• Contact Lee Atkins, league president, for all questions about YCAA - 864-316-7843
  • Mail Entry Fees payable to YCAA with your team name in the memo field to...
  • YCAA Treasurer Jason Ayers 4312 Abigale Drive, Yukon OK

Summer Season 24

The Summer season is upon us! The Spring season was a success, even though it seemed as if we had rainout after rainout! Now, next Tuesday July 9, our summer season begins! We'll be our at Hilcrest Tuesday and Thursdays at 7, 8 and/or 9 p.m.! So far the summer has been a hot one so please stay hydrated as you come out and have fun! If there are any questions, please get with Lee or Jason or the head umpire Fuzzy and one of them can clarify anything for yoU! Good luck gentlemen!

2023 USSSA Slowpitch Rulebook & ByLaws


Spring/Summer/Fall 2021 Rule Clarifications:

USSSA Rules: USSSA rules will apply including the bat and ball specifications unless otherwise changed by the league. Additional info in "Forms - Handouts"

Home Runs : 2 + 1. Each team may hit 2 home runs per game. An additional home run may be hit only if the opposing team has the same amount or 1 more home runs. Otherwise a third home run, or a home run going that would cause your team to be 2 more than the opposing team has will count as an out.  Example 1: Visitor team has 1 home run and home team has 2 home runs. Home team hitting additional ball over the fence is an out as that would be more than 2 home runs and 2 more than the opposing team.  Example 2: Both teams have hit 2 home runs, home team hitting a ball over the fence is a home run as they would claim the +1. However, if the home team hits another ball over the fence before the visitor team it would be an out as it would be +2. If the visitor team hits a home run to even the count at 3, then again either team hitting the ball over the fence would be a home run.

 Run Rule:The game will be called by the run rule if one team is ahead of the other by:

               20 runs after any inning
               12 runs after the 3rd inning
               10 runs after the 4th inning
                 8 runs after the 5th inning
                 1 run after the 7th inning

Flip Flop rule: If beginning an inning in which the home team is losing by a margin that constitutes a run rule for that inning, then the home team will “flip/flop” and become the visiting team, and the original visiting team will become the home team. If the new visiting team does not score enough runs to reduce the run difference below the run rule, then the game is over. Example: Home team trails 19-10 after 4 innings. The run rule is 8 after 5, so the home team becomes the visiting team; they clear the bases and bat in the top of the 5th. If they don’t score at least 2 runs, the ball game is over

Substitute Runners: When coming up to bat if a player has a physical limitation that running bases would cause harm, then before the first pitch of that at bat the player should inform the umpire that if reaching 1st base he will need a substitute runner. The player to be the runner will be the player farthest in the batting lineup not currently on a base. Example: If the #5 hole hitter is coming up to bat and informs the umpire of the need of a substitute runner, and the #4 hole hitter is on 3rd base, the #3 hole hitter is on 2nd base and the #2 hole hitter is on 1st base then upon reaching 1st base the #1 hole hitter would be the substitute runner.  This will prevent someone who reaches home on the last active play from having to immediately run again.  Basically, the substitute runner will be in the dugout during the time that the batter is hitting the ball and running to first.  Note: If an injury occurs to any player while running any base they can ask for a substitute runner. The intent of the rule is to avoid causing additional harm to a player with an injury. It is NOT to be used to exchange a slow runner with a faster runner.

Substitute Players: To avoid forfeits any player may be "picked up" by another team to make a 10 person roster. As a "gentleman's agreement", that substitute player must bat at the end of the lineup in order to give team members the most at bats and avoid picking up "ringers".  If your team has a full lineup, adding a additional substitute player is not appropriate. If the substitute player hasn't already signed an insurance release form for another team they must sign your team's release form before playing in the game.

Insurance Release Form - All players that play in any game for any team must sign an insurance release form (one form per player, not each team if substituting). Forms will be in the storage shed and should be signed before playing a game. See "Forms - Handouts" for a copy of the 2023 Insurance Release form. 

Field Maintenance:  If at any time anyone would like to perform maintenance of the field to fill in low spots in the batter's box, around the bases, holes in the outfield, weed trimming behind the outfield fence etc. please feel free to do so at your own availability. Excess dirt is always available in the 3B dugout (bring your own flat blade shovel and bucket if storage shed is locked) and/or can be pushed off the field (back side of large rake works great - an old one is normally accessible in one of the dugouts). Filling in the holes before expected rain and or adding water from a bucket to loose dirt in the batters box AFTER all games have been played for a night will greatly help reduce the number of rain outs for a "moderate" rain fall.  The league is open to a "Vice President of Volunteer Field Maintenance" if anyone is interested in the position. 

