- Next Board Meeting - Monday, Oct 7th at 8:00 p.m. - Norm's Pizza, Wilkes-Barre, PA
- WVJFC Cheer Competition @Nanticoke HS Sept. 21st
Teams of the WVJFC
The objective of Wyoming Valley Junior Football Conference (WVJFC) is to maintain a program of supervised football for children ages 5 to 13 and cheerleading children ages 5 to 14.
This website is intended to support the teams of the WVJFC and to provide information regarding our program to the general public.
We are very excited for the 2019 Season and we are proud to be the premier youth football conference in Northeastern Pennsylvania!
WVJFC Discount Weekend at Dick's Sporting Goods
2019 Dick's Sporting Goods Coupons
20% Off Entire Order (Date TBA)
Schuylkill Valley Sports, at the Wyoming Valley Mall, is offering a 3-Day Discount Weekend for Everyone in the WVJFC! Stop into the Store next Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (TBA) and save on whatever you need for the season!
Cleats, Cheer Shoes, Pads, Practice Gear, and Accessories!
Wyoming Valley Junior Football Conference
Thanks to Norm's Pizza - Wilkes-Barre, PA
A special THANK YOU to Norm's Pizza & Eatery in Wilkes-Barre for allowing the WVJFC to conduct our board meetings at your establishment. We sincerely appreciate it!!!
Norm's Pizza & Eatery
(570) 821-7000
275 N. Sherman Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
Mon - Thu: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Fri - Sat: 11:00 am - 11:00 pm
Sun: 12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Leadership WB project focuses on youth football concussion awareness
For more information:
Thank you for supporting the WVJFC and thank you to Grotto Pizza for allowing us to hold a fundraiser !
Proud Participant of USA Football
WVJFC Fundraiser
APRIL 8, 2018
Thank you to the parents, youth athletes, and volunteers who came out for our Punt, Pass, Kick and Speed Competition & concussion education event. We hope a great time was had by all and some valuable information learned to help keep our kids safe while enjoying the game.
Headlines |
Punt Pass kick |