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SUMMER SPLASH High School Basketball Tourney IS COMING
JUNE 19-20-21
San Luis Obispo
Youth Divsion Call
Call Kaatje Blair 805-748-3954
High School Divisions Call
Ron Barba 805-714-0008
Crossover Sunday Games 2020 taking registration
Games played in San Luis Obispo County
Contact Info:
Kaatje Blair : kaatjeblair@aol.com or 805 -748-3954
Ron Barba: coachrab@hotmail.com or 805-714-0008
Website: westcoastxtreme.org
Sunday Crossover Games 2020
Sunday Crossover Spring Games 2020 Information
When: Sundays
Where: TBA
Who: Boys Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Frosh, JV, Varsity Girls Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Frosh, JV, Varsity
** Please note: Each division must have a minimum of 4 teams, or division will be cancelled. If the division is cancelled, teams have the option to choose:
1. Full refund
2. Entry to the next division
Please mail to Kaatje Blair
351 Ramona Drive
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
*** Please note teams will not be scheduled without full payment (no exceptions).
Parents will need to sign waiver form prior to competition. (see below)
Quantity: Sign-ups based on first come, first serve.
Scheduling: Will be posted on www.westcoastxtreme.org
Rules: Central Coast Youth Basketball League rules, (modified), will govern all games, in conjunction with CIF playing rules.
Players may not play on multiple teams within the same division but may “play-up” to a higher division.
Officials: CIF Certificated officials will be used for all Frosh/JV and Varsity division games for both boys and girls.
Youth Certificated officials may officiate 4th, 5th, 6th 7th and 8th grade divisions for boys and girls games.
Uniforms/Balls: All teams must have numbered jerseys, (preferably front and back numerals), and supply game ball. 4th grade and under boys will be playing with a 28.5 ball. (Coaches from both teams might elect to play with regular ball)
Roster: No limit, may add players during league play.
Concessions: (Special requests)
Due to scheduling complications special requests are generally not allowed; however, should there be extenuating circumstances, league management may grant a team special request.
Info: Call Kaatje Blair at (805) 748-3954 or e-mail at Kaatjeblair@aol.com
Call Ron Barba (714-0008) or e-mail at coachrab@hotmail.com
1. Teams are responsible for numbered jerseys. ---Five players must start the game.
2. Home team (mentioned first) supply game ball, teams supply their own warm-up balls.
3. League/Tournament play will consist of two 20-minute halves with a running clock. The clock will stop for:
A)-- (3) Time outs--
B) Last two minutes of the second half (15 points slaughter rule).
4. Overtime will be three minutes long with a running clock. Clock stops during last 30 seconds. If still a tie, sudden death will follow (1 point wins).
5. Time-outs: There will be 4 time-outs allotted. One time-out allotted for overtime, no carry over time outs. Time outs will be 40 seconds.
6. Free throws on bonus situations: 10th foul and up, two shots. No 1-1 at 7th foul.
7. No shot clock. There will be a ten second back court violation.
8. Closely guarded will be enforced by a 5 second count on the dribble. (10 second backcourt)
9. Players will be disqualified on the fifth foul. Technical fouls will count as team and personal fouls. Two technical fouls and player is ejected from game. Player will also be suspended for the next game. Two ejections and player is automatically suspended for all remaining games.
10. CIF Officials and table will administer CIF basketball playing rules, unless noted in tournament rules and regulations. Boys 4th and under will be playing with a 28.5 ball unless both coaches agree to play with regular size ball
11. There will be a five-minute warm-up before the game and a 3-minute half time.
12. Tie Break System
*Head to Head
*Record vs. Common Opponent when two teams are tied and have not played each other
* Point Difference -1st criteria a) Defensive points 2nd criteria b) Offensive points
13. Tournament not responsible for lost articles.
14. Tournament not responsible for injuries.
15. Coaches are responsible for the conduct of players/parents/supporters of their team. One warning will be issued, forfeiture of game on second offense.