Protecting The Pitcher Rule: If, in the umpires opinion, a batter/player talks about and/or hits a ball up the middle/box with the intention to harm the pitcher, each team will have a representative called out and be warned after the first incident. After a second incident a player is ejected. After a third incident the game will be forfeited. (Taunting or trash talking about hitting up the middle/box will be considered unsportsmanlike conduct and a violation of the second and third incidents.). "The middle is open" is taunting and will get you ejected.

Pitchers/Catchers masks/shin guards are not required, but encouraged. Batters must avoid intentionally hitting the ball up the middle toward the pitcher.

Standings tie breakers - 1) Head to Head results 2) Total season run differential (runs scored minus runs allowed) 3) head to head run differential of team tied with




New USSSA Softball Bat Marks & Grandfathering Rules

Effective January 1, 2013
• Have the new permanent1 USSSA Mark on its taper OR
• Be a Wood Bat
ALL of the above must be manufactured by an approved USSSA Bat Licensee.

USSSA marks and other graphics of the bat must be applied permanently and must be applied by the USSSA licensed manufacturer. No stickers or decals are allowed and no one may add graphics to a bat once manufactured. Use of a bat with graphics not applied by the manufacturer will be use of an altered bat and subject to suspension under the USSSA Altered Bat rules. In addition to being violation of the USSSA Altered Bat rules, any use, creation or application of a USSSA mark without written permission of USSSA is a violation of Federal Trademark law and may result in prosecution by USSSA. If you have any concern about the person selling or providing you a bat, do not accept the bat, because you will be held responsible for any bat you bring into or use in a USSSA facility.
Updated 2/1/2012

NEW SOFTBALL RULES: USSSA CLASSIC M (men's) or CLASSIC W (women's). All new balls will be yellow (older ones may be white).

b. 12” Classic M Ball:
i. shall have an optic yellow cover
ii. shall have “USSSA CLASSIC M” in 1/8” letters and the
USSSA logo with a 1-1/8” diameter;
iii. shall have lettering and logo in blue color and such lettering
and logo shall be applied to be indelible;
iv. shall have a COR of 40 or less under the ASTM test used
under the USSSA Softball Ball License Agreement and
v. shall have a compression of 325 pounds or less under the
ASTM test used under the USSSA Softball Ball License Agreement.

e. 11” Classic W Ball:
i. shall have an optic yellow cover
ii. shall have “USSSA CLASSIC W” in 1/8” letters and the
USSSA logo with a 7/8” diameter
iii. shall have lettering and logo in blue color and such lettering
and logo shall be applied to be indelible
iv. shall have a COR of 44 or less under the ASTM test used
under the USSSA Softball Ball License Agreement and
v. shall have a compression of 400 pounds or less under the
ASTM test used under the USSSA Softball Ball License Agreement.

I am uploading the Fall Schedule for 2023 after I write this!


We have had some discussion for some possible things/changes in rules or what have you for the future. As we are so close to the start of Fall Season, we'll still take any and all of those into consideration. We'd like to consider all of these before we start the Spring Season in 2024 next year, typically the first week in April. We will have a coaches meeting at that time and that is when we will all hear/talk/converse about any possible rule changes, as well as decide on the annual work day we have  every year to make sure the field is in good shape! I hope everyone has had a great summer and going into Fall, we're all blessed more than we can fathom!

Summer Tournament 2023


Tuesday August 29


6:30 p.m. 4 seed Edmond Hawks(7) vs 5 seed Dons (9)


7:30 p.m. 1 seed Defenders (8) vs Winner Game 1 Dons (9)


8:30 p.m. 2 seed BFC (13) vs 3 seed Canadian Valley (0)


9:30 p.m. W G2 Dons (1) vs W G3 BFC (19)


BFC wins the Summer Tournament!


Great summer everyone!!! We'll start the Fall League on Tuesday Sept 12(week after Labor Day, 2 weeks from today). Schedule upcoming soon!

