufnagel are joining the Verona Girls Basketball Club Staff! 

Arianna and Grace are both former players and current coaches in the Verona Area High School Girls Basketball Program. They are very excited to join the program and help spread their enthusiasm/love of the game to the young players! 

Arianna, Grace and Randy are all reachable at our new club email: Please reach out with any questions you may have and one of us will get back to you within 48-72 business hours. 

Go Cats!