Team Name
Division (Grade Based) 4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,HS
Circle Gender Boy or Girl
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Email Address
Last Name First Name Parent Signature
* I am the parent/legal guardian of the player listed to the left of my signature. I acknowledge that the player could suffer injury by participating in this League/Tournament. However, I consent to his/her involvement in this League. The player has adequate personal health/injury insurance. I waive any claim against the Cuesta College/league directors if the player is injured while participating in this league activity and I will hold them harmless from liability for such injury. * This roster should be submitted ASAP for entry into the League/Tournament

Summer Splash Varsity Teams for tournament
Varsity Teams
San Luis Obispo
Mission Prep
St Joseph
Morro Bay
Arroyo Grande
San Marcos
Balboa Hills
Cal Storm Diamond
Righetti HS
Paso Robles
Spartan Basketball Academy (2 games)
Desert Storm (2 games)
Cal Storm Silver
Rise and Achieve (4 games)
Small School/JV
Desert Storm
San Marcos JV
Mission Prep JV
Paso Robles JV
Nipomo JV
San Luis Obispo JV
Morro Bay JV
SLO High Old gym
10:00—Cal Storm Silver—-Rise & Achieve
11:00—St Joseph—-Rise & Achieve
12:00—Lompoc—-Arroyo Grande
1:00—-SLO jv—-Mission Prep jv
3:00—-Cal Storm Diamond—-Arroyo Grande
4:00—-Paso Robles —-Nipomo
5:00—-Cal Storm Diamond—-SLO
6:00—-Balboa Hills—-Paso Robles
7:00—-Desert Storm —-SLO jv
Nazz Church
10:00—Lompoc—-Mission Prep
11:00—Mission Prep—-Morro Bay
12:00—Righetti—-Cal Storm Silver
1:00—-San Marcos—-Morro Bay
2:00—-San Marcos jv—-Paso Robles jv
3:00—-San Marcos—-St Joseph
4:00—-San Marcos jv—-Nipomo jv
5:00—-Paso Robles jv—-Desert Storm
6:00—-Morro Bay jv—-Mission Prep jv
7:00—-Morro Bay jv—-Nipomo jv
SLO High old gym
8:00—-SLO jv—-Morro Bay jv
9:00—-Righetti—-Cal Storm Diamond
10:00—Cal Storm Diamond—-St Joseph
11:00—Righetti—-Balboa Hills
12:00—St Joseph—-Desert Storm
1:00—-Balboa Hills—-Lompoc
2:00—-Desert Storm—-Morro Bay
4:00—-Morro Bay—-Paso Robles
5:00—-Nipomo jv—-Paso Robles jv
7:00—-Paso Robles jv---SLO jv
8:00—-Morro Bay—- SLO
Nazz Church
10:00—Morro Bay jv—-San Marcos jv
11:00—San Marcos —-Mission Prep
12:00—San Marcos jv—-Mission Prep jv
1:00—-San Marcos—-SBA
2:00—-Mission Prep—-Cal Storm Silver
3:00—-Mission Prep jv—-Nipomo jv
4:00—-Nipomo—-Arroyo Grande
5:00—-SBA—-Cal Storm Silver
6:00—-Arroyo Grande—-Rise & Achieve
7:00—-Rise & Achieve—-Paso Robles
SLO High old gym
8:00—-Nipomo—-Mission Prep
9:00—-Nipomo—-St Joseph
10:00—Mission Prep—-Balboa Hills
11:00—St Joseph—-Cal Storm Silver
12:00—Balboa Hills—-Arroyo Grande
1:00—-Cal Storm Diamond—-Paso Robles
2:00—-Arroyo Grande—-Cal Storm Silver
3:00—-Paso Robles—-San Marcos
4:00—-Cal Storm Diamond—-Lompoc
5:00—-San Marcos—-SLO
7:00—-Righetti—-Morro Bay
Headlines |
Central Coast League 2019 |