2023 Summer League/Tournament

We concluded the regular season tonight. The single elimination tournament will be next week on Tuesday, Aug 29th. There will be 4 games. Game 1 at 6:30 p.m. will be the 4th seeded Edmond Hawks vs the 5th seeded Dons. Game 2 at 7:30 p.m. will be the winner of game 1 vs the 1 seeded Defenders. Game 3 at 8:30 p.m. will be the 2 seeded BFC vs the 3 seeded Canadian Valley. Game 4 Championship Game will be the winner of Game 2 vs the winner of Game 3! Good luck everyone!!!!

Summer League update!

We were able to get our games in tonight before rain!!! The games from July 11, this past Tuesday, are rescheduled for Tuesday Aug 22 at the end of season.


Also, if anyone is able to go out and cut the absurdly tall grass jungle out behind the left center field fence it would be greatly appreciated!!! The city doesn't do it and we may lose some softballs if we don't!!! Thanks everyone!!!

Summer season is upon us almost! We've had a nice little break and we're ready to get cranking with the Summer season! Games will start on July 11 and, as always, will be played on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

Spring Tournament 2023

Tuesday June 13

6:30 p.m.  4 seed Forward Slashers vs  5 seed Canadian Valley - W

7:30 p.m. 2 seed Passion (16) vs 3 seed Edmond Hawks (15)

8:30 p.m. 1 seed BFC (16) vs W G1 Canadian Valley (4)

9:30 p.m. W G2 Passion (7) vs W G3 BFC (17)

BFC wins the Spring Tournament!



Spring 2023 Tournament

Spring Season Ending Tournament 2023:


Tournament will be one day, TUESDAY JUNE 13th

Game #1: 4 seed(Forward Slashers) vs 5 seed(Canadian Valley) at 6:30 p.m.

Game #2: 2 seed (Passion) vs 3 seed (Edmond Hawks) at 7:30 p.m.

Game #3: 1 seed (BFC) vs Winner of Game 1 at 8:30 p.m.

Game #4 (Championship Game) Winner of Game 2 vs Winner of Game 3 at 9:30 p.m.


IF for some strange reason the weather doesn't allow us to play Tuesday, we'll plan on playing Thursday the 15th!


Lotta rain recently but we finally got it all in!!!!


Also, please let Jason and/or I know if y'all will be playing in the summer season! It will start after July 4th, on either the 6th or the 11th. If you have some guys but not everyone that can play, I'm sure we've got a team that could use some for sure extras!!! Great season everyone! Now time for the tournament!

Spring League 2023

March 24, 2023

Ok everyone, the schedule is finally up! Good luck to everyone this season! First gameday of the Spring 2023 season is April 4th! If you have not gotten your league fees($475) in already, please try to do so either before the season or try and bring it at the first game. If you want to mail the check/money order, please send it to: 

Jason Ayers

Treasurer - YCAA

4312 Abigale Drive

Yukon, OK 73099

If Jason or myself are not there or do not play that night, message me and I will be glad to come to the park to meet you! Good luck this season everyone!!!

2023 Spring League

2023 Spring League is in the process of being organized. Contact President Lee Atkins to get your team signed up.

Men's league is normally Tuesday and/or Thursday nights (play 2 games one night per week).

COED, if enough teams sign up to make a league, normally plays on Monday nights.

Rainout Info

Rainouts will (hopefully) be determined around 4:30 to 5:00 on game day (pending when the official can get off work). 

Official will text coaches the if the games are rained out. The coaches can then notify their players.


Please turn off your cars headlights when entering the parking lots. It helps prevent blindness/distraction in the players facing the parking lot and just might prevent a person from getting hit with a batted ball. If you car headlights only "turn off automatically", then please park such that the lights don't shine onto the field. Thanks!


Please help keep the parks clean by picking up your trash before leaving the park (and be nice and pick up trash that others may have accidentally left behind).

Lost items are kept in the shed. Contact Lee Atkins or Rick Mattox, or an umpire between games to look for lost items. PLEASE WRITE YOUR NAME and/or PHONE NUMBER ON YOUR GLOVE WITH SHARPIE SO IT CAN BE RETURNED TO YOU!!!

