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Author TOPIC: 205.6

January 25, 2009
12:13:20 PM

Entry #: 3038477
that right my new weight looks like someone is slimming down in the offseason so thats 55 pounds lighter than EW and 20 less than smitty


January 25, 2009
3:57:23 PM

Entry #: 3038573
Hey Bob, do you want to loose another 15lbs of ugly weight?


January 25, 2009
5:14:39 PM

Entry #: 3038607
With teeth?


January 25, 2009
5:24:08 PM

Entry #: 3038616
with teeth and bob im afraid to answer that question


January 25, 2009
5:43:23 PM

Entry #: 3038626
you must be talking about ernies 15 pound head that is always buried between my legs


January 25, 2009
5:54:18 PM

Entry #: 3038633
At 5'6"' you are still a fat fucker.


January 25, 2009
8:22:50 PM

Entry #: 3038735
5'6 thats still a ft taller than eddy martin

E W 3 3

January 25, 2009
9:35:51 PM

Entry #: 3038790
205.6 means you can get to the ball faster....but once u get there you are still just as fucked as when you weighed 230.


January 26, 2009
7:45:45 AM

Entry #: 3038928
Ernie's head always seems to end in your lap!!


January 26, 2009
7:55:43 AM

Entry #: 3038931
hopefully bob grew another arm to put a glove on so he can make himself look foolish twice when he misses the ball with both gloves


January 26, 2009
8:53:51 AM

Entry #: 3038967
I hear that Dutilly & Ernie are like Linus & his blanket.....Bobby( Linus) can't funtion or finish with out Ernie( the blankie) when it comes to playing the outfield


January 26, 2009
5:46:43 PM

Entry #: 3039472
wheres riley been? you out there? dont make me insult you to get a response


January 26, 2009
5:49:39 PM

Entry #: 3039475
hey dutilly im not a foot shorter than uand not ernies in your mouth and at least i can catch a ball

E W 3 3

January 26, 2009
5:59:08 PM

Entry #: 3039487
eddy you are on my shit list for closing the pna before 11 last tuesday. You had 4 customers there at 1040 but the doors were locked and lights off. Does being a member get us a key lol.


January 26, 2009
6:35:52 PM

Entry #: 3039532
how can eddy lock up? he cant even reach the doorhandle


January 27, 2009
6:01:24 AM

Entry #: 3039946
ernie i dont work tuesdays ,but if u call someone then stay and wait if they know someones coming in


January 27, 2009
11:02:19 AM

Entry #: 3040119
I asked Bob how he is losing the weight and how he is doing it so Stevens and i could try it and this what he suggested.
Its a little long but worth it i thought

Bob called a company and ordered their 5-day, 10 lb. Weight loss program.
The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck.
She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company. The sign reads, 'If you can catch me, you can have me.'

Without a second thought, he takes off after her. A few miles later huffing and puffing, he finally gives up.

The same girl shows up for the next four days and the same thing happens. On the fifth day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 10 lbs. as promised.

He calls the company and orders their 5-day/20 pound program.

The next day there's a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning, beautiful, sexy woman he has ever seen in his life.. She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads, 'If you catch me you can have me'.

Well, he's out the door after her like a shot. This girl is in excellent shape and he does his best, but no such luck. So for the next four days, the same routine happens with him gradually getting in better and better shape.

Much to his delight on the fifth day when he weighs himself, he discovers that he has lost another 20 lbs. As promised. He decides to go for broke and calls the company to order the 7-day/50 pound program.

'Are you sure?' asks the representative on the phone. 'This is our most rigorous program.'

'Absolutely,' he replies, 'I haven't felt this good in years.'

The next day there's a knock at the door and when he opens it he finds a huge muscular guy standing there wearing nothing but pink running shoes and a sign around his neck that reads, 'If I catch you, your mine!'

He lost 63 pounds that week.


January 27, 2009
1:05:59 PM

Entry #: 3040248
gopher and stevens immediately ordered several 7 day/50 pound programs all to be delivered at the same time.

due to their embarrassment, they both had the packages delivered to their backdoors.

Stevens 4

January 27, 2009
1:51:04 PM

Entry #: 3040290
i got a huge packet that I am going to deliver to your back door....oh wait...strike that.

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