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March 4, 2007
10:03:00 PM

Entry #: 1970870
Ian, with all the positive changes to the league this offseason, one more is needed! I think we need to go back to having to sign in to post. Every ridiculous post on here is written by "guys" who dont have the guts to use their real names. I just dont understand how you can have something to say but not want anyone to know you said it, get some balls and stand behind what you write. I can't wait for all the nameless responses to this!



March 5, 2007
4:52:45 PM

Entry #: 1972753
i agree that the nameless comments are a problem. however, it does 1)generate more interest 2)give us something to talk about 3)save the trouble of logging in when you want to post and finally people had anonymous names before registered to fake emails

but im interested to hear other peoples opinions and ideas


March 5, 2007
7:30:27 PM

Entry #: 1973262
I Agree i talk shit in here and make comments but we arent here to belittle anyone or make fun of them if that were the case hell id b raggin on my own team more than anyone elses its all in good fun maybe the no name people have never experienced a winning season ? a trip to the playoffs? and there bitter whatever it be sign your name b a man cause theres no girls allowed in this league


March 5, 2007
8:06:34 PM

Entry #: 1973366
someone is trying hard to prove anthonys point by ripping him apart. let's not forget that up until last year this site didn't exist. also, people have suggested all along that the message board be taken down. so, i think this board is something that makes the league fun, and i know it gets people like ryno thru some long days at work, but lets remember it can be closed with about three clicks........i guess the players will decide (i have no interest in sounding like anyones mother, but my name is attached to the site and i don't feel like getting calls this year, like i did last year, from people complaining about it)

too lazy to sign in

March 5, 2007
8:31:09 PM

Entry #: 1973443
Keep the smack! I don't know what i'll do w/o a classic Artie Karate post.


March 6, 2007
7:46:39 AM

Entry #: 1974214
You should be able to get the registration with a real email address where the site has to send a link to that email to complete and confirm registration.
I would like to keep the board going because I have fun with the guys that I know. But having to deal with comments from the cowardly lions is getting sickening.

don king not a communist

March 8, 2007
10:08:42 PM

Entry #: 1982358
then stay home if you don't like it around here punk!! like that ?
this is an open message board like most others
and if you want to just talk among friends you know then stick to emailing among your own personal networks......this is america,you have a choice. don't take so personal because people are who they are and the sooner you realize know one is perfect..the better your outlook of life will be.


March 9, 2007
2:49:08 PM

Entry #: 1983786
And people like you can keep running your mouths and not being man enough to stand up for what you have to say. My outlook is that you are a loser and a pussy.


March 9, 2007
3:53:11 PM

Entry #: 1983939
Come on Ryno, Ians right it adds something to the site when someone signs their name and intelligently adds to the discussion, and the next person makes up a name and then spews a bunch of nonsense. Watch what follows this.

kurt angle

March 9, 2007
5:05:30 PM

Entry #: 1984116
Ant likes men , its true !!! its true !!!

sir elton

March 9, 2007
11:17:00 PM

Entry #: 1984971
hi ryno you big boy
ryno doesn't like pussy
he likes the big manly men who post their name


March 10, 2007
10:12:29 AM

Entry #: 1985347
Yes you should tell me who you are so I can make you my prison bitch.

Jeff C

March 14, 2007
10:07:05 AM

Entry #: 1996966
You have to sign in again...

Jeff C

March 14, 2007
10:49:28 AM

Entry #: 1997082
So if you miss these monkeys talking shit you have to amuse yourself....

Try this...


April 30, 2007
8:58:42 AM

Entry #: 2107918
Where is everyone now? Oh yeah Ian is smart enough to know how to track you so now you have to be accountable for what you say.

Brian Stevens

April 30, 2007
10:00:40 PM

Entry #: 2109939
Fuck you Ian- oops...I forgot that we were having to sign in again. Sorry. Hey- Jeff let me make the lineup this week and I am 2-0 at the helm! I can hit, run, or field anymore but I am one hell of a manager. Had enough sense to bat myself last.

Brian Stevens

April 30, 2007
10:02:53 PM

Entry #: 2109948
correction...that is I can't run, hit, or field. I figure I would correct that before someone else did.

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