2021 USSSA Rulebook


Spring/Summer 2021 Rule Clarifications/Changes:

USSSA Rules: USSSA rules will apply including the bat and ball specifications unless otherwise changed by the league. Additional info in "Forms - Handouts"

Home Runs - Changed to 2 + 1. Each team may hit 2 home runs per game. An additional home run may be hit only if the opposing team has the same amount or 1 more home runs. Otherwise a third home run, or a home run going that would cause your team to be 2 more than the opposing team has will count as an out.  Example 1: Visitor team has 1 home run and home team has 2 home runs. Home team hits additional ball over the fence is an out as that would be more than 2 home runs and 2 more than the opposing team.  Example 2: Both teams have hit 2 home runs, home team hits a ball over the fence is a home run as they would claim the +1. However, if the home team hits another ball over the fence before the visitor team it would be an out as it would be +2. If the visitor team hits a home run to even the count at 3, then again either team hitting the ball over the fence would be a home run.

 Run Rule:The game will be called by the run rule if one team is ahead of the other by:

               20 runs after any inning
               12 runs after the 3rd inning
               10 runs after the 4th inning
                 8 runs after the 5th inning
                 1 run after the 7th inning

Flip Flop rule: If beginning an inning in which the home team is losing by a margin that constitutes a run rule for that inning, then the home team will “flip/flop” and become the visiting team, and the original visiting team will become the home team. If the new visiting team does not score enough runs to reduce the run difference below the run rule, then the game is over. Example: Home team trails 19-10 after 4 innings. The run rule is 8 after 5, so the home team becomes the visiting team; they clear the bases and bat in the top of the 5th. If they don’t score at least 2 runs, the ball game is over

Substitute Runners: When coming up to bat if a player has a physical limitation that running bases would cause harm then before the first pitch of that at bat the player can inform the umpire that if reaching 1st base he will need a substitute runner. The player to be the runner will be the player farthest in the batting lineup not currently on a base. Example: If the #5 hole hitter is coming up to bat and informs the umpire of the need of a substitute runner, and the #4 hole hitter is on 3rd base, the #3 hole hitter is on 2nd base and the #2 hole hitter is on 1st base then upon reaching 1st base the #1 hole hitter would be the substitute runner.  This will prevent someone who reaches home on the last active play from having to immediately run again.  Basically, the substitute runner will be in the dugout during the time that the batter is hitting the ball and running to first.  Note: If an injury occurs to any player while running any base they can ask for a substitute runner. The intent of the rule is to avoid causing additional harm to a player with an injury. It is NOT to be used to exchange a slow runner with a faster runner.

Substitute Players: To avoid forfeits any player may be "picked up" by another team to make a 10 person roster. As a "gentleman's agreement" that substitute players must bat at the end of the lineup in order to give team members the most at bats and avoid picking up "ringers".  If your team has a full lineup, adding a additional substitute player is not appropriate. If the substitute player hasn't already signed an insurance release form for another team they must sign your team's release form before playing in the game.

Insurance Release Form - All players that play in any game for any team must sign an insurance release form (one form per player, not each team if substituting). Forms will be in the storage shed and should be signed before playing a game. See "Forms - Handouts" for a copy of the 2021 Insurance Release form. 

Field Maintenance:  If at any time anyone would like to perform maintenance of the field to fill in low spots in the batter's box, around the bases, holes in the outfield, weed trimming behind the outfield fence etc. please feel free to do so at your own availability. Excess dirt is always available in the dugouts (bring your own flat blade shovel and bucket if storage shed is locked) and/or can be pushed off the field (back side of large rake works great - an old one is normally accessible in one of the dugouts). Filling in the holes before expected rain and or adding water from a bucket to loose dirt in the batters box AFTER all games have been played for a night will greatly help reduce the number of rain outs for a "moderate" rain fall.  The league is open to a "Vice President of Volunteer Field Maintenance" if anyone is interested in the position. 

Protecting The Pitcher Rule: If in the umpires opinion a batter/player talks about and/or hits a ball up the middle/box with the intention to harm the pitcher, each team will have a representative called out and be warned after the first incident. After a second incident a player is ejected. After a third incident the game will be forfeited. (Taunting or trash talking about hitting up the middle/box will be considered unsportsmanlike conduct and a violation of the second and third incidents.). "The middle is open" is taunting and will get you ejected.

Pitchers/Catchers masks/shin guards are not required, but encouraged. Batters must avoid intentionally hitting the ball up the middle toward the pitcher.

Standings tie breakers - 1) Head to Head results 2) Total season run differential (runs scored minus runs allowed) 3) head to head run differential of team tied with




New USSSA Softball Bat Marks & Grandfathering Rules

Effective January 1, 2013
• Have the new permanent1 USSSA Mark on its taper OR
• Be a Wood Bat
ALL of the above must be manufactured by an approved USSSA Bat Licensee.

