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Wood River squads excel in Salmon

WRBSA's 10u and 12u teams wrapped up a two-day stay with 2nd and 1st place finishes in the Max Hemmert All-star Invitational Tournament in Salmon.  Great job!


American Legion season in full swing!


The Wranglers made their first trip to Jackson and later swept Marsh Valley to start league play.  Click here to see the 2017 schedule.  You may also see game details and up-to-date stats on the "teams" page.




3rd Annual Alumni Game another great success!

The 3rd Annual Alumni Games was held at Founders' Field on Friday, June 16th at 5:00.  We had 15 former Wolverine/Wrangler players attend the 9-inning affair.

It was Cam Benson's stealing of home in the final inning that lead to a 7-7 tie.