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Author TOPIC: Who is going to win it all ??

September 1, 2006
3:19:26 PM

Entry #: 1654581
Just wondering who people think has the best chance of winning it all.


September 1, 2006
3:24:44 PM

Entry #: 1654593
no contest this year. PNA wins it all. Defending Champs CMC lost too many players. JRs is out. Hell Fire shot their load winning 2 State hunger left. And of course, pre-season favorite and last years runners up Botelho Insurance already won the real Sunday Warwick that is.

Uncle Mertog

September 1, 2006
3:30:53 PM

Entry #: 1654607
PNA vs. TriState: PNA sweeps this one and moves on.

CM vs. DelPadre: I call this one a sweep too, and CM moves on.

VFW and PUB: I'd like to say PUB can make some noise, but more likely VFW sweeps and moves on.

Europa and Crowe: Interesting matchup, and no question the most interesting of the 1st round. This one goes three games, but Europa pulls it out and moves on. Europa is the hottest team right now.

Essentially the top four teams move on and the second round should be 1 vs. 4 and 2 vs. 3, making it PNA vs. Europa and CM vs. VFW.

PNA vs. Europa: Europa is as I said the hottest team out there right now and I see this being a very tough matchup, but PNA has too much experience and takes it narrowly. The Naaaa moves on.

CM vs. VFW: Both teams are extremely good teams, Multon hung on through controversy and made a great run, but the VFW puts an end to it and moves on.

PNA vs VFW: This will be a great game, but I have to go with the VFW to pull it off. They really are just that good this year.

Good luck to all teams.


September 1, 2006
3:49:03 PM

Entry #: 1654648
depending on the bracket?? pna vs cm.
heres the question? CM w/ or without Jmmy George. ahah will he fly in like a mirrabelli move? will it be a healthy jimmy or a broken femer? or broken shoulder? i say jimmy vs the pna, jimmy wins. jimmy and CM. cm. a mini jimmy and cm. cm. mini jimmy vs pna? mini jimmy 5 pna 4. he slid under the tag at home plate for the win

Uncle Mertog

September 1, 2006
5:19:01 PM

Entry #: 1654809 sound like that skit from SNL.

In a softball game, who would win, DA Bears or the VFW?

DA Bears. DA Bears 4001 VFW 2.

How about Ditka vs. PNA?

DITKA wins but it is a tight one, I say Ditka 700 PNA 12.

September 2, 2006
1:01:37 AM

Entry #: 1655331


September 2, 2006
4:57:57 PM

Entry #: 1656042
My Vote Is For Moulton Go CM They Just wanna Drink Beers Eat Wings And Swear cant argue with that


September 2, 2006
7:10:21 PM

Entry #: 1656176
i would like to see CM, cause i have a few friends over their, BUT i would like to see a young team like europa and delpadre pull a upset. or maybe mertdog for stickin by JRs teh whole yr

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