USSSA marks and other graphics of the bat must be applied permanently and must be applied by the USSSA licensed manufacturer. No stickers or decals are allowed and no one may add graphics to a bat once manufactured. Use of a bat with graphics not applied by the manufacturer will be use of an altered bat and subject to suspension under the USSSA Altered Bat rules. In addition to being violation of the USSSA Altered Bat rules, any use, creation or application of a USSSA mark without written permission of USSSA is a violation of Federal Trademark law and may result in prosecution by USSSA. If you have any concern about the person selling or providing you a bat, do not accept the bat, because you will be held responsible for any bat you bring into or use in a USSSA facility.
Updated 2/1/2012

NEW SOFTBALL RULES: USSSA CLASSIC M (men's) or CLASSIC W (women's). All new balls will be yellow (older ones may be white).

b. 12” Classic M Ball:
i. shall have an optic yellow cover
ii. shall have “USSSA CLASSIC M” in 1/8” letters and the
USSSA logo with a 1-1/8” diameter;
iii. shall have lettering and logo in blue color and such lettering
and logo shall be applied to be indelible;
iv. shall have a COR of 40 or less under the ASTM test used
under the USSSA Softball Ball License Agreement and
v. shall have a compression of 325 pounds or less under the
ASTM test used under the USSSA Softball Ball License Agreement.

e. 11” Classic W Ball:
i. shall have an optic yellow cover
ii. shall have “USSSA CLASSIC W” in 1/8” letters and the
USSSA logo with a 7/8” diameter
iii. shall have lettering and logo in blue color and such lettering
and logo shall be applied to be indelible
iv. shall have a COR of 44 or less under the ASTM test used
under the USSSA Softball Ball License Agreement and
v. shall have a compression of 400 pounds or less under the
ASTM test used under the USSSA Softball Ball License Agreement.

Message Forums

I modified the site to allow message forum posts to be allowed - no registering required.

I created a "Player Needing a Team" and "Team Needing Players" forums.

Look on the left down the menu for "Forum".

Also YCAA has a Facebook Page. It can be used to discuss league happenings and perhaps ask for a substitute player.

2022 Fall League

See special league rules and other information below.

Single Elimination Tournament Thursday October 6th

7pm Game 1 Edmond Hawks (2) vs Canadian Valley (10)
8pm Game 2 BFC (19) vs Passion (7)
9pm Game 3 Canadian Valley (12) vs BFC (20)

BFC wins Post Season Tournament..... See you next spring.


Final Regular Season Standings

2022 Summer Leage

Summer league double elimination tournament BFC defeats Canadian Valley 14-3 for championship.

August 2nd
Game 1 - 7pm - Canadian Valley vs PFB
Game 2 - 8pm - BFC vs Winner game 1 (PFB)

August 16th (Game times extended for tournament)

Game 3 - 7:00 pm - Canadian Valley vs PFB
Game 4 - 8:10 pm - BFC vs Winner Game 3 (If winner Game 2 wins Game 4 they are tourney champions)
Game 5 - 9:20 pm - Winner Game 4 vs Loser Game 4 (If necessary)

Summer League final standings.

2022 Spring League

Spring Tournament - BFC defeats Bethesda 17-14 to win the post season tourney (in the "if necessary" game).

Final Standings Spring 2022

June 7th games (from April 5th=>May 24th=>June 7th) postponed due to no lights/threatening weather. Moved to June 14th

June 2nd games (from May 12th and June 2nd) postponed due to wet fields. Moved to June 9th.

May 31st games (from April 5th=>May 24th) postponed due to no lights/threatening weather. Moved to June 7th

May 26th games (from May 12th) postponed due to wet field. Moved to June 2nd

May 24th games (from April 5th) postponed due to wet field. Moved to May 31st

May 12th games postponed due to conflicts with graduations/illness/etc. Moved to May 26th

May 5th games postponed due to wet field. Moved to May 19th. 

May 3rd games postponed due to wet field. Moved to May 17th. 

April 26th games - swapped times - see schedule.

April 5th games postponed due to wet field. Moved to May 24th

Spring league schedule is now up - starting April 5th. 

