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Author TOPIC: Crowe Board Domination

July 28, 2008
7:22:10 PM

Entry #: 2847793
Should we rename this the Crowe Bar message board? Love having all the Crowe guys posting. Some really funny shit and great brownwater rafting adventures. Did the rest of the league get scared away? Only decigram4decigram seems to be responding.
Hinske always has something to say.
Demonti. Is he a rampaging animal on the verge of destruction or behind that hard shell is there a sensitive man? Only he knows for sure.
Rockstar and Zabbo. Haven't heard a peep for 2 years now all of a sudden they are all over the place.
Dionne. You know he makes out the lineup according to postings.
I was originally going to miss the Crowe game but now I think I have to go just to keep up pace on the boards.

The Zabbo

July 28, 2008
7:31:11 PM

Entry #: 2847804
Rock and I finally got running water and electricty this year, there for we are a lil hog wild about the for the rest of my team..well they speak for themselves..haha


July 28, 2008
8:47:19 PM

Entry #: 2847894
HAHAHA What did you guys do tap into the Crowe bar electric supply and open your front door to the Pawtuxet to have running water?


July 29, 2008
7:29:35 AM

Entry #: 2848323
Sorry to miss you Saturday at your dad's birthday party Ryno. Hope he liked the new trailer we got him. As to the Crowe ruling the message board, you bet your ass. If our team didn't post then all you'd read about is Ryman and his bats and how he needs a new job.


July 29, 2008
8:23:06 AM

Entry #: 2848366
the intimidation factor now everyone is so scared to piss off rockstar, demonte and tommy guns that they all have their heads in the sand. this oz4oz (ryno must quote the source) seems to be trying to crowe bar no pun intended his way into the lineup.


July 29, 2008
8:57:20 AM

Entry #: 2848396
scared? fuck demon-ti, fuck rockstar and fuck tommy guns. cuz i sure would fuck all three of em. i mean fuck em up yeah yeah thats what i meant.


July 29, 2008
9:27:52 AM

Entry #: 2848430
hey ern, i love ya bro but i sure as hell hope you dont want to actually fuck because that would be just plain wrong, and by the way great job at first on saturday, you da man!
hinske, you da man too bro, love ya!


July 29, 2008
9:30:55 AM

Entry #: 2848437
The spelling police have arrived i reserve the right to spell demonski's name any damn way i see fit.

demonski a little sarcasim is senced in your last post.


July 29, 2008
11:07:43 AM

Entry #: 2848611
Mick Delmonte is never sarcastic hahaha yea ok...and Goodwin is the originator of saying Demonski's name different ways. Where is Goodwin? I could stand to read some of his examples of Demontiriguez's name.


July 29, 2008
5:37:48 PM

Entry #: 2849420
I feel as though I am Crowe material. I fit right in over there. I mean, without the tats and sunday public drunkeness. Well, maybe I dont fit in but I def like the way they play. Went to the weekly meeting in place of Ian last night....and, in addition to Helen giving Artie the smackdown..which is hilarious in its own right...Helen asked that we limit the profanity and homoerotic overtures in our SMACK. So, what this means is that EW and Dutilly have no material and we have seen the last of their posts. In addition to Hoddes wife, Helen is reading the SMACK. And many many others I suppose. { there will be absoultely NO taking on Helen in SMACK fellas. She is the Patron Saint of this league and without her I guaranteedamntee you..( phrase stolen from Ian which was prob stolen from Bags )..artie would be driving a Porshe if not for Helens bulldog protection of our franchise and bank account}. Anyway, lb4lb out. Going to egg considine's house


July 30, 2008
3:51:09 PM

Entry #: 2850914
lb 4lb how did it feel to be ian for that night . and did you go home to kate ?


July 30, 2008
4:42:56 PM

Entry #: 2851002
Trailer was cool Josh. Thanks. Totally unexpected.

See all you have to do is make these guys feel like pussies and they all start posting again. Except Ryman. I believe Ernie has lured him into his lair. IT PUTS THE LOTION ON THE SKIN!


July 30, 2008
11:36:37 PM

Entry #: 2851584
Hodde..I did my best to act as Ian would.In fact I have a band I wear on my wrist to remind that has " WWID"...What Would Ian times of trouble, I refer to that wrist band to help me make lifes toughdecisions decisions. That said,I voted against whatever Artie was voting for...I kissed Helens ass,paid proper respect to league elders Rob Raymond and you and made damn sure I got on OAWMFs good side! Chewed tobacco, drank a beer, went home where Kate was already asleep and I was glad because I wanted to get right to SMACK and updating the stats. Good meeting. I'd do it again

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