2021 - Fall League

2021 Post Season Tournament to be played on Thursday 10/21

6:30 - #2 CHBC defeats #3 Misfits 13-9
7:30 - #1 BFC defeats #4 Defenders 20-8
8:30 - CHBC squeaks out a victory over BFC 23-18 to win tournament
9:30 - Misfits beat Defenders 17-14

2021 Fall Season Final Standings


Thursday 9/30 games postponed due to rain. Moved to TUESDAY October 12th.

$275 Entry Fee due as soon as possible

After season one night tournament to be scheduled - Tentative date Oct 14th - may be moved due to rain out makeups and Fall Break conflicts.

2021 Summer League

2021 Summer League Regular season final standings

Post season tourney group 1 - CHBC 2-0, BFC 1-1, Bethesda 0-2

Post season tourney group 2 - Canceled due to COVID and lack of team availability

RAIN OUT - Tuesday Aug 17th games rained out - will be played Tuesday Aug 24th.  Post season round robin tourney that was to be played on Aug 24 will now be on Aug 31.

TIME CHANGE - THURSDAY JULY 29th game times have to changed to accommodate a VBS schedule.

 Insurance release forms will be at the ballpark for each player to enter their information and sign (yes, again). Without the forms our insurance fees would more than double and would greatly increase the league fees for each team. Should you want to get a head start on filling out the form a blank one is attached in the "Forms - Handouts" section.

Rules reminder - Batters who properly requested a sub runner who earn a "walk" are required to actually get themselves to first base before the sub runner takes over.  Those healthy enough to hit a home run over the fence don't have to run the bases.

First base - Safety base to avoid collisions is in use - Orange bag (foul side of the line) is for the batter to run through when there is a play at first base. White bag (fair side of the line) is for the first baseman.  When there isn't a play at first base then runner can use white bag to round the base to head toward second base.  Once safely on first, runner is to use the white bag only.

2021 - Spring League

Post Season Tourney results:

Upper: OKC Betheseda 3-0; BFC 2-1; CHBC 1-2; Passion 0-3

Lower: Forward Slashers 2-0; Canadian Valley 1-1; Now Quit 0-2

Regular Season Results


Tuesday 6/1 games rained out - rescheduled to Tuesday June 29.

Thursday 5/27 games rained out - rescheduled to Thursday June 24.

Tuesday 5/25 games rained out - rescheduled to Tuesday June 22.

Tuesday May 11 games rained out - rescheduled to Friday May 14

Note - our rainedout.com notification service is no longer free and therefore will not be used.

 2021 - Spring league schedule is now up. If you are interested in having a team in our Summer league (July-September) please contact President Lee Atkins (864) 316-7843

USSSA Rules have changed and we can no longer allow anyone under age 18 playing, even if they have a parental waiver. See page 72 of the USSSA Spring 2020 Rules.

ARTICLE IV - INDIVIDUAL PLAYER ELIGIBILITY Sec. 1. A player is eligible to compete in the USSSA program as long as he abides by the USSSA Constitution, By-Laws, and Playing Rules, when listed as a member of an eligible team. All adult players must be 18-years or older.

INSURANCE RELEASE - Every player must sign an insurance release form before playing in any YCAA USSSA games.

See //s3.amazonaws.com/my.llfiles.com/00142531/2021-YCAA-Insurance-Release-Team-Form.pdf

2019 Summer League

Final Results:

06 BFC Blue 18 17 1 0 .944 -- 270 135 135
05 BFC Red 18 14 4 0 .778 3.0 258 160 98
02 Dadbods 18 10 8 0 .556 7.0 240 207 33
03 CHBC 18 8 10 0 .444 9.0 190 176 14
01 Kessler 18 8 10 0 .444 9.0 192 220 -28
04 BFC Black 18 4 14 0 .222 13.0 164 276 -112
07 Crossings 18 2 16 0 .111 15.0 154 294 -140

2019 Spring League


Chisholm Heights wins Spring league with 11-3 record. No Quit is second with 9-4 record. Ragtag Naz 5-9, Crossings 5-9 and FUMC Yukon 4-9

2018 Summer League

Faith Church wins the league with 16 wins and 2 losses.



2018 Spring League


Men's League winner - Chisholm Heights #1 (14-2)

2017 Fall Men's League

2017 Fall League Winner:

Men's - CHBC


2017 Summer League

2018 Summer League Winners:

COED - West Point
Men's - CHBC #1


2017 Spring League

COED Champion - West Point Christian

Men's Champion - OKC